Alright, just gave up on Karin. [...]
Dropped from Rank 800 to like 3k while playing her as well.
Fuuuuuuuuck! I *TOLD* Capcom to only have character rankings, so players never get penalized for trying out new characters in ranked mode!
I think the current system discourages a player behavior that is positive for the game. We want players to try every single character for long periods of time, so that there is a maximum number of "clicks" happening.
Then we end up with a more highly skilled user-base, because players found the characters they are really best at.
Before you object, think about this:
Is rektash really "worth" his 3000 ranking? No. That is an inaccurate number. What is the value of an "overall" player ranking that takes into account every loss you have incurred while playing with a character you don't know?
None, am I right? Your rank should reflect every match you played with your best character, while trying to win. Nobody cares about how often you lose with your weak characters!
Here is the problem: Rankings in both SF and Chess use the ELO system but ELO only works for chess because players can't select different characters. The different character thing ruins it...
It's better to just use the rank of your top character as your player rank as well!
Are you listening Capcom? Stop doing the wrong thing and obey my orders!
I will now let GAF voice their agreement with me, and give added weight to my excellent analysis.
Give it to em boys!