Boxer had it worse. All he did was roll his Googley eyes off a cliff with Honda.
Capcom did something similar with Megaman/Rockman too.
Oh and just wanted to post the best villain track in a japanese video game based anime
This is my jam when Ryu and Ken beat up Dictator.
Don't you dare make me go back and watch them. I can't stand taht artstyle =_=
Plus the first 2 movies had forced female love interest that dies I think?
Also bishi Krauser
Oh god my head...
Did they ever explain the googley eyes? Like, it wasn't an animation "mistake" because they just KEPT doing it with him, in every frame of that fight, quite deliberately. The animation quality was strong enough that it had to be a deliberate choice.
So wait. Was a government entity involved with the original release of the movie?
No, you're absolutely right.Am I the only one who thinks the lead-up to the Chun-Li vs Vega fight works as way more than just fanservice? I love the music and visuals and sound design in it. The contrast between the cold blues of the staircase Vega makes his way up and the very soothing, warm tones of Chun-Li's apartment, combined with the dreamy-but-ominous music. Even the shower scene really sells the sense of warmth and privacy and vulnerability to me, and makes the whole home invasion aspect of the scene so much stronger.
I dunno if that was really intended but I found it so well done in a way that makes it hold up better than woo anime boobs".
Coming out on Bluray in America soon from Discotek.
Bengus recreated it beautifully
I just want to clarify that, AFAIK, the Japanese releases of the film have all been uncensored. Only the pre-Blu-ray international releases have been messed with.
When? Source?
The artwork on the DVD looks gorgeous, by the way.
When? Source?
Sagat had a very important role in the movie. Being defeated by an exhausted Ryu shows just how strong he and Ryu are. Ryu is the strongest fighter ever and he was tested by Sagat.
Sagat was then bitch slapped and put in his place by Bison. This guy had a good showing against Ryu but wouldn't dare speak his mind against Bison. This shows the audience that Bison is strong as hell.
Boxer had it worse. All he did was roll his Googley eyes off a cliff with Honda.
No, you're absolutely right.
Almost every fighting game anime adaption I've seen - Fatal Fury, Tekken, Battle Arena Toshinden, etc. - they all just have completely pointless, gratuitous shower scenes. They have no point. They're just... there. For fanservice.
Chun-li's shower scene actually *gasp!* serves a point. For one, she's not just alone; it's during a scene right after we've been told Vega was sent to kill her. We spend more time with him creeping around the apartment, trying to find the spot for the kill, spying on her... it's a tad sexy to see her, but the scene itself, in context, isn't sexy... it's creepy. It's scary. She's got a blade-wielding killer in her home and she's at her most vulnerable, totally unaware.
It's less "woo anime boobs" and more, well, PSYCHO.
And that's the set-up. She's a girl, alone, in her home, at night, with a psychopath there to murder her in her own bed...
And, instead, he finds a woman that, even without his weapons, even with him having the element of surprise, manages to hold her ground, defy the "damsel in distress" trope, and give me this instead:
Look at this. LOOK AT IT. That is the face of a woman with just as much of a taste for blood as her would-be killer, and this was the moment in the film where Vega realized he no longer had the upper-hand.
The actual fight is magical, but the lead-in TO the fight was brilliant as well.
It's tricky because we're waiting for approvals on our extras. Then I have to prep all of the extras. When you have a 2-3 person team doing all the work, it's hard to hit and set dates, but hopefully by second quarter.
Source: Me, I'm the Blu-Ray Producer guy.
Re: Cuts-
So here's what exists. And I know this because I had to figure this out to even try to attempt this release...
Original Japanese Version - Never been edited as far as I know- the most uncut version of the movie. There's only one version of the film. Has the original Japanese synth score. This is the source of our video master.
The audio for this exists only in 2.0 stereo. There is a 5.1 "mix" on the old Manga DVD but this is a fake 5.1 and is not very good.
This was then adapted into english for the US and UK, and here are the differences:
PG-13 US Version - Has the rock music score. Extremely edited. Most blood is cut out, extreme violence, all the nudity from the Chun-Li shower scene. Dialogue doesn't have any 'shits' or 'fucks' in it. This is actually MPAA rated.
The audio for this only exists in 2.0 stereo.
US Unrated Version - Has the rock music score, too. Not as edited, but still has some pretty major edits. All the violence is there, but the Chun-Li shower scene is shortened to remove the breasts. The US version keeps the back and butt shots. As for the rest of the editing, no dialogue is deleted or any of the violence, but many lingering shots are cut out or trimmed to speed up the pace of the movie. For instance, when Ryu runs into the little girl carrying milk in the bazaar and knocks her over, there's a long lingering shot of him looking at the girl stunned that's cut out of the US unrated version. A lot of the silence during Ryu walking with Fei-Long is cut out as well. There are many scenes like this which are trimmed down.
This version doesn't have any 'fucks' in it, but does include dialogue with 'shit' IIRC. The audio for this exists in a 5.1 surround format.
UK Unrated Version - So, in terms of video, this is almost identical to the US Unrated Version, except one major difference: The shower Scene with Chun-Li. Where the US has the butt shot, the UK version has the breasts. So in the UK version, the shot of Chun-Li's butt is missing completely.
