As a Mika player I've been beating this drum for a while. Laura is stupid as hell and zero fun to fight against.
I've been thinking for awhile what the difference between Laura and Mika really is to me, a la what makes Mika so much scarier to me than Laura?
It's three things, the obvious one being Irish Whip and the fact that getting hit pretty much at all vs. Mika means you are in the corner or very near to it at best. Getting hit by Laura is bad of course, and the resulting setup is just as dangerous, but you don't just magically appear in the corner like with Mika.
Next is Mika's Vtrigger which is just super hard to deal with. It turns almost any situation into a guess. If she activates, I can't apply pressure basically at all and just have to wait to be mixed up. Laura's Vtrigger doesn't scare me nearly as much.
Those are obvious of course. I think the biggest factor for why Mika is much scarier is that I feel that her setups are just harder to intuitively get out of. I feel like Laura's pressure is pretty linear, whereas sometimes I get hit by Mika's bullshit and wonder how I could possibly react to the situation without just guessing.
In other news I've just hit Gold for the first time, feel pretty good about it. What made a big difference is I've started disrespecting my opponent alot with Karin's V-Trigger. The mix ups out of Gurren-ken are just not real most of the time but I was watching replays of high level online Karin players, and there's this one Super Plat Karin who just throws the elbow and the overhead out with no regard for the fact that you can just easily mash jab out of it. You never see it in tournaments but online it works way more than it should.
Pro-tip: If you block Gurren-ken, just crouch jab. You beat all of my options except the backdash which gets me nothing or the unsafe slide or punch followup. If you allow me to make you block the elbow, the amount of free pressure I can generate is really painful
For real the amount of matches I started winning just abusing Gurren-ken got me into Gold.