Between this and the turtles threads you are increasing making it clear that you have no clue what you are talking about when it comes to fighting/action games.
Is that so... tell me more as to why. With specific examples obviously.
Nobody who plays these type of games gives a fuck about reviews, outside opinions on dedicated fighting game websites.
Am I really addressing how a hardcore fighting-game fan behaves? No. I'll buy a Naughty Dog game blindly. Water is wet, sky is...
So who gives a bleep whether or not people will blindly get behind the game. That's a damn given for practically any successful franchise that exist.
But, that's just a part of the market consuming video games. Review scores do help generate greater acceptance of a product. It helps to inform, hype, increase or re-affirm hype and that will ultimate drive sales here or there. Bottomline, review scores do matter. You can argue the extent to which it matters, you can't deny that it does not matter. Specially with cheap substitute products on the market.
If the review thread is a shitshow it will be because of console warriors throwing mud at each other.
Clearly...and that part is going to be fun to watch. People find creative ways to do so all the time and NOT all are necessarily console warriors (although there will be some - always) but also MK and KI fanboys. 8s across the board won't be a critical flop like say, the Order and the nastyness that came from that thread. But it will be enough for some quality sniping.
If you have played the betas, you pretty much know what your in for already. Outside of some balance tweaks, you can already form the opinion whether you will like this game or not.
I've yes. I've already made my mind yes. There are millions that haven't.
Get some perspective, you clearly lack it.
Won't be half as fun as Aprils big PS4 exclusive review thread.
You know it.
Is this suppose to be a bad thing?
You'll be surprised at people's expectations sometimes and what those numbers mean to them. Say Uncharted 4 gets 8s across the board - that's for all intent and purposes a critical flop from the house of dogs. Mind you SFV doesn't have to deal with the same expectations, not even close, but still.