That would require Capcom to speed up development of their characters for potential bosses, unless they just use Bison & Necalli (& maybe Urien as a secret boss). Plus they'd have to get the voice actors back to record for the endings. To be honest, just repurposing the Character Stories to have random fights in between to make the Stories feel more like Arcade Mode may be the better course of action that Capcom can actually do in a timely manner.Hopefully daily challenges are up this or next month. And man, Capcom just put continues into survival so it's actually winnable. I'm looking at the million FM trophy with envy right now.
Plus casual player need a reward system. Daily challenges, an Arcade mode with 2 boss fights, a winnable survival mode, and a time attack/ladder mode should make the cut ASAP. Taking so long for them to do these little tweaks and polish up the game. Hurry it up!
And why aren't more costumes and items done? Capcom really should have called this early access. They could have launched much stronger and with the actual pay model in place. You know how many people would buy a $2 shirtless Ken outfit? $2 shades for Guile? Items and outfits are a no brainer here, time is money.
I do agree about needing the Fight Money Challenges. I'm stuck on Normal for most of the characters that I don't main (I main Karin & Alex), sans Guile.