Are you okay? Have you hit a low point in your life?
They've been cutting hours at the cedar mill.
Are you okay? Have you hit a low point in your life?
My new phone wallpaper.
You guys wouldn't know art if it bit you in the butt.Great minds think alike.
Now that execution is no longer a factor to worry about so much anymore, I'm starting to focus on playing with my brain turned on and really analyze what the player is doing so I can stump his tendencies. Trying to pay attention to two or three key things that they like to do.
That wild yolo Ken player the other day was really traumatic for me. Never again.
I don't know why but I'm playing hard survival again.
for the thrill and the reward.
Ok so now today I'm running into Kens and Necallis that never jump. Only advance forward and pressure into the corner mostly with normals. Their anti-air is also top notch. They both can beat Nash at footsies and do so every time.
What do I do?
Dealing with yolo Kens is a lot easier in this game. Just block on his wakeup, block whenever you anti air him and he lands and block whenever he does a light tatsu cause he'll definitely do a shoryu afterwards.
Thanks for the tips guys. Hopefully I can put these plans into practice soon by running into these types of players again.They dont , they only win mid-range. Long Range Nash wins. How are they just walking forward when you can stop their movement with M.Sonic Scythe, C.MK ,F.HK. F.MK. They need to come much closer for their normals to hit you.
And if they are already that close , you dun goofed. Either back up and try again , or try to block/tech and wait for your turn.
Also if they are never ever jumping , you can pressure them once they block a HP.Sonic Boom. And hold your position or push them back so you dont get cornered.
It may not have cost you money but it cost your time!I do like free things.
It may not have cost you money but it cost your time!
FeelsBadManRIP PS4 users. Kappa
I just counter it by beating them. ¯\_(ツI've been running into a lot of taunters online and I'm not gonna lie. It's making me salty.
It may not have cost you money but it cost your time!
I'd like to make a persuasive argument that my time is valuable, but then I remember I play fighting games.
I just counter it by beating them. ¯\_(ツ_/¯
Try playing Casual since there's nothing at stake.I actually reached sliver and was beating people consistently, then i got a stick and it's been pretty hard to adjust to it.
So earlier I played a Super Silver Nash. It was the final round and I had a decent lead and he was doing what a lot of Nash players do, which is back themselves into the corner by back dashing obsessively. He barely has any life so I figure I'll just do sweep, V trigger, overhead for the win. When I had him in the corner he does a raw super which catches the start up frames of my sweep. I was like "Why would you do that?". Their was no reason to get that desperate. But it was a nice read I suppose so we rematch. I annihilate him the 1st round of the 2nd match and he quits immediately. Maybe that answered my question, he was never planning on losing any points.
Well, that's debatable. The situation just got reset and they now have the advantage in this situation. And we know what a blocked DP leads to.Wake up jab and you'll air reset him for barely any damage..
BTW, I copy and pasted that gimmicky HK tatsu on a opponents wake up from Daigo and it's been working marvelously for me. It has long start up at 14f which is actually a good thing because it still catches delayed tech'ers. Besides that it also catches back dashes, blows up that throw tech that the Japanese have been using, and it loops back into itself on hit since it puts Ryu right next to his opponent with no ability to back roll away since he crosses over to the other side and they'll just roll in his direction.
Last but not least, if you want to punish it hard you have to make a hard read and block high. Wake up crouch and do nothing and Ryu flies to safety. Wake up jab and you'll air reset him for barely any damage. Wake up and react will net you maybe just a medium attack reset or a sweep if you're using a slide character. Blocking high on wake up is a scary thing to do so I've gotten away unpunished or only received a weak punish the vast majority of the time.
I've been spamming the hell out of it, mainly against characters that lack a DP. Some guys I have to condition them first by going for a lot of throws. Once they start tech'ing it's hilarious to land a meaty HK tatsu 2 or 3 times in a row. Only thing I'm curious about is when HK tatsu is airborne. It starts up in 14f, but no way does it take that long to get airborne. Otherwise I'd get thrown a lot.
Well, that's debatable. The situation just got reset and they now have the advantage in this situation. And we know what a blocked DP leads to.
Like any tech, you're getting away with it cause it's new. Most competent players will start punishing it/already do.
But you get punished if they just block right? Sounds like a pretty bad option...
Happy to see Mago take one. That was a really good grand finals.
That last match was tense af. Happy for Mago, too.
Hey guys, does SFV have sufficient content to warrant a buy yet? Speaking as someone who enjoys fighting games (especially Tekken), I've been meaning to buy it since release but have always ended up waiting after people's suggestions.
Hey guys, does SFV have sufficient content to warrant a buy yet? Speaking as someone who enjoys fighting games (especially Tekken), I've been meaning to buy it since release but have always ended up waiting after people's suggestions.
In terms of single player content, I'd recommend waiting until the end of the month when the story mode hits. We'll get a much better idea of the single player.Hey guys, does SFV have sufficient content to warrant a buy yet? Speaking as someone who enjoys fighting games (especially Tekken), I've been meaning to buy it since release but have always ended up waiting after people's suggestions.
Hey guys, does SFV have sufficient content to warrant a buy yet? Speaking as someone who enjoys fighting games (especially Tekken), I've been meaning to buy it since release but have always ended up waiting after people's suggestions.
Switched to Guile online specifically to nab his level up FM before he's gone.Of course if you buy now, you can use alex and guile and get fight money from them by completing tutorials, story and survival modes and add to your cash pool before they revert back into pay characters.
This is why I got the Season Pass. No rush for me.Switched to Guile online specifically to nab his level up FM before he's gone.
SFV got that reputation for its launch. By the end of this month, sfv will have 8 player lobbies, combo trials, alex, guile, ibuki, cinematic story, store to buy costumes, and that shit tutorial. None of that stuff was at launch.Hey guys, does SFV have sufficient content to warrant a buy yet? Speaking as someone who enjoys fighting games (especially Tekken), I've been meaning to buy it since release but have always ended up waiting after people's suggestions.