I take it you didn't play a lot of fighting games then? ^^
Where are you located if you don't mind me asking?
And are you playing on wifi or ethernet?
It seems the experience can vary A LOT in this game based on those two things alone...
Well, I do play many fighters, but when you have online fighters like skullgirls, Killer Instinct, Tekken 6/Tag2 and Soul Calibur 5 from last gen SF5 is not great at all, even SF4 had better netcode. With SF4 you could at least figure out what was going on in a laggy match, in this fighter, you just see people morphing from one side of the screen to the next, it's totally unplayable when it's bad. Of course it's solid, when the connections are good, but consistently good connections are not a staple of this game at all.
I also get that people like to bring wifi etc...but so many games play well under wifi, including the games I mentioned above, as long as you don't have a million devices using your internet connection and you're the only one using it, wifi is fine for any game. Even if you are wired and people are using streaming apps and torrenting on that same connection it will still lag your connection up. Btw, I'm wired, and being wired or wireless is not the problem with this game. I think SF5 is a different beast altogether, you simply can't do anything else online whilst you're playing this game, not that I'm doing anything else whilst playing, maybe other players are not so conscious of fighting game requirements for smooth games online, but still, it has a bigger pull on your connection than most fighters and some of the results can be really off-putting and frustrating more than any other fighter I've played online.
CFN uses online and loads that engine at the menu screen, I've constantly faced lag in training stage just practicing combos whilst waiting for a match, a lot is not optimum about the way the game handles your connection and the internet. Maybe it's constantly pinging even after you've found a match. In any case, I'm sure tests will show that the game drops frames whilst playing online, perhaps the issue is crossplay and the wider gamut of interfaces and systems to make this happen, perhaps if it was PSN only there would be a more accomplished and stable online game, of course, the fact that one guy was responsible for the netcode does not help the current state of the game's netcode at all.
I'll be totally honest with you though, the only thing I can think of from my side, is that I have
quality of connection set at
any and my
accept rate at
automatic, so it could very well be that I'm getting many 1 bar games or connections, but I can assure you that I've only done that because the matchmaking is so painfully slow or that nobody is playing ranked. Imagine how long I would have to stay there to get games with 5 bars only if setting it at any takes that long to be matched. Maybe there just aren't that many people playing....?
I can tell you this however, when I would choose 5 bar connections and play people nearer to me, hell, even with the same ISP, these 5 bar connections would lag and teleport the worse for me, It's no joke, the absolute worse games I've had are persons with 5 bar connections who were closer to me on the same ISP. I've had some good 5 bar games too of course, but their ISP's were different. I've also had quite a few lesser connections prove themselves better than some 5 bars, so it's really a crapshoot what you get at this point. I hope this improves, because no fighter should take you an hour to get a match when you have the quality set at any. I suspect there might be some restrictions and other netcode issues that needs to be sorted out and I hope that the game's netcode/matchmaking and RQ punishment system gets some attention next patch.
You have to agree, this game is the worse at it's worse. I'm pretty sure all these teleporting matches that I get in SF5 would be perfectly playable with the same connections if it were skullgirls or K.I, so there's definitely a problem with how SF5 manages and deploys network resources and the implementation of it's netcode.