What majors has he won tho?
Having the best tools doesn't mean it's gonna win you a major. Hasn't tokido been getting 2nd place with RYU though?
Guile is free AF to Mika.
What majors has he won tho?
Is it just me, or has this game been extremely laggy lately? I took a few weeks off because I moved apartments, and now that I'm back, the game has been extremely stuttery. My internet is somewhat fast, so I'd be surprised if the problem was on my end.
It depends on the character and the playstyle of the other player. Sometimes you just need to bulldog your way in. Against Ryu's who have good fireball timings and absolutely don't let ypu approach from the air, you just need to slowly make your way into Mika's preferred range. Walk and block, slide under fireballs from far away, until you're in a range where you can maybe do a cr.hp to quickly get in and start pressuring with jabs (or go for a sudden throw attempt if you're feeling daring) or a range where you can comfortably punish a fireball with EX peach. Against strong defensive play unless you can make a good read on what your opponent is thinking and get in with a good dropkick, tackle, jump-in, etc, you just want to slowly walk them to the corner and then trap them and get your Mika party started.I had passed on Street Fighter V when it came out due to the lack of content and multiplayer online lobbies. But when I saw Marn's run at NCR, I knew I had to own this game. I bought it the next day, picked Mika, and never looked back.
I had always been a Honda main back in SF4, but Mika feels even more fun to use. Back in that game, I had liked the idea of playing a rushdown, mixup-vortex sort of character, so I tried picking up Makoto. But her execution was too demanding for my jittery hands, and it never really fit. With Mika, a mixup is just a F+MP away. I love it!
I've managed to grind my way into the border between Ultra Bronze and Silver rank recently (I feel like I learn something new from every Mika mirror I play against someone ranked above me), but I still have a lot to learn. There are plenty of small ways I can improve (tighter anti-airs, better V-Trigger use, smarter combos out of rope throw), but I feel like the biggest strategic hurdle I need to deal with is finding new ways to open people up. When I come up against players who don't throw out unsafe moves and defend against my jump-ins, I often find myself at a loss. Charged HK can do a lot for me, but it only takes me so far.
Any other Mikas out there? How do you try to start your offense?
I'd link some matches of mine, but I don't have anything recorded. My FighterID is sonicmj1, if anyone wants to check things out. I just got bodied by a Silver Ryu doing basic normal blockstrings, and it left me really frustrated.
What majors has he won tho?
*Never becomes now when Ibuki comes out.
I probably won't drop Cammy, but she'll get considerably less play.
A lot of those were me dropping punishes. I also need to stop trying to confirm off of on c.mk because I'm not that good.
I really like Karin but I don't see myself moving from one character with 900 HP to one with harder execution and the same health. Cammy's execution isn't difficult or anything but her HP/stun doesn't allow me to make mistakes... of which I make a ton.
I played SF4 a bit but I was terrible at it. Messed around with Juri, Gouken and Rose. Cammy was the first one I tried there as well but FADC combos were beyond me and I couldn't do much with her.
Cammy is the ultimate waifu but if you want WINS... if you want PROGRESS... then move on like I did but keep Cammy close to your heart.
I played SF4 a bit but I was terrible at it. Messed around with Juri, Gouken and Rose. Cammy was the first one I tried there as well but FADC combos were beyond me and I couldn't do much with her.
Just put up a lobby.
ID: TheBigBrett
PW: 1985
Still working on getting used to the stick
Any advice you Gold players have to pass on let me know! (If you're wiling)
Whoa... next level strats!! HahaBest advice I can give you is:
1. Win
2. Don't lose
3. Just keep playing against people who are better than you and learn from your losses AND wins.
Having the best tools doesn't mean it's gonna win you a major. Hasn't tokido been getting 2nd place with RYU though?
Guile is free AF to Mika.
Does anyone know if the 1m FM trophy is for 1m accumulated in total, or for 1m in the bank?
In other words, can I spend my 400k, earn another 600k, and still get the trophy?
Might actually be -4 - I wasn't able to get a dummy Karin to punish with reversal st.mp or cr.mp (5f) after blocking it in training.
What majors has he won tho?
What majors has Chun Li won?
Does anyone know if the 1m FM trophy is for 1m accumulated in total, or for 1m in the bank?
In other words, can I spend my 400k, earn another 600k, and still get the trophy?
No one knows because like 3 people actually got it....Does anyone know if the 1m FM trophy is for 1m accumulated in total, or for 1m in the bank?
In other words, can I spend my 400k, earn another 600k, and still get the trophy?
Does anyone know if the 1m FM trophy is for 1m accumulated in total, or for 1m in the bank?
In other words, can I spend my 400k, earn another 600k, and still get the trophy?
Does anyone know if the 1m FM trophy is for 1m accumulated in total, or for 1m in the bank?
In other words, can I spend my 400k, earn another 600k, and still get the trophy?
For the longest time I thought Juri said "Goin' to jail!" instead of of "Hold still!" during her EX divekick
Playing against Guile is annoying as fuck
Guile is free AF to Mika.
Don't see what's so TMZ about that second article. 'Player A is struggling' is like a classic sports article headline.So yahoo has an esports section and SFV is actually on the navigation bar? Is this basically a more professional eventhubs (apologies if old, never seen this before)?
And then i see TMZ style reporting... isn't it too early for this kind of stuff?
Stop jumping.Playing against Guile is annoying as fuck
Playing against Guile is annoying as fuck
What's your ping?Anyone? :/
You might want to switch to a fireball character for the time being. Seems like you gravitated towards fireball style characters. Of course Juri and Rose play a little differently than your typical shoto though.
I felt this way too, but decided to sit back and play the fireball game last night. Ryu builds a lot more meter than guile doesWord. Decent players tend to destroy me as Ryu.
So yahoo has an esports section and SFV is actually on the navigation bar? Is this basically a more professional eventhubs (apologies if old, never seen this before)?
And then i see TMZ style reporting... isn't it too early for this kind of stuff?
I've seen quite a few defensive Karin's. Is that a good way to play her?
I've seen quite a few defensive Karin's. Is that a good way to play her?
I've seen quite a few defensive Karin's. Is that a good way to play her?
Zoning is for fireball characters. You mean spacing.
st mk and sweep all day
900 HP, can't be too reckless with her, she's a double edge sword..
you prefer the word "Zoner". Justin Wong plays a damn good zoning Karin.
Thank y'all. Yeah I think this is what I mean. They stay out of your face and block a lot.Zoning is for fireball characters. You mean spacing.
people who don't runback in casuals are scum
people who don't runback in casuals are scum
I've been away from my system for a while, so I haven't tested the April patch. What's the consensus regarding its quality?