The audio for this has two f-bombs as well, though it's otherwise identical to the US Unrated Version. These are Deejay's 'badass motherfucker' and Guile's 'I'll rip your fucking heart out you filthy bastard!' This audio only exists as 2.0 Stereo.
For the Discotek version, I spent about a month re-editing the US Unrated the UK Unrated audio to fill the gaps so it syncs up to the Original Japanese Uncut footage. These will be presented as audio options on the Blu-Ray (and is already available on DVD.)
Hope this clears things up!
It's tricky because we're waiting for approvals on our extras. Then I have to prep all of the extras. When you have a 2-3 person team doing all the work, it's hard to hit and set dates, but hopefully by second quarter.
Source: Me, I'm the Blu-Ray Producer guy.
Re: Cuts-
So here's what exists. And I know this because I had to figure this out to even try to attempt this release...
Original Japanese Version - Never been edited as far as I know- the most uncut version of the movie. There's only one version of the film. Has the original Japanese synth score. This is the source of our video master.
The audio for this exists only in 2.0 stereo. There is a 5.1 "mix" on the old Manga DVD but this is a fake 5.1 and is not very good.
This was then adapted into english for the US and UK, and here are the differences:
PG-13 US Version - Has the rock music score. Extremely edited. Most blood is cut out, extreme violence, all the nudity from the Chun-Li shower scene. Dialogue doesn't have any 'shits' or 'fucks' in it. This is actually MPAA rated.
The audio for this only exists in 2.0 stereo.
US Unrated Version - Has the rock music score, too. Not as edited, but still has some pretty major edits. All the violence is there, but the Chun-Li shower scene is shortened to remove the breasts. The US version keeps the back and butt shots. As for the rest of the editing, no dialogue is deleted or any of the violence, but many lingering shots are cut out or trimmed to speed up the pace of the movie. For instance, when Ryu runs into the little girl carrying milk in the bazaar and knocks her over, there's a long lingering shot of him looking at the girl stunned that's cut out of the US unrated version. A lot of the silence during Ryu walking with Fei-Long is cut out as well. There are many scenes like this which are trimmed down.
This version doesn't have any 'fucks' in it, but does include dialogue with 'shit' IIRC. The audio for this exists in a 5.1 surround format.
UK Unrated Version - So, in terms of video, this is almost identical to the US Unrated Version, except one major difference: The shower Scene with Chun-Li. Where the US has the butt shot, the UK version has the breasts. So in the UK version, the shot of Chun-Li's butt is missing completely.
The audio for this has two f-bombs as well, though it's otherwise identical to the US Unrated Version. These are Deejay's 'badass motherfucker' and Guile's 'I'll rip your fucking heart out you filthy bastard!' This audio only exists as 2.0 Stereo.
For the Discotek version, I spent about a month re-editing the US Unrated the UK Unrated audio to fill the gaps so it syncs up to the Original Japanese Uncut footage. These will be presented as audio options on the Blu-Ray (and is already available on DVD.)
Hope this clears things up!
Bless you and your time for the hard work you're putting into this to make it happen! Thanks for the response! Is there any place we can go to stay updated on this?
OMG, the video quality looks so good compared to what I have right now. And the fact that it's completely uncut and being handled properly from the few posts I've seen in this thread. Can't wait for this. Day 1 purchase.Neat. The trailer:
Yoooooooo. I forgot how dope this and other anime were back then. Wonder if Capcom can put that track in a future SF game.
That anime is underrated I remember watching it on vcr back in the day
I prefer Street Fighter II V.
Great, you guys just resulted in me taking out my dvd set, currently in the process of ripping to my computer so I don't have to change discs while marathoning it. LOL.I liked the anime was ryu,Ken and chun having an adventure very FFXV-ish with Ken just ballin cause he got that money. Will rewatch now damn you OP
By reissue you mean the dvds basically being reprinted without rework/remastering done? And which one are you talking about. The US cartoon or the japanese anime (2V)?the Street Fighter TV cartoon is getting reissued also. But Blu-ray is a bit trickier, and Discotek can only put out so much per year. Unfortunately, long-term plans are above my pay grade.
Just because I can, I thought I'd share the fact this movie has a very bizarre "spin-off" by much of the same animated movie team.
Street Fighter II Yomigaeru Fujiwara-Kyou
It's just an educational short film where Ken, Ryu, Chun-Li, and E. Honda go back in time and learn about Japanese history. It's really bizarre.
... But, like the animated film, the art style is still good and the animation is... entertaining.
You can catch in on Youtube.
Part 1
It's certainly a bizarre curiosity.
Hmm... Yes and no. The movie was also included in Hyper Street Fighter II (December 2003), and the shower scene was edited in that version (I imagine they had to follow specific guidelines).Original Japanese Version - Never been edited as far as I know- the most uncut version of the movie. There's only one version of the film.
