Nah, that's nothing. Her CA can be interrupted with some normal buttons, now that's dumb. Unless they changed that.Per costume, no less. Even the paid ones.
And Cammy's Cannon Strike/EX CS can be easily be jabbed. It's ridiculous.
Nah, that's nothing. Her CA can be interrupted with some normal buttons, now that's dumb. Unless they changed that.Per costume, no less. Even the paid ones.
And Cammy's Cannon Strike/EX CS can be easily be jabbed. It's ridiculous.
Nah, that's nothing. Her CA can be interrupted with some normal buttons, now that's dumb. Unless they changed that.
Easy hit confirms compared to who? His target combos are easy (and useless) but he's got some tight frame windows on everything else. You have to work for every hit with Nash outside of EX Moonsault and EX Sonic Scythe (which hit multiple times). There are no auto-combos or one button links and link command grabs with Nash like there are with some other characters.
I'm not saying you have to be a savant to wrap your head around playing with Nash but for you to say he's easy in any way? Compared to who?
Is it just me or does it take extra long to log in lately?
I cannot complete a single challenge trial for any character. Not one. I watch the demonstration, I turn key display on, I confirm I'm hitting everything correctly. I must be off on every single thing by like a frame or 2. But I just can't move any faster. I don't get it. I can't pull off ANY combo according to this game. What can I do?
So I'm not the best at this game. But I'm trying. Been trying for months. I can win 30% of the time online. So I have *some* skill. But for the life of me, I cannot complete a single challenge trial for any character. Not one. I watch the demonstration, I turn key display on, I confirm I'm hitting everything correctly. I must be off on every single thing by like a frame or 2. But I just can't move any faster. I don't get it. I can't pull off ANY combo according to this game. What can I do?
Not a single challenge and not a single combo? Turn on key display, record and post it here. We'll tell you what you're missing.
The game is quite linear on combo as compared to SF4.
Or try the standard Ryu into fireball and post the video here.
What's the best way to upload video from PS4?
The share button...
You're right technically everyone in this game has easy combos. Its pretty easy to hit confirm off Jabs or Cr.MP. But that applies to almost anyone.
the hardest thing i find about him is when to go in on the opponent. Dash up throw works against scrubs a lot , but against high level players you REALLY need to pick your spot. One wrong dash in and you'll eat a poke->combo into throw/meaty mixup into stun and game. Thats why despite him being top tier , there arent too many players.
You're waiting until the medium punch has finished fully before doing the fireball, which is not what you want to do.Okay here is my attempt at the first trial of Laura's. I can't literally keep doing this for 20 mins with no success.
Also, I don't think the input lag on my TV is an issue. It's a Toshiba 50L1400U with 33ms which Displaylag says is "great".
edit - the first handful of times i don't get it right, but it looks correct to me on those last 2.
You just have to do it faster and harder. Make sure you use the light version too. The later trials will make you do it ven faster and harder.Okay here is my attempt at the first trial of Laura's. I can't literally keep doing this for 20 mins with no success.
Also, I don't think the input lag on my TV is an issue. It's a Toshiba 50L1400U with 33ms which Displaylag says is "great".
edit - the first handful of times i don't get it right, but it looks correct to me on those last 2.
You're waiting until the medium punch has finished fully before doing the fireball, which is not what you want to do.
When you chain normals together, you wait until one normal has ended and recovered and then do the second move. But there's something called cancelling.
Cancelling is when you do a normal and then do a special move right after so the move doesn't do the full animation of recovering allowing you to combo things that normally wouldn't.
Try doing the fireball as soon as the medium punch hits rather than waiting for it to complete fully.
You just have to do it faster and harder. Make sure you use the light version too. The later trials will make you do it ven faster and harder.
I'm definitely not actively waiting to do the final move. I'm attempting it as fast as my hands can possibly go... I'm not sure how to go faster....
edit - i read online about how easy they made the timing and how it was forgiving.... this seems like it's down to the exact frame.... i can pull off moves and combos in mortal kombat, killer instinct, P4A, GG, etc, all no problem. but not SFV....
I'm definitely not actively waiting to do the final move. I'm attempting it as fast as my hands can possibly go... I'm not sure how to go faster....
edit - i read online about how easy they made the timing and how it was forgiving.... this seems like it's down to the exact frame.... i can pull off moves and combos in mortal kombat, killer instinct, P4A, GG, etc, all no problem. but not SFV....
