I haven't watched it in a long, long time, but I'm almost positive that 11's disguise was based on ET's.
The disguise scene is likely inspired by ET, but it doesn't look like the disguise itself is based on ET outside of the wig.

I haven't watched it in a long, long time, but I'm almost positive that 11's disguise was based on ET's.
Well we really know nothing of the monster by design. It seemingly has some intelligence but it seems mainly animal in intelligence. It has some kind of innate ability to create gateways between dimensions, but it doesn't seem to be a conscious ability like 11's. At the same time, it seems that it was somehow restricted to opening a gateway into the research facility until 11 escaped. Maybe we will get more explanation in a sequel, maybe not. I do wonder if there are multiple parallel dimensions and the upside down world looks like it does because of the monster, and maybe that is what could end up happening to 'our' world.I really don't understand the monster.
+Why does it feed immediately on some but stores others?
+Why does it go after humans when animals are an easier prey?
+If its motive was solely food, why did it seek out 11 near the end while ignoring all the dead bodies?
+Why was it never drawn to 11's blood?
+It can seemingly teleport between dimensions, yet when it brings someone, the person it brought seemingly arrives beforehand, allowing them time to escape.
Obviously the show didn't seek out to explain everything (at the end they even joke about all the unresolved questions), but I don't get why it seemingly went against its nature and why Will was given so many chances to survive.
Season 2 Teaser?
"Will is not the first missing child."
"Eleven is not the first experiment."
"Monsters are real."
"Hawkins Lab will stop at nothing to keep these secrets."
AW YISS.. Plural (monsterssssss)
When the doc was talking to mike's parents, he said they were missing 6 people, or something along those lines right?. We rescued 1 and seen barb dead. So that means we have 4 unknown wearabouts?
What if we seen more than one monster, but thought it was just the same one?! O_O .....
There were 6 people taken or at least that's what Dr. Brenner says. The six being:
1. Will
2. Barb
3. The soldier sent into the rift by Brenner
4. The scientist taking in the intro scene of episode 1
5 & 6. We never see but there is talk about how 2 hunters went into the woods but never came back
If you recall when the enter the school in the upside down to rescue will there is another body that's stuck in the goo, unless that was Barb?
I really don't understand the monster.
+Why does it feed immediately on some but stores others?
+Why does it go after humans when animals are an easier prey?
+If its motive was solely food, why did it seek out 11 near the end while ignoring all the dead bodies?
+Why was it never drawn to 11's blood?
+It can seemingly teleport between dimensions, yet when it brings someone, the person it brought seemingly arrives beforehand, allowing them time to escape.
Obviously the show didn't seek out to explain everything (at the end they even joke about all the unresolved questions), but I don't get why it seemingly went against its nature and why Will was given so many chances to survive.
It low key seems like people are hating on Steve just because the guy is a jock. I'm guessing everyone (most) hating on him weren't on the popular spectrum in high school and somehow channeling salt towards him. I even read a hilarious editorial piece by a chick hating on him, pretty hilarious stuff.I'm tired of everyone hating on Steve. In no way did his character go the way I expected him to go.
1) He respected Nancy when she asked him to slow down, didn't get mad, and actually helped her study. This is in the first episode - he's already playing against expectations.
2) He was nice/polite to Barb at his party, and tried to involve her.
3) After he and Nancy hooked up he wants to continue a relationship with her. He genuinely cares about her.
4) Although him smashing up Jonathan's camera is undoubtedly a dick move, there's no denying Jonathan had it coming, and honestly I think he got off easy, all things considering. Steve showed restraint.
5) Although he was wrapped up in spray-painting the Nancy graffiti, it's clear he was being dragged along by his shitty friends, and he wasn't the instigator. He was remorseful, even in the moment.
6) He shows up at the Byers' house, the house of the guy he thinks has stolen his girl, just in an effort to be a good person and set things right. And then...
7) He proceeds to COMPLETELY FUCK UP a supernatural monster, even though until that exact moment he had 0 indication there was even anything supernatural going on in town. His life went from 0-60 in about three seconds flat, and he didn't miss a beat.
There are a couple of issues, here. First off, him teasing/accusing Jonathan of probably killing his own brother is pretty inexcusable. And him not caring that Barb just completely up and disappeared is pretty bad, too.
But even with those two knocks against him, I think it's clear that Steve is much more than "typical '80s dick boyfriend." Don't tell me you didn't expect him and his goons to do something mean to Barb at that party. Steve's not a bad guy - he's just a typical high school boy with terrible parents.
It low key seems like people are hating on Steve just because the guy is a jock. I'm guessing everyone (most) hating on him weren't on the popular spectrum in high school and somehow channeling salt towards him. I even read a hilarious editorial piece by a chick hating on him, pretty hilarious stuff.
Also doesn't he say did you give it to him when addressing Nancy at the end of the season? I get the feeling he bought it for him since he broke it and has money instead of Nancy, just didn't want to hand it himself. Even the way she worded gift to Jonathan when she gave it to him sounded weird. This one of the best casts overall I've seen on TV for some time.
- as far as I understood, the "stored" people got used as incubators for the worms. It makes sense that it would eat some and use some for breeding. Maybe animals can't be used for breeding for some reason.
- it knows eleven and wants her for some reason, like Papa said "it called to you".
- was eleven ever bleeding within the monster's territory?
- I was also wondering why it caught people and then seemingly let them go. I would assume Will was taken in for incubation but managed to escape, but then there's Barb in the pool.
My thoughts on that: I wonder if it's able to transport it's pray, but cannot transport itself. It makes portals (in a wall or in a tree). So it "eats" you, drops you off in a middle of upside down, then goes to it's portal and chases you around in upside down.
