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Street Fighter V |OT40002| it's been a Guile, but Urien for a wait

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They're not ever going to fix that alt-tab glitch, are they? All the things they were sorry about for the game being unfinished, I don't recall them ever bringing that one up. It's so much fun dominating one round against a PC player and then suddenly teleporting to latency city for the next two. >_>



That's how I feel when I accidentally do a Spiral Arrow as Cammy -_____-

Earlier today, I was playing with someone else's stick and he had an octagonal gate. I had never used an octagonal gate before. I was constantly doing cannon spike instead of spiral arrow because I wasn't used to it.
Going to a local arcade tomorrow. They have Championship Edition and Xmen VS SF. I never find anyone good enough to play so I'll probably end up mashing against my friend who doesn't fuck with video games in the first place.

They're not ever going to fix that alt-tab glitch, are they? All the things they were sorry about for the game being unfinished, I don't recall them ever bringing that one up. It's so much fun dominating one round against a PC player and then suddenly teleporting to latency city for the next two. >_>


I'm pretty sure that was proven false.


my fun factor is definitely reduced for some reason with this game

winning by doing all this smart stuff and not having fun is hm

You're not having fun anymore? :( Take a break, man. Play another game you really like them come back refreshed.

Earlier today, I was playing with someone else's stick and he had an octagonal gate. I had never used an octagonal gate before. I was constantly doing cannon spike instead of spiral arrow because I wasn't used to it.

Hahaha wanna know what's funny? I can barely do Cannon Spike. My inputs for it is horrible.


I really hate this game sometimes.

Adjust to someone's playstyle. I win

They change up a tiny bit.They win

I change up. They win @_@


You're not having fun anymore? :( Take a break, man. Play another game you really like them come back refreshed.
Probably for the best.

I beat a Karin with the smartest series of button presses, anti-airs, fakes, fireballs, and unpredictable aggression for my last match. He got checked at every turn and I won 2-0 i nthe set...but I didn't feel the thrill of victory. Just stressed.
I've been playing Ryu since launch, and I did it purposely to try and get used to the fundamentals of the game with a good allround character.

I think I'm getting to the point now though where I'm comfortable with what I've learned (I mean, nowhere near good, just comfortable with the character and mechanics), and it's getting slightly stale, so I want to try something new and experiment. Just not sure where to go from here. Between art, champ, thegoldroom and gllty, I've really enjoyed watching high level Sim play. It seems like quite a daunting challenge though, but maybe that's what I need.
I played Ryu for years and years before I learned that I actually prefer charge characters and grapplers. You should give more characters a shot, since you never know.
I invested too much time in my character to switch up to another one.
I feel like I have no right to learn another when I still have a ton of stuff to learn with my current one but everyone needs an alt, right?

I'm thinking Juri could possibly be mine to compliment Nash.
Link? I haven't heard much about it since the Mike Z breakdown.

Of course it could just be bad matchmaking. God knows the ping is not what the game tells me it is more often than not.

Alt + tabbing apparently sets your computer ahead of the other players, but you yourself have to be lagging in the first place. So it's not the epicenter of the problem, AFAIK.


Lag in general is going to cause the issues. And the alt + tabbing doesn't always work, a bunch of users here tested it out. It's the rollback issue, basically!


Low Tier tries really hard to be this villain dude, but it's just annoying. It's like a bootleg Champ.
I thought you taking a break bro why you here talking about this game? You are addicted to an unfinished/unpolished game bro seek help...
jking bro. Keep owning these scrubs online for neogaf. Rest of us are too wack at this game atleast most of us here. :(
Lol always lurking...but my uncharted copy got stuck at my in laws house

Tks for the confidence boost tho...rank is different from lobbies, I still get the wilies in rank
Good ol' fireball that became a DP due to the forward input.

That's how I feel when I accidentally do a Spiral Arrow as Cammy -_____-
A tip on how to counter that.

If you dash forward, or held forward before doing your fireball, then doing the regular fireball motion will auto correct into DP.

A way to to get around that is to do a half circle motion instead of quarter circle.

dash forward xx hcf+p should mean a dash forward into hadoken, instead of a DP.

If you do it too fast a DP will still come out, so it takes practice but it helps immensely.


I find the only time I get really mad playing the game is during ranked. Usually because I lose to stupid things that I should know better than to fall for by now (I've only seen Ryu's combos a million times already). Just today, I beat two ultra silvers and 2 silvers first match, then lost on both runback matches each time, if I hadn't given away those points I'd easily be silver by now :< What I'd give for a bit more consistency in my game, since I know I can win but seem to keep falling just short.

Though today was probably a bad day for me to play, just finished my last final exam and it was so stressful lol. Glad to be done for the semester.


I find the only time I get really mad playing the game is during ranked. Usually because I lose to stupid things that I should know better than to fall for by now (I've only seen Ryu's combos a million times already). Just today, I beat two ultra silvers and 2 silvers first match, then lost on both runback matches each time, if I hadn't given away those points I'd easily be silver by now :< What I'd give for a bit more consistency in my game, since I know I can win but seem to keep falling just short.

Though today was probably a bad day for me to play, just finished my last final exam and it was so stressful lol. Glad to be done for the semester.

Yeah, my failings get me far more frustrated than anything anyone else can do to me in SFV. I get so tired of dropping the same combos I've practiced hundreds of times. Grats on being done!


Wait is this true?


