Wonder if Mike's "I'll make it up to you" is announcing the full details of this week's patch.
Mike u don't gotta give us the world just please don't get locked out.
Wonder if Mike's "I'll make it up to you" is announcing the full details of this week's patch.
I feel ya pain man...but I wouldnt do it this close to an update from Capcom, seems like the servers go crazy around update time.
Wonder if Mike's "I'll make it up to you" is announcing the full details of this week's patch.
How many hours from now until pro talk starts?
GG's Flux. You were opening me up a lot better towards the end. Work on confirming off clap on my throw whiff animation.
Dhalsim and Guile would get wrecked in 3S because of universal parries. They rely on slow, ranged, single-hit attacks, which work in every other game but are easily negated in 3S. Remy is actually an evolution of the Sonic Boom type character, and he's the best one there ever was, since he could charge partition, have multiple high/low booms out at once, combo into his flash kick, have a double-scoop motion super, have more mobility with Cool Blue Kick, etc. He's still low tier because the game's mechanics don't favor that type of character.
I don't really get why they changed the properties for a lot of Alex's normals. His LP and MP are basically switched, and his overhead shifted from HP to f.MP (although this one makes sense, since HP combos into things now).
Remy is actually an evolution of the Sonic Boom type character, and he's the best one there ever was,
How is Chun-Li looking?
Ryu's SA2 flat out beats Remy's SA3. Remy will start kicking and then get punched in the dick.100%
Remy boyz
Come at meand get barely grazed by this SA3
I like Alex in this game and think he's viable, but I said before he released that I was worried he was being rushed out and he looks and feels like he wasn't quite done cooking. Guile looks a lot more complete.
What do you mean?
Does she seem strong? I want to live through all of you since I don't have the game.
Does she seem strong? I want to live through all of you since I don't have the game.
4 games straight, I respected this Mika. On the final round in the set, I woke up super'd. It felt good lol
Hey Fulfore GGS buddy I have to help my wife out and will be back on later bro...
What's Karins sweep? Is it safe max range, felt like I could only punish it when u did it too close.
Man...that was really amazing sets though...battle of shimmy!!!! Lol the advice u gave me really helped! Gotta use FB more in the Match. And I'm gonna clip ur ass next time you walk back monster!!! You love saving up that super to kill me!!! I'm on to ya! Lol...
This is street fighter baby
Lol yeah i would get beat trying to poke with you so I have to jump sometimes, but I'll get killed if I go for normal jumps. I go ex Tatsu (reaction based since it comes out fast) RH Tatsu for cross up and LK or MK Tatsu for jump in (beats a lot of normals) empty jump, only when I conditioned opponent, (you didn't fall for too many good stuff) and in the corner I like to do Neutral jump with HP. Offline it would be easier to do your AA very late and it will probably beat Tatsu or at worse trade. I wish we could join each other's training rooms already to test stuff.GG's Omni! Jump tatsu is a pain in the ass to anti air online, lol. Most characters I can walk under and trip guard with cr mp on the jump in but his tatsu has a larger hitbox than in SFIV. Looking forward to the next set!.
Lol yeah i would get beat trying to poke with you so I have to jump sometimes, but I'll get killed if I go for normal jumps. I go ex Tatsu (reaction based since it comes out fast) RH Tatsu for cross up and LK or MK Tatsu for jump in (beats a lot of normals) empty jump, only when I conditioned opponent, (you didn't fall for too many good stuff) and in the corner I like to do Neutral jump with HP. Offline it would be easier to do your AA very late and it will probably beat Tatsu or at worse trade. I wish we could join each other's training rooms already to test stuff.
Thanks, but it didn't really feel that way at all. I'll practice those confirms, I guess.
I tried to shimmy a bit; that doesn't work. I try to just tick throw; that doesn't work. Command grabs will work once, and then never again. Jump-ins will work