They took away Mika's ass slap at the beginning of her animation?
Or the camera pans away? either way lol

They took away Mika's ass slap at the beginning of her animation?
Or the camera pans away? either way lol
Considering Mika is coming from a game where there aren't huge camera closeups, this isn't that big of a deal. Same over the top character you all love.
Right guys?
The only alternative to this game is KI season 3
As far as the competitive scene is concerned, in the world of Capcom fighting games, only Capcom fighting games exist. As of right now, SFV potential competition is SFIV, the infamous UMvC3 update or a new VS game which will probably not be green-lit unless SFV is successful enough.And MKx dlc....MKx is already dead now? /kappa.
They took away Mika's ass slap at the beginning of her animation?
Or the camera pans away? either way lol
Wait, V-reversals aren't throw invincible?!!
They took away Mika's ass slap at the beginning of her animation?
Or the camera pans away? either way lol
Wait, V-reversals aren't throw invincible?!!
At 0:48 Nash does his V-reversal and Mika grab him out of it!
As far as the competitive scene is concerned, in the world of Capcom fighting games, only Capcom fighting games exist. As of right now, SFV potential competition is SFIV, the infamous UMvC3 update or a new VS game which will probably not be green-lit unless SFV is successful enough.
They took away Mika's ass slap at the beginning of her animation?
Or the camera pans away? either way lol
I might get heat for this but here I go..
SF 2 series had basics with each character being different and all..
SF 3 the same was true with the addition of parry system.
SF 4 had Ultra(the comeback system).....
1) V skill is different for each character..
2) Critical Arts should just be rename to Supers as that what they literally are from the casual point of view.
3) The game is too limiting.....
Currently everything seems very limited in the game. I know its a beta and I have been parts of beta before.
Why would you frame out the ass-slap instead of just coloring her skin white so the ass isn't exposed anymore?
Her slapping her own ass isn't out-of-bounds. She's fucking beating people up with it as part of the actual game. It's that her outfit fucking blows. If you're gonna fix something, fix that.
They took away Mika's ass slap at the beginning of her animation?
Or the camera pans away? either way lol
No.. noooooo. Not the butt slap.
『Inaba Resident』;184594448 said:Yeah and it was only one pack.
Before I reply to this, I just want you to know that balance doesn't change between casual and hardcore levels. If a casual player cannot feel the balance in a game, that is on them. Some might say that VF isn't balanced because you can "mash out" a victory, but that definitely isn't true.
Supers aren't the reason 2 is balanced. A heavy focus on footies and spacing is why it's widely regarded as amazing, but that's a tale for another day.
Oh no, the parry system is a hit or miss with many people, causing large amounts of imbalance with certain characters.
No, the different V-Skills complment each character. Ryu having a parry plays into his more defensive style, while Ken's run lets him extend his combos. Giving them the exact same type of skill between them would definitely fuck up balance. This also gives a huge amount of depth to each character, but we can get into that later.
We are getting into some weird areas here. Ultras giving you more options isn't really balance. And SF2T and SF3 had comeback mechanics as well. So...
Limited? The amount of shit you can do off a v-skill or v-trigger is amazing. Sure, it doesn't have focus canceling, but Mika alone is an easy example of just how much ridiculous shit you can pull off. And rush down gameplay? SFV is far more defensive than before. I mean, it's nice that casuals are jumping in, but I suggest doing more research about the game or diving in more before saying it's limited with the basics.
I don't mean to be rude, but the game seems limited based on your incredible lack of knowledge towards the game. Winning higher levels of matches still requires an understanding of footies with little room for error. A lack of long combos doesn't mean the game is lacking depth.
Like, what is this post?
They took away Mika's ass slap at the beginning of her animation?
Or the camera pans away? either way lol
Gaining meter from getting hit is a comeback mechanic.What are you guys on about with ST/3S having comeback mechanics? A comeback mechanics is something rewarded to the losing player (something they gain access to by being hit).
Gaining meter from getting hit is a comeback mechanic.
Gaining meter from getting hit is a comeback mechanic.
VF is awesome!
That's what I meant with the "basics" terminology.
Very true and I agree with parry thing....
SF2T and SF3....
Ultra gave casual gamers...
Most of the critical arts...
Very true and I agree with parry thing. But parry was available for everyone. Hence it was fair. V skill being different for each character is not beneficial. I mean if Capcom wants to make V skill the "turbo" mode for the character... Then Rashid having a mini special tornado move for it takes away from "fairness". It should just be special faster moves for Rashid to help his faster movement.
This is true, though the attacker being rewarding with 1) inflicting damage and 2) getting more meter than the defender together make it fair/necessary. I was more baffled by claims that parry was a comeback mechanic or that 'footsies' was mentioned as a comeback mechanic...![]()
I was wrong. I don't think you gain meter on hit for SF2T.
Nobody is claiming that.
You are right - everyone had parry, but that system wasn't equal for every single character. It forced some characters to work far harder than others. And I really wouldn't say that all characters were on the same level for normals in SF3. Do you have an example of what feels unbalanced though?