So i just won a match and the opponent didnt rematch me and I didn't manage to hit end game in time so I got stuck on the screen with no option. Since I didn't feel like waiting I just alt f4ed and low and behold 2 hour ban, this was after a couple hours of playing and this happened to me a few times where I needed to alt f4 being stuck so dont call me a ragequitter lmao. But this is bullshit that I got banned even though the match was completely over and I even got the points...

Also this one from the comments seems even more shocking to me

Also the system doesn't distinguish who ragequits the game, if you get ragequitted against you also get a strike. I got ragequitted against 4 times in a row and got locked out myself so round of applause to capcom.
Alt + tabbing apparently sets your computer ahead of the other players, but you yourself have to be lagging in the first place. So it's not the epicenter of the problem, AFAIK.


Lag in general is going to cause the issues. And the alt + tabbing doesn't always work, a bunch of users here tested it out. It's the rollback issue, basically!

Gotcha. Thanks for the info. Yeah I doubt that was the issue then, since the match started off fine. Just inconsistent netcode like usual.


Also this one from the comments seems even more shocking to me
Also the system doesn't distinguish who ragequits the game, if you get ragequitted against you also get a strike. I got ragequitted against 4 times in a row and got locked out myself so round of applause to capcom.
Nah, that's pretty much how I thought it worked. Like it was speculated, it doesn't seem like their network system can distinguish rage quits in that way, which is why all the conventional solutions people kept suggesting they should do weren't applied or actually addressed (and why they still haven't been, with their recent "solution").

And I really hate it when you get stuck in that post-match purgatory for whatever reason.


Takayuki Nakayama has drawn a picture of Fabio Matusda (the elder brother of Laura and Sean) so we know what he looks like now.


Back in Canada from my trip to Japan.

Went to the E-Sports Cafe on Wednesday to see how it is and its really nice. You pay the entrance fee for how long you're staying then get a coin (poker chip) thats worth one drink on the menu.

Competition is very high level. I played against Kazunoko & Itazan
got bodied by both.
There was a Birdie player there who I think might've been crusher going by his twitter but not 100% sure. Kichijoji Ken and Supersantarouman was there too.

They had a few setups that were split up by LP. For players that had 2000 LP then another for players that were at 4000LP.

Mostly head to head setups, mostly ran on PC but they had a few PS4's going.

Really nice place, wish I could've stayed longer :(


Probably for the best.

I beat a Karin with the smartest series of button presses, anti-airs, fakes, fireballs, and unpredictable aggression for my last match. He got checked at every turn and I won 2-0 i nthe set...but I didn't feel the thrill of victory. Just stressed.

Stealth brag.


Junior Member
Takayuki Nakayama has drawn a picture of Fabio Matusda (the elder brother of Laura and Sean) so we know what he looks like now.

Apparently he's the true heir to the Matsuda Jiu-Jitsu fighting style, while Laura uses a slightly modified version of it. My guess, the fact that Fabio is first in line to be the successor to his grandpa is probably why Laura is trying to teach everyone herself, to fill the void. And in doing so, it may be what drove Sean away to seek out Ken (Laura being overbearing to Sean, as shown in Laura's Story).


Apparently he's the true heir to the Matsuda Jiu-Jitsu fighting style, while Laura uses a slightly modified version of it. My guess, the fact that Fabio is first in line to be the successor to his grandpa is probably why Laura is trying to teach everyone herself, to fill the void. And in doing so, it may be what drove Sean away to seek out Ken (Laura being overbearing to Sean, as shown in Laura's Story).

It's probably a mixture of his family's overbearing and his idolism of Ken which made Sean abandon Matsuda Jiu-Jitsu. It obviously hasn't happened yet, so we might see the fallout of Sean leaving his family for Ken.

El Sloth

where's Fabio's melanin at

they better not retcon Sean to be lighter like Laura...

They need to ditch the random mobile company they used for the matchmaking service and go with somebody better.

If they were just gonna out outsource it anyways I don't get why they didn't reach out to the Cannon brothers or Killian and pay Radiant to do it (pre-Riot purchase). It's not like Capcom doesn't know who they are.

wait, I do know why and it's because that mobile company was probably way cheaper than any alternatives.


Junior Member
It's probably a mixture of his family's overbearing and his idolism of Ken which made Sean abandon Matsuda Jiu-Jitsu. It obviously hasn't happened yet, so we might see the fallout of Sean leaving his family for Ken.
Fabio also being as overbearing to Sean as Laura is would probably be fuel to the fire for Sean leaving.


Fabio also being as overbearing to Sean as Laura is would probably be fuel to the fire for Sean leaving.

Yeah, I'd imagine almost the entire family would want Sean to follow the MJJ tradition, but Sean just likes Ken's style better. I think it could be an interesting dynamic of having Laura and the rest of the Matsuda's angry/shocked that one of their own members would just leave them so suddenly for another style and mentor. I think it's a dynamic we've never seen before in SF.


Yeah, I'd imagine almost the entire family would want Sean to follow the MJJ tradition, but Sean just likes Ken's style better. I think it could be an interesting dynamic of having Laura and the rest of the Matsuda's angry/shocked that one of their own members would just leave them so suddenly for another style and mentor. I think it's a dynamic we've never seen before in SF.

You're expecting good writing....? Laura and the rest of the Matsuda family is gonna be supporting Sean and will be happy for him. They aren't gonna be shocked or disappointed at all.
Wow, amazing comeback and all, but that Karin turtle'd like fuck once they were one hit from winning, love how getting rid of chip damage puts people on edge.

It's incredible how many people will let themselves be walked right into the corner and not notice. That Karin literally backed up fullscreen, lol.
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