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Street Fighter V Beta 2 Thread: Welcome, future 21007s! Now on PC!

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I don't know how to approach this game. That's what frustrates me most.

I love the visuals and presentation and want to love it, but it's hard getting into.
Look on the bright side. At the rate that they're nerfing characters, we'll get nothing but buffs for the next 5 years....with most probably just being them reverting previous nerfs from the beta phase :|
Look on the bright side. At the rate that they're nerfing characters, we'll get nothing but buffs for the next 5 years....with most probably just being them reverting previous nerfs from the beta phase :|
Actually makes me wonder how they will handle dlc characters.. Will additional balance updates to other characters come with them?


As long as they leave Bison's st. HK crush counter properties and frame data as is, I'll be happy.

I also agree that Laura needs more frame traps to really run her up close mix up game. Especially since it seems like her anti airs are butt.


I agree. I fear for this games success both financially and competitively. Don't throw out or Uninstall sfiv just yet. But Capcom will probably put lot of money into the tournament and cpt events to keep it alive competitively.

Hard to see how you could be right.

This is Capcom's only main game planned for the nearly future, Sony is behind it, and we have seen how EASILY they can radically change the game system over builds.

Plus they have no intention of ever having another game on top of this.

So basically they will have a new way to sell the game, they have no chance to fail, and if everybody hates the gameplay they will revamp it entirely for the "super" update in a year. Twitch Youtube and sponsored events will keep it alive until said gameplay arrives (and that's if release is hated, which isn't decided at all), then it wouldn't be hard for people to jump in since the game will be cheaper by then.


As long as they leave Bison's st. HK crush counter properties and frame data as is, I'll be happy.

I also agree that Laura needs more frame traps to really run her up close mix up game. Especially since it seems like her anti airs are butt.

I didn't really have a problem with her in regards to anti airing. Standing mp seems to be the best, but fierce elbow can work just gets stuffed sometimes.


I didn't really have a problem with her in regards to anti airing. Standing mp seems to be the best, but fierce elbow can work just gets stuffed sometimes.

It doesn't stick out as much as your standard cr. HP style AA move and it works at limited distances. QCF + HP is solid, but you absolutely must save it for reactions to poorly thought out jumps, which most good players won't give you very often. I'm not saying that she has zero options, but she is definitely limited. It's fairly obvious that this was on purpose and that they want to make her ground control very strong. I just think she needs a small little buff to make her better at that. Some more advantage off of a connected QCF + LP for example, would go a long way.


More LPN info
@oooitzLpN: Ken st.hp-> vskill -> cr.lp don't work unless CH. But doing vskill to lp DP is working out well #SFV

@oooitzLpN: Gief SPD dmg and bear grab does so much dmg now..??? Did like 40% on sim. Even though sim has low health.. Jebus #SFV

@oooitzLpN: Absolutely not interested in Dhalsim at all 😫 he's not garbage but definitely incomplete #SFV


The game is still super fun, even with the nerfs. I just hope that's not gonna be the way they balance the game. I'm much more of a fan of bringing weak characters up to where the stronger characters are, instead of bringing everyone down.
Hard to see how you could be right.

This is Capcom's only main game planned for the nearly future, Sony is behind it, and we have seen how EASILY they can radically change the game system over builds.

Plus they have no intention of ever having another game on top of this.

So basically they will have a new way to sell the game, they have no chance to fail, and if everybody hates the gameplay they will revamp it entirely for the "super" update in a year. Twitch Youtube and sponsored events will keep it alive until said gameplay arrives (and that's if release is hated, which isn't decided at all), then it wouldn't be hard for people to jump in since the game will be cheaper by then.
They tried updating the gameplay for sfxtekken but too late. They gotta come out with a product right out of the gate or else they are destined for a failure. First impression is everything in gaming these days. Bf4 at its current state could of taken on cod if the game out the way it is now.
The more that gets discovered, the more will be removed.
If it doesn't fit the design they're going for, yeah.
The game is still super fun, even with the nerfs. I just hope that's not gonna be the way they balance the game. I'm much more of a fan of bringing weak characters up to where the stronger characters are, instead of bringing everyone down.

I think they already said that's the gameplan for post launch balancing.

They tried updating the gameplay for sfxtekken but too late. They gotta come out with a product right out of the gate or else they are destined for a failure. First impression is everything in gaming these days. Bf4 at its current state could of taken on cod if they game out the way it is now.

SFxT had more issues than just gameplay.
Did they nerf r Mika yet from beta 2? That character is too dumb. So many good buttons. Can throw out anything and still be +(mostly ). So if they thought Nash and Ryu was op R Mika is on a new level. They crippled Nash already. Ryu is average now.
They tried updating the gameplay for sfxtekken but too late. They gotta come out with a product right out of the gate or else they are destined for a failure. First impression is everything in gaming these days. Bf4 at its current state could of taken on cod if they game out the way it is now.

