Cammy is a Vega clone.Talking about movesets
Yep, that slide, command grab, stance change, overhead etc etc Pretty much a 1:1 mirror clone.
Cammy is a Vega clone.Talking about movesets
I'm in one right now.Any lobbies going?
Any news on the May update and character? There really should be something by now.
Are we going to see Holy Ken in story mode?
Nothing yet. Capcom hinted at a surprise during Combo Breaker finals this weekend, so maybe there.
for people who have this on steam, can you make a second account? my friend got the game on release, something messed up when he created his account and it just gave him a series of numbers for his name. he hasn't played the game at all so he doesnt have fight money or anything unlocked that hed be giving up. is there a way to make a new account?
You can take off the points/ranked being displayed. But not at the vs. screen.Oh man, it's the best when error 40006 appears right before the VS. screen and every number is erased with the only thing left being the player names. Wish that was an actual setting.
Evil Ryu story wise and being an alt. Ryu character has been done enough, as a fan, I certainly wouldn’t mind Ken getting more love. But I don’t think an actual Street Fighter game has ever used the SF2:Animated movie storyline where Bison takes over Ken as a replacement to Ryu and brainwashes him into becoming his assassin like a new/improved “Cammy." He couldn’t find Ryu because of him being a wanderer, got Ken instead, destroyed his mind, and then Ken proceeded to whoop on a Ryu that didn’t want to fight his friend.Are we going to see Holy Ken in story mode?
Evil Ryu story wise and being an alt. Ryu character has been done enough, as a fan, I certainly wouldnt mind Ken getting more love. But I dont think an actual Street Fighter game has ever used the SF2:Animated movie storyline where Bison takes over Ken as a replacement to Ryu and brainwashes him into becoming his assassin like a new/improved Cammy." He couldnt find Ryu because of him being a wanderer, got Ken instead, destroyed his mind, and then Ken proceeded to whoop on a Ryu that didnt want to fight his friend.
Would think that would be a cool storyline, but not sure about actually having another Ken in the game, Ken already plays pretty aggressive, it would be even less of a change in gameplay of E.Ryu and Ryu, but for storyline, I think it would be dope.
Anyone drinking and wanna make a lobby? Half drunk SFV?
you still up for some games, drunky?
you still up for some games, drunky?
oh yeah. ID: kureitenu.
Sorry the connection wasn't great. Hope it wasn't too bad on your end. Fun games. Always nice to play underrepresented characters, especially Rashid since not many still play him. GGs
Who cares about connection. GGs, man. Serious footsies. Don't have a lot of vega experience so thanks, breh.
Oh, that time out match was pretty awesome.
lol, yeah the move loses it's active frames after the initial roll so if you had slid or eagle spiked it would've killed me, I think.
Ah, yes, I could tell only because you weren't able to punish Vega's light roll which is -6. GGs again and let's do it again
So not owning a PS4 or decent PC, I haven't really gotten a chance to dig into this game yet, only stealing a couple matches in casual here and there on my roommates PS4. Finally had a chance to play ranked today. Keep getting up to bronze and then getting de-ranked to literally 0 LP. I feel like I'm learning a lot though.
What are you supposed to do on getup against Laura and Necali's EX command grabs? Faced one of each of these characters today that was really good at this. I could always expect it because I picked up on their spacing, but I just can't get anything out fast enough. edit: Trying to pick up Cammy btw, though my Ryu is much better.
Just neutral jump straight up. The whiff animation is really long that you can get a full jump in combo. This applies to all command grabs
I fucking LOVE staring at "Waiting for opponent" for ten minutes between getting double perfected or losing connection.
This is probably the most infuriating thing about playing ranked in SFV. Go on a losing streak, get salty, get really eager to redeem yourself, spend 10+ minutes waiting for that next match with every minute feeling twice as long as the next because your just seething right now.
Yeah, I finally did the port forwarding thing. Doesn't seem to be helping though.
Anyone care to give me any advice? I'm so fucking bad at this game that I don't even know where to start:
Yeah, I finally did the port forwarding thing. Doesn't seem to be helping though.
Anyone care to give me any advice? I'm so fucking bad at this game that I don't even know where to start: a recent asskicking.
Yeah, I finally did the port forwarding thing. Doesn't seem to be helping though.
Anyone care to give me any advice? I'm so fucking bad at this game that I don't even know where to start: a recent asskicking.
Yeah, I finally did the port forwarding thing. Doesn't seem to be helping though.
Anyone care to give me any advice? I'm so fucking bad at this game that I don't even know where to start: a recent asskicking.
I had a dream that there was a completely hidden character in the game that nobody had found yet. It was a new character, male, and had a really cool fighting style.
so weird that they learned from the alex mistakes last months and released infos early and had some press and a trailer and now we're back to square one with no info at all until the last possible moment.
RAGE SF5 tourney going on in Japan...Kazunoko, Kindevu, etc.
English Stream:
Can't wait for Remy to join the game this weekend and everyone finds out he is Bisons son
Or Vega
Or Sagat
obviously not true
Probably a secret love child from Nash