I don't remember if I posted something like this earlier, but this is why I was weary of the end-of-the-month releases when people said "well technically they have until the 30th/31st so they haven't done anything wrong." It doesn't allow for any wiggle room. They really should have, if nothing else, revealed who the character would be by now. Surprises don't work when you're already awaiting them and at this point. It just frustrates people.
There's two sides to this, though. On one hand, they really shouldn't have outlined the characters per month. That gives them only a month's time to finish shit, alongside all the other issues, which is presumably what's holding everything back IMO. When you have server problems and the zenny shop, you can't really just focus on the characters. I really seemed like they started work on characters a little late in the game, and thus, here we are.
On the other hand, the 30th/31st is what it is, no matter how much people want those characters. I don't mind, if they need it, extra time to hash out shit so long as it comes within the slated time period. I want my Balrog and my Urine, but until they actually miss the month, I'll withhold flipping out. Alex and Guile have both come out on time, so at least the track record is there.
This all being said, this month feels far different than usual. By now, we usually have a blog post about the character. And their big announcement at CEO is probably related to the characters. I'm thinking they've cobbled together something bigger than usual and would rather wait to show it off at their premieres over giving out the information.
I think that's horrible marketing, but I'm pretty sure it's probably due to the fact that they were able to shove more in the update than they thought possible and believed it better to ride it out until the weekend. If there are issues or delays, we'd a.h ear about them already, and b. wouldn't get an announcement at CEO. Or it's just Balrog/Ibuki trailer and release on Tuesday/Wednesday, with the Zenny shop and that's it.
Regardless, we only have a few more days, but I hope Capcom realizes that if they plan to do something big (or get more people watching CPT events), they need to drop hints throughout the weeks so people know what's up.
Perfect world scenario, we'll get the trailer on Sunday (or whenever it ends - it's Sunday, right?), and release of stuff on Tuesday and Wednesday, including Zenny shop, VS CPU, VS Special CPUs (I'd imagine they'd want to do this alongside that), and dailies. With the DLC packs found, it makes sense that this update would probably contain at least the DLC stuff with the zenny foundation.
But playing it safe, it's probably character trailer, release on Tuesday or Wednesday, and a quick snippet of their story mode trailer or something.
tl;dr: Hope for the best, expect the worst, but there's probably something coming.