Snake blaming everything for his poor performance in SFV so far except himself.
Snake blaming everything for his poor performance in SFV so far except himself.
Also it's hard to see, but Karin's EX Rassenha is indeed just being flat out beat here bc of my poor meaty timing with the first hit.
Whoa... these are some pretty entertaining matches to watch.
Karin players hitting buttons on wake up? Yup that's Karin players..The resets, they are american
Also it's hard to see, but Karin's EX Rassenha is indeed just being flat out beat here bc of my poor meaty timing with the first hit.
Damn that sucks.
I thought it was a reference to Doctrine Dark from EX series.Is the S&M outfit for Nash official? Is that supposed to be a tactical looking outfit?
LOL And why is he still rocking the spectacles? Bison takes off his hat for his alt (but still does his winning hat animation).
I've never seen a far sighted, gimp suit wearing assassin before. Hopefully Capcom is pumping out more and better costumes.
Seriously, it's not like he's playing online and one side can have a different experience from the other. If his opponents are doing just fine then it's on him.
But I'm sure some people will be outraged and demand Capcom do whatever it takes to help Snake and other players (relatively) struggling in SFV be more competitive.
Anyway, today my brain ran out of gas. It's like when I play bball sometimes and I suddenly lose my form and become the worst player on the planet.
Seems like the 8 frame input delay is being discussed again after Snake Eyez mentioned it in his interview earlier today. Think it'll ever be addressed by Capcom?
Also, if I'm understanding correctly, the lag should be the same on PC and PS4 unless you force Vsync off, right? So I won't have to readjust if I switch between platforms?
I think it is part of the design, didn't they say that it was to make playing online feel less laggy?I think turning v-sync off only lowers it by 2 frames or something.
It might be part of the game's design, tbh.
It's always best to fight people who are actually around your skill level. SFV is actually really fun that way.
Snake blaming everything for his poor performance in SFV so far except himself.
Idk if you're playing right now but you asked me the other day if I wanted to play. If you're down we should play some sets!
I'm also down to play a couple sets if you want, I just got onlineNot sure how I'll do, seems like every day is a crap-shoot how I'm feeling.
I made a lounge if people want to play. Pass: 6428 CFN : Edgeward
I'll join but I'm terrible so I apologize for wasting someone's time.
I think it is part of the design, didn't they say that it was to make playing online feel less laggy?
I remember that lobby we were both in and your Karin scared me when I was still playing Cammy, so I'm terrified of you on my day 1 Necalli but I'm still down to play if you want.
Xetehlol on CFN
Man I do not know the Necalli matchup at all lol.
Idk how to fight Karin so we're learning this together! I noticed you're on PC, my PS4 is right next to my PC so if you want to chat on Steam lemme know.
Oh nice, my Steam handle is Nightfox if you want to look me up. Should be the same foxgirl avatar, just different pose lol
Anyone want to get some sets in?
K cfn?Let's run a quick ft5
K cfn?
Idk if you're playing right now but you asked me the other day if I wanted to play. If you're down we should play some sets!
Oh, you suck at SFV today? We should play sets, I'm tired of losing.
Any lobbies going on or anyone willing to play some casual sets? CFN EdziPC
Hey man I'll invite you. 4 slots for anyone, password is 1313 CFN TheBigBrett look for passworded lobbies
If Balrog isn't the May character, I don't know what I'll do. I can't take this risky Mika playstyle anymore.
Woof I thought I was playing well tonight now I just feel tired and tilted lol
Finally got all the trials. I still can't believe the hardest one of all is a #6. I was on Karin's one for 20 minutes, and when it finally hit I have no clue what I did differently. Painful.
Haven't played in almost a week, feels good to be back on the Laura grind.
That French Laura in top 8 today had me inspired.
Haven't played in almost a week, feels good to be back on the Laura grind.
That French Laura in top 8 today had me inspired.