Laura/Ryu players:
Any advice for this matchup (as Laura)? Specifically having trouble not running into st mp all the time and dealing with his normals having superior range, but also generally speaking... ie I can't really meaty HK on wakeup because he has medium DP.
Also, specifically for Laura players, what are her situational anti airs and when do you use them?
Re: anti-airs, HP elbow is good when you have a solid read. It's got a good hurt box so can catch most air normals no problem. You also have to be pretty late with it to trade.
Use when they're almost right over you. It's good for stuffing cross-ups and you can cancel it into VS. Forward VS after can make for a really nasty cross-under. looks stubby, but is actually a really good normal both in anti-air and footsies. I get surprised how much it catches people jumping in from mid-long range.
I can't really give any specific Ryu advice. That of his sure is a party-pooper...
You have EX elbow for those who like to throw out normals and dance around in general, but it's very unsafe on block.
Seems like you definitely need to switch gears for Ryus who know how to keep Laura out. One thing you can try is stay at their zoning range while playing with different fireball strengths/holds and see how they react. Some get tired and start jumping in, some don't, in which case you can EX elbow them and start your mixups.