Thanks for this! As a video editor myself I'm really curious as to what elements you have to start from. Do you basically have to re-edit all voice, music and sound effects into the whole film? Including things like music edits to make the songs fit the scenes? For instance, that Chun LI vs Vega scene I posted in the OP features several obvious music edits to the song "Ultra".
This censorship be because it is to keep in line with rating guidelines controlled by the government. If they did not change it there would be a penalty in form a higher rating. If there is no real reason outside of how the public will view it then it is not technically censorship. For example the R mika scene would never get its rating raised so they were never forced to change it. They did so because they thought more people would like it this way. The definition does not specify that the government has to be the reason for a change, but it does say that it has to be changed either by officials or by official request. This would not include people may not like it. This based on Google's definition of censorshipI don't understand why people all of a sudden consider "censorship" to be some government fascist only term. That is wrong, by definition. And whenever this is brought up in censorship threads, it gets conveniently ignored or dismissed for no reason other than "well that's not how I see it".
We have an HD version of the movie in Japanese, and for the audio we were able to source a number of things.
For the UK Unrated Cut we were able to find a Digibeta of the final mix (though with two areas of deterioration) and for the US Unrated 5.1 we found a D88 Tape with the uncompressed 5.1 mix on it. The 5.1 has the M&Es fairly well isolated, though they're mixed onto one another (music + soundeffects together). I DID manage to find the SFX track from the Japanese version not married to the music.
So I had the very unwelcome task of having to work from materials where the dialogue is mixed down onto the music & effects. What I first did is I took the uncut Japanese master and then laid the UK Unrated version beside it. Then I cut the video and synced it to the uncut- adding gaps where audio didn't exist. Luckily in the case of this movie, all the deleted scenes didn't feature any actual dialogue, and the music in the English version is fairly abstract, so I was able to loop in sections and fill the gaps in where it sounds right. After doing that, I went back to the music and effects and added in missing SFX reworked the bits of audio until it was seamless.
All in all it took me about 3 months off-and to do for both tracks, but this is my side job so maybe it was like 1 month of full time editing and checking.
Seconded! I didn't see a mailing list to subscribe to on the Discotek website.
I suggest reading previous posts in this thread for more info, in which the announcement trailer was posted and I posted an estimated release time frame.
Thanks! I'll let Brady know you liked it.![]()
Not to self plug too much but I post a lot of updates about what I'm working on on my twitter, here:
And I'll definitely be posting more SFII there soon, hopefully. I also work for Labzero games as UI Designer/Production Artist so I post about that too, sometimes.
You can also follow DiscotekMedia on twitter here for general updates:
We recently did a new ultimate edition of IGPX and we're working on finishing up Magic Knight Rayearth and Darkstalkers right now.
He also dies a heroic death piloting a White Star in Babylon 5.Did you all know that Fei Long was voiced by Bryan Cranston?
This censorship be because it is to keep in line with rating guidelines controlled by the government. If they did not change it there would be a penalty in form a higher rating. If there is no real reason outside of how the public will view it then it is not technically censorship. For example the R mika scene would never get its rating raised so they were never forced to change it. They did so because they thought more people would like it this way. The definition does not specify that the government has to be the reason for a change, but it does say that it has to be changed either by officials or by official request. This would not include people may not like it. This based on Google's definition of censorship
Any plans for an European Blu-Ray release?
If not, will this be region free?
As a curiosity, and just to make sure I didn't misread anything, are you planning on making an option to combine Japanese voices + US soundtrack?
I don't know what the contract says. Generally I think we keep things region free unless the contract specifies it has to be locked. Sorry I can't give you a better answer.![]()
The other relevant definition does how ever state that censorship would be preformed by officials. Also the definitions you chose to relate to it refers to withholding information as a form of censorship. Which would never be revelent when discussing visual media. Its not as broad as you think, censorship is a means of controlling information or content and preventing the spread of it. A theatrical release of a movie would not automatically be considered a censored version of a directors cut but if cuts were made to meet guideline set by OFFICIALS it would be.Fantastic info, Ashura. Really looking forward to the release.
According to Webster (
Censorship is "the institution, system, or practice of censoring"
Censor can be "a hypothetical psychic agency that represses unacceptable notions before they reach consciousness"
It doesn't have to be an official or by official request. The definition of censor is far broader than some people actually think.
The other relevant definition does how ever state that censorship would be preformed by officials. Also the definitions you chose to relate to it refers to withholding information as a form of censorship. Which would never be revelent when discussing visual media. Its not as broad as you think, censorship is a means of controlling information or content and preventing the spread of it. A theatrical release of a movie would not automatically be considered a censored version of a directors cut but if cuts were made to meet guideline set by OFFICIALS it would be.
Manga video in Europe has the license and already released the movie there. The video quality is great, but the English audio they used was the censored version. So it's not quite an optimal release.
I don't know what the contract says. Generally I think we keep things region free unless the contract specifies it has to be locked. Sorry I can't give you a better answer.
Japanese + the US music is impossible with the materials we have. I do not have access to the isolated voices on the Japanese side.
... But, like the animated film, the art style is still good and the animation is... entertaining.
You can catch in on Youtube.
Part 1
It's certainly a bizarre curiosity.