8f delay confirmed deliberate in the Topanga stream. Was pretty obvious given the extra frames on overheads.
I'll like to hear the excuse. it's probably because they don't want screen tearing.
Not even Tekken's Input lag is that bad.
"Deliberate" "excuse"
I can't watch the footage right now, but I'm curious do the story mode grunts have unique move sets with their own special moves, or are they just re-skinned playable characters?
Was there Balrog game play, or just cinematic stuff?
BTW, there was a post on the r/streetfighter subreddit claiming that the recent maintenance has fixed the matchmaking issues, specifically the whole getting ranked with people leagues above/below you. Can anyone confirm if it really is "fixed"?
I would definitely believe this is the case after my recent experiences. I'm consistently being matched against opponents of my rank now, instead of always going against Bronze and Silver players.
I am ultra plat and got matched with quite a few ultra bronze and silver players earlier, i am in Europe though maybe things are different in other regions.
Wow, matched against two opponents of my exact rank in a row. It's a miracle.
Edit: Wait... a third in a row; completely different player? What's going on, heh.
Wow, I just a beat a platinum player and he didn't rage quit.
I stole his points and ran away. Man I'm so dirty.
THE DIRTIEST PLAYA IN THE GAMEWow, I just a beat a platinum player and he didn't rage quit.
I stole his points and ran away. Man I'm so dirty.
I stole his points and ran away. Man I'm so dirty.
Wow, I just a beat a platinum player and he didn't rage quit.
I stole his points and ran away. Man I'm so dirty.
FUCK this actual game. I never really understood the complaints before. I always got matches within a minute, and most of them had very little if any lag. I'm in the US East for reference. Since this update, EVERY single match I've played has lagged out.
what the ACTUAL fuck.
Today in SF5: Vaguebook posts.
Balrog was HUGE. I can't wait to play him!
Yeah I don't know what we were supposed to glean from that given there's no obvious "bullshit" going on right now.
Rage Quit Rankings: The characters that players who are most likely to rage quit play, in order:
1. Nash
2. Ken
3. Necalli
4. Ryu
This is regardless of league/skill.
Got several matches of the appropriate league tonight (and lost most of them ;_but had to stop because of lag. Don't know if it was on my end or something bigger.
I thought Lupe retired?
I wanted him to feel the burn.
To be the man, you have to beat the man. WOOOH. I am not the man, so therefore I don't need to be beaten.
He did, this is just playing casually.
Lupe playing the long con. Just wait until Evo.
There is going to be an "extra" difficult mode that gets unlocked once you beat the story mode once. That might be along the lines of what you're looking for.please dont tell me the fights in story mode are going to be as easy as they looked in that stream
it looked like the character story fights. 1 round, easy mode turned on
just make them regular best 2 of 3 matches dammit
There is going to be an "extra" difficult mode that gets unlocked once you beat the story mode once. That might be along the lines of what you're looking for.
That difficulty also gives you 50k FM if you complete it, as compared to the regular story mode which gives 30k FM for completing it.
its just gonna be a huge bummer if the story mode is filled with fights similar to the character stories
just so unrewarding. i dont need it to be super hard, but at least something engaging, you know?
and its not like i'm asking for something that would require more work from capcom haha. just change the parameters to the fights to make them have more rounds