What Kikirin said. You're just not timing it right, you need to start doing the fireball motion as soon as you press the mp. Same guess for practically every normal cancel into special move.Try beginning the fireball motion right after you press the medium punch and finishing it + a punch button when the punch connects.
I'm definitely not actively waiting to do the final move. I'm attempting it as fast as my hands can possibly go... I'm not sure how to go faster....
edit - i read online about how easy they made the timing and how it was forgiving.... this seems like it's down to the exact frame.... i can pull off moves and combos in mortal kombat, killer instinct, P4A, GG, etc, all no problem. but not SFV....
Edit - can people also like.... SEE 60fps in this game? Like are you able to be like "I'm on frame 10!"? My brain can't do that I'm trying so hard. This game just keeps giving me the finger. :/
Sweet. Thanks for the tips y'all. I'm heading to bed now but I'm gonna try this out tmrw. Thank you
Nah, that's nothing. Her CA can be interrupted with some normal buttons, now that's dumb. Unless they changed that.
Sweet. Thanks for the tips y'all. I'm heading to bed now but I'm gonna try this out tmrw. Thank you
I wonder why.Best kept secret of the past couple days.
Sadly not on twitch, so...yeah.
Nash and Ken are so flowchart safe it hurts. Also fuck Ken's crouching mp.
I don't know how they decide who is what tier but my personal feelings is that Nash isn't top tier. How can you have so many weaknesses and still be considered top tier? He lacks walk speed, defense, anti-air, working with 950 health and stun, has a 4 frame jab and as you mentioned, a weak offense as well. I feel like if Infiltration never picked up Nash, he would be seen and tiered a little differently. Not saying Nash is garbage though because he's very much far from it.
Just my unprofessional opinion though. Tiers are probably determined very scientifically. I don't know.
U-league event going on. Lots of big names in attendance...Daigo, Infil, Xian, etc:
Best kept secret of the past couple days.
Sadly not on twitch, so...yeah.
Her full screen, nearly instant, sometimes unpunishable CA dang well BETTER be hittable. How stupid would Cammy's CA be if it were fully invincible? Think about that.
Shit needs some level of priority, I got stuffed out of my CA when using it as an anti air against Zangief's J.HP... that shit should be illegal.
... that you can combo into her CA... ^^If only Cammy had a meterless invincible anti-air...
Capcom Fighters ‏@CapcomFighters 16m16 minutes ago
Were pleased to announce that Lockdown in Portugal has been added to this years CPT as a Ranking event, Sep 10-11.
I didnt even know there was a scene here in Portugal![]()
The SFV Story Expansion is a 3~4 hour experience titled “A Shadow Falls” and will be released at the end of this month as free DLC to all SFV players. The 5 chapter story takes place between Street Fighter IV and Street Fighter III and bridges the events that happen in between the two stories.
all six DLC characters are fully playable in the story mode. That’s right, in addition to Alex, Guile, and Ibuki, that means that Balrog, Urien, and Juri are also playable! The official release of these characters will not be until later in the year, which means everyone will get to play them in advance through this mode. For the DLC characters that haven’t been released at the time the story comes out, those characters shouldn’t be considered final or tournament ready, as they still need to be properly polished and balanced. So, think of this as a free preview of the characters and enjoy playing with them before they get officially released in the other competitive game modes.
We have an important announcement regarding the in-game currency system. We will no longer be introducing Zenny to Street Fighter V as a real money currency option. After extensive testing and development, we came to the conclusion that it was not necessary in order to carry out our original vision for the product. Instead, we will be utilizing the PlayStation Store and Steam stores to carry out real money transactions.
The premium Battle Costumes for every character released so far will go on sale this month, and will be available for purchase with real currency only. Now everyone will have access to this hunk of a man:
Urien is playable in story mode FUCK YES!!!!!!! As well as Juri and Balrog
Still hope his is an ostentatious boxing ring to double as a wrestling ring for Mika.
*huffs into a paper bag*
Glad they confirmed that they'll sell the alternative stages like the daytime kanzuki stage. Cheaper price too.
Nice to finally have the real money store. Dunno why they didn't just do this to begin with though. No need at all for Zenny when you have PSN and Steam.
If the characters are playable but "not final" in terms of balance, they should let us tinker with them in training mode. Let us help you balance your game, Capcom!
Urien has a shirt, I want a refund.