SFxT failed because Capcom released AE2012 and UMvC3 within the same quarter.

The only alternative to this game is KI season 3





Did they nerf r Mika yet from beta 2? That character is too dumb. So many good buttons. Can throw out anything and still be +(mostly ). So if they thought Nash and Ryu was op R Mika is on a new level. They crippled Nash already. Ryu is average now.

Her only + frame buttons on block were fully charged HK, which you can beat out on reaction so long as you're okay with the possibility of eating a crush counter if you slip up, and LK/LP.

She also had a lot of issues at a slight distance. It was actually very hard to close the gap with her to really threaten with her throws outside of EX HCB+Punch.

Her only great gap closer was her st. MK, but you had to be very aware of where you were going to land with it, because she was punishable if it was blocked and she would commit to landing close for a grab attempt.

Honestly, I think she was totally fine the way that she was. She was a character with very obvious strengths and weaknesses that most people didn't get a chance to learn how to deal with in the limited beta time. I'd rather they not rush to start nerfing that based on that small amount of feedback.


『Inaba Resident』;184590518 said:
If it doesn't fit the design they're going for, yeah.

You keep saying this, but I don't believe there's a source to quote the design they're going for that goes along with the changes. Some of them (no crouch techs, etc) have been plainly discussed. The other stuff, not so much?


I might get heat for this but here I go. These are the points raised by me and my casual friend who has not played SF since the SF2 days.

In the older SF games, there was sense of balance that this game kind of lacks. Hear me out on this for a second.

SF 2 series had basics with each character being different and all. There was only 1 super that did some thing to enhance the player's chance to win.

SF 3 the same was true with the addition of parry system. The lack of old characters and too many SFs kind of pushed damper on the game.

SF 4 had Ultra(the comeback system) and Supers like the originals... I showed this to my casual friend and he liked due to options in the game and Ulras. Yes, he liked the Ultras.

Now the problem with SF 5 so far is the following:

1) V skill is different for each character - is it a move enhancer aka with Ryu, Ken or a mini special move like with Rashid. Capcom needs to think what are V skill suppose and their purpose. Having it different for each character kind of breaks the balance that they are trying to achieve.

2) Critical Arts should just be rename to Supers as that what they literally are from the casual point of view.

3) The game is too limiting as compared to SF 4 with its basics. Most casuals have trouble pulling of Alpha counters so its not solution to rush down type of gameplay from casual perspective.

The good point for now is that Capcom needs to say that the story mode is something special because when I told my friend who has not played SF since SF 2 days. He got really excited for it as he likes story lore of SF series with Ryu/Bison/Akuma/etc. He really liked how the snippet of the story appears with alpha looking characters. Story modes really sells games for the casuals, but not for Also he said that Capcom really needs to change on how the characters look and SF needs like MK9 or MKX type of make over. I am not too keen on that, but the story and characters need to play differently and there needs to be more options, but at the same time not too many to overwhelm the casual players. Currently everything seems very limited in the game. I know its a beta and I have been parts of beta before.
I didn't realize that the bonus Halloween costumes were only for PS4 players. Logged into USFIV on steam earlier to check them out and had to look up why I didn't have them. Kind of mad about it although I know it's my fault for not reading more closely when it was announced.
You keep saying this, but I don't believe there's a source to quote the design they're going for that goes along with the changes. Some of them (no crouch techs, etc) have been plainly discussed. The other stuff, not so much?

I don't think I've ever said this but:
When you make a game, the choices and changes you make are typically for achieving a design that you desire. I don't think they would be making these changes unless they thought it fit the design they're going for. Whether or not these changes fit is sort of up in the air at this point, for me at least. I feel like I need to see and play more in a much more completed environment before i can really form an opinion. Or they could just be experimenting a bit with some of these changes. Or the newest build could feature some new system changes and they're trying to make some character changes in tandem with that. I really don't know. There are so many variables. It's just what I think.
What's that even supposed to mean? They don't know what they're doing because they're iterating on the balance of the game? lol

it just feels like whenever any halfway interesting combo or set-up shows up, they get rid of it. Like they need to make the most vanilla wafer ass video game they can, and we'll figure it out from there.
I didn't realize that the bonus Halloween costumes were only for PS4 players. Logged into USFIV on steam earlier to check them out and had to look up why I didn't have them. Kind of mad about it although I know it's my fault for not reading more closely when it was announced.

Isn't it Japan only in any case?


I do feel like they are changing too much too often tho.

Every update there is a lot of taking away and not much addition.
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