ROFL thanks manPlay survival on hard.
watching now love me some Valle
ROFL thanks manPlay survival on hard.
How do you guys get through a discouraging day? Yesterday sucked I was on a sick winning streak and then a real bad losing streak.
Drink a few Belgian beers, then go nuts/yolo in casuals.
How do you guys get through a discouraging day? Yesterday sucked I was on a sick winning streak and then a real bad losing streak.
Uncle Valle always brings the entertainment. Whenever I see that video, I immediately get hyped to try and play a grappler, realize I suck at grapplers, pick my actual main/secondary and continue onwards.Mmm that does sound delicious.
Also that Valle video was HYPE AS FUCK
Uncle Valle always brings the entertainment. Whenever I see that video, I immediately get hyped to try and play a grappler, realize I suck at grapplers, pick my actual main/secondary and continue onwards.
I've been frustrated with myself for the past few days, so I'm taking a week from playing SF5. Played some Dark Souls, picked up UC4.
Just need to take a breather, gain some perspective, think about what's frustrating you and what you can do do fix it. Miss playing a bit of SF5 every night, but also loving UC4.![]()
How do you guys get through a discouraging day? Yesterday sucked I was on a sick winning streak and then a real bad losing streak.
God, my fundamentals are shit. It's one of those hard realizations.
Yeah I decided to play some old capcom fighters, to see if there's anything fundamental I could learn, played SF Third Strike and dear god do I suck at combo's I can do Ryu's bread and butter combo and that's it, Gill is a dick.
At least I'm starting to appreciate anti airing with more than just DP, so there's that.
God, my fundamentals are shit. It's one of those hard realizations.
Yeah I decided to play some old capcom fighters, to see if there's anything fundamental I could learn, played SF Third Strike and dear god do I suck at combo's I can do Ryu's bread and butter combo and that's it, Gill is a dick.
At least I'm starting to appreciate anti airing with more than just DP, so there's that.
You two want to play later today ?
I could see how my fundamentals are and give you tips to improve yours. I really need to play some sets today to see how I am evolving.
I can't play for a week. I got finals this week and I left my PS4 at home. :'(
Also college internet is garbage.
I will take you up on your offer later next week though.
Damn I can't believe Snake Eyez is giving up Gief.
What is this world.
On another note have we had any peek at this months reveal yet?
God, my fundamentals are shit. It's one of those hard realizations.
Is the competition a lot tougher in ranked compared to casuals or about the same?
Is the competition a lot tougher in ranked compared to casuals or about the same?
It's equally random. People will probably tend to take ranked more seriously, like in any game.
Pretty much the same. Though you'll probably see more tryhard stuff on ranked like Nashes trying to play like Infil
Expecting Balrog, hoping for Ibuki.
As far as I understand it, the delay is the same on PC and PS4 unless you force vsync off on PC. I've heard Gsync basically treats it like turning vsync off so you'd probably get around 4 frames.
If we're not getting a character in June in lieu of the story mode, then Balrog makes the most sense, so all of the Shadaloo characters are available for the story. I don't really expect anything else.®ion=eu&lang=
1. Bison
2. Bison
3. Laura
Not bad for not viable characters.
On top of that it seems like Claw is one of those characters with hidden potential. More than one pro placed Claw well within the viable space in their tier list.
Maintainence extended lmao
Watching Mike Ross play Laura makes me want to learn Laura as my secondary. I want to learn his ways!
Watching Mike Ross play Laura makes me want to learn Laura as my secondary. I want to learn his ways!
Outside of his weak anti air, Vega is really good, also i am a crazy nut who plays Vega Clawless, only use the claw to poke and keep certain annoying characters like Karin at distance..
I've missed two weekends in a row of fighting game stuff. I wish there was a set archive of it. Hell if I even remember the names!
NWM Top 8:
Thaiger Uppercut:
Dreamhack Top 64:
Wish granted.
I think I've come to the realization that I should just stick to fighting games.
Someone let me know when there's an archive of Capcom Pro Talk. I missed it yesterday due to work stuff![]()
Maintainence extended lmao
My execution is dropping so bad because I keep switching games. So I've made it a point to stick with arcade and stick compatible titles so I can get used to my hand placement. Even Uncharted 4 has to take a back seat and chill the fuck out.
My wife got me this for my birthday (It's my birthday):
Nice! Happy Birthday!
The only Chess set with frame data.