Ultras really just gave people in general an easy way out. But at higher level play, that's out the window. Reliance on ultras is like one of the worst things a SF4 player should learn (but do anyway!). People still get loads of meter for getting hit, and meter gain is even faster. With the huge damage as well, people could definitely use CAs as another form of Ultra, even if I hope people aren't overly reliant on them.
But people evolve as they play. They don't rely on the same stuff over and over again because at a certain point, it's not going to work. Especially with more defensive options, you aren't going to be able to land a poke to CA every time. If a casual quits because he can't stay at a casual level and win with stupid bullshit, well, that's too bad. Even in SF4, people still can't outright rely on Ultras to carry them through all their matches. SFV is based on fundies - learning their character is going to take them further than wasting meter on some half hearted thrown out attack.
What's going to draw in casuals is the ease of access with depth for those who want it. If a casual drops the game because it's too confusing despite the game making it simplistic to access that depth, the onus is on the player, not the game.
You can take games from people better than you if you work on your fundies. It's simple. If a player cannot grasp that, despite how obvious it is, too bad. And SFV is making it very, very obvious.
"Ofcourse the hard core gamers are going to love this, but this is going to prevent the game from becoming more of casual gaming paradise aka when SF4 was released minus the need from gamers for a new SF game."
This statement is kind of humorous considering how many people complain that SF4 is too technical and difficult now.
"The basic strategy that I have seen is that you build EX/CA meter then you do 1 hit poke or a few pokes into Critical Art then the rest of round you evade or block to win by exchanging blows through the game."
This is the basic strategy for winning in literally every street fighter game. This is so crazy that I'm curious as to what you think the strategy in SF4, 3S, ST, etc. is.
How are alpha counters hard to do? It's the 3 punch/3 kick plus a direction. Just set up a button for it and react at a block string.
My limited gameplay has been with Rashid, Ken, and Ryu. Overall I have played the most is Rashid. I feel the damage output for V skill for Rashid seems to be unfair and likewise with the Ken and Ryu.
.This is exactly what I mean with the ultras and focus attack. There were options. If a casual player wanted to take the next step was easier as compared to SFV (for at least)
This is what I am afraid of... The game seems to be catering towards the hardcore, but the regular casual gamer who goes out and buys Assassin's Creed, Madden, Call of Duty every year might not stick around.
There needs to be something for the casual gamer to come in and enjoy and learn the game while having fun. The term easy to play but hard to master needs to be applied here hence we are beta testing it.The fun spectrum is hard to maintain will be broken once the casual raises slowly to upper but keeps on losing as they might not have the time as some of the hard core gamer. So Capcom needs to do something that will have slow gradual ranks for equal ranked people playing against each other.
I'm refreshing the twitter page like crazy hoping for news of another surprise beta. I'm like a damn addict over here.
Ryu is meant to stun, not straight damage. Stun is such a dangerous concept in SFV that it works for him.
Ken adds new properties to his moves and more hits.
Rashid's is meant for setups.
All of these fit the characters and their actions.
So there's a bridge with those options? Problem is, Ultras got people too reliant on them, and focus attacks fucked up a lot of options for people across the board, making some cases unbalanced. Do those options mean squat if the casual player is still losing to dumb shit?
There still a bridge here. Critical Arts with even more meter gain that before, v-skills and t-triggers that still help players out, and a focus on fundies. Again, that last thing is the most important here, because understanding your character, how they attack, how they move, and how they can punish is going to close that gap real fast between a casual player and middle tier player.
The regular casual gamer is where most hardcore people started. Nobody comes into this genre a master, or a savant. They learn just like everyone else. Those willing to stick around and learn the game's systems are the ones that need to stick around, plain as day. You can only dumb down or create so many options for casual players to hang around before they either get caught up in that shit and lose consistently or ruin it for the hardcore players.
I mean, you speak of ultras, but even casual players who paid attention didn't get struck by ultras on the regular.
People don't even have to put in as much time as before! You can get away with footies and fundies and not have to worry about dumping in hours upon hours doing 1f link combos and shit like that.
At some level, they will have to dump more hours to get better. That's just how life is. It's not fair to those who DO want to get better but don't have time, but hey, that's apart of life. No need to drag down those who DO put in those hours.
Hell, it's not even about hours spent. Work smart, not hard, and that applies to fighters too.
This statement is kind of humorous considering how many people complain that SF4 is too technical and difficult now.
Very true and I agree with parry thing. But parry was available for everyone. Hence it was fair. V skill being different for each character is not beneficial.
No, the different V-Skills complment each character
But parry was available for everyone. Hence it was fair.
Yep, Cammy getting a staple move of hers turned from a special to a V-Skill is a massive compliment to her character.
I'm sure glad I don't have to worry about DP FADC Ultra, DP FADC DP, Combo into Drill FADC into Combo and instead just do a way more personalized spinning backfist.
Yep, Cammy getting a staple move of hers turned from a special to a V-Skill is a massive compliment to her character.
I'm sure glad I don't have to worry about DP FADC Ultra, DP FADC DP, Combo into Drill FADC into Combo and instead just do a way more personalized spinning backfist.