It low key seems like people are hating on Steve just because the guy is a jock. I'm guessing everyone (most) hating on him weren't on the popular spectrum in high school and somehow channeling salt towards him. I even read a hilarious editorial piece by a chick hating on him, pretty hilarious stuff.
Also doesn't he say did you give it to him when addressing Nancy at the end of the season? I get the feeling he bought it for him since he broke it and has money instead of Nancy, just didn't want to hand it himself. Even the way she worded gift to Jonathan when she gave it to him sounded weird. This one of the best casts overall I've seen on TV for some time.
The monster is a portal in of itself it seems. It basically eats you in the real world and you are transported to the Upside Down where it then catches you for real. Will was able to escape after he was transported over but Barb was screwed as she was inside an empty pool with the monster.
I'm doubting that part.
Definitely. I thought he would be an asshole until he started to casually let her study. Then after that he got me pissed off but turned it around. Don't like either of his two friends though -_-I mean, they play it off so you're kind of meant to hate him for breaking the camera and acting kinda douchy.. but at the same time, Jonathan was taking the inappropriate photos etc. I felt the whole cast acted very convincingly and believably as mid-80's teenagers. Nothing was black-and-white, cut-and-dry stereotypical for the most part.
And yeah I felt like the camera was from Steve as well, and I assume Jonathan had to realize that too.
Loved it.
Lots of details on where S2 might go in this IGN interview:
Watched the whole show yesterday (sue me). Was pretty good, though I'm not sure I'm down for a second season-- it seemed like it could've been just a one-and-done series, but I guess we'll see what to do with them.
One thing that bothered me and I didn't see discussed: what was the point of Nancy/Jonathan's whole trapping of the monster? It didn't seem to leave any permanent harm (and since later we see the Energy Depart. emptying clips into with barely any effect, it's not likely they did much damage).
I guess the point was to distract it for a while, allowing Hopp to get to Will. But still, I feel like it could've been cut (not that it should, but could) and the story would still make sense.
Also, I was really surprised Hopp actually sold out Eleven and the kids. After all the flashbacks I thought he's gonna be super-sympathetic towards her (though they weren't seen interacting) and that he just sent them on a goose-chase.
Watched the whole show yesterday (sue me). Was pretty good, though I'm not sure I'm down for a second season-- it seemed like it could've been just a one-and-done series, but I guess we'll see what to do with them.
One thing that bothered me and I didn't see discussed: what was the point of Nancy/Jonathan's whole trapping of the monster?
Pretty good.
The Monster is dumb as hell, though. It couldn't find big sister in its own woods? Plus if the "upside down" is so toxic as Papa said, how did big sister and Will manage to survive in there without a suit?
I don't think Upside Down was toxic, just that papa thought it was.
Will was pretty sick once they got him, so I figured he wasn't lying or wrong when he said it was toxic.
Or a week with no food and water, running away from a monster, and being saved mid incubation will have you feeling like shit.
I've been assuming it was a combination of no real food/water, cold, and a kind of emotional/psychological sickness on top of whatever physical poison is in the air. Seemed like some dank spores in there but not necessarily enough to make you keel over right away. The suits would be a logical precaution when sending people into a slimy mysterious hellscape and having them contributed to the atmosphere. If we do or don't end up needing them, I think it's fine either way.Or one of the show's plot points could, you know, not be pointless and serve a purpose like it's presented in the show.
I've been assuming it was a combination of no real food/water, cold, and a kind of emotional/psychological sickness on top of whatever physical poison is in the air. Seemed like some dank spores in there but not necessarily enough to make you keel over right away. The suits would be a logical precaution when sending people into a slimy mysterious hellscape and having them contributed to the atmosphere. If we do or don't end up needing them, I think it's fine either way.
Started and finished it yesterday, it was really fantastic until they revealed the mystery, the parallel universe. After that moment it felt very predictable and the shine kinda wore off, and it felt like it borrowed way too much from Fringe.
It was a great show overall, but there was a pretty massive discrepancy in how intriguing and captivating it was before and after the revelation of the parallel universe.
But Fringe is the first of them I loved to watch.Fringe is hardly the originator of that idea let alone the one that does it best. Shit the X Files did this stuff in the 90's and many other movies and shows did it before that.
But Fringe is the first of them I loved to watch.
I didn't think I needed to add an "for me" :/
Ooh I forgot to mention the kids, they did an incredible job at acting holy shit. The three of them put experienced Hollywood actors to shame.
Ooh I forgot to mention the kids, they did an incredible job at acting holy shit. The three of them put experienced Hollywood actors to shame.
That's just hyperbole.
The main kid was fine, his friends had way less to deliver, Dustin especially was written as a comedic relief. El was cool too but again, not very traditional role and had barely any dialogue.
Or one of the show's plot points could, you know, not be pointless and serve a purpose like it's presented in the show.
The length of time you can endure the environment is unknown to the viewer, as is the effect. What we know is that electronic and radio technology has interference, that suits were warranted either by precaution or necessity, and that our average child protagonist is alive but failing fast. I personally attributed his weeklong survival to him being careful and observant (he's able to hide just long enough to observe the creature's behavior/patterns, but gets nabbed as he gets weaker.) There's surely an element of Spielbergian "pluckiness" to his character but I didn't think it was too much so, given the fact that he DOES get nabbed and nearly died rather than marching out of the upside down with warpaint on his face and the creature's head on a pike.The plot demanded that Will survive even though it makes no sense at all. I mean in the beginning of the show I thought Will had some kind of powers as well because he wasn't killed in the otherworld and we even had scenes where the monster was very close to him multiple times without being able to catch him.
That's not even accounting the fact that you will die pretty fast of hypothermia/thirst/poison in otherworld.
And why would the white haired man be wrong about the poisonous air? They've surely sent all kinds of probes to there for measuring before they sent the scientist.
oh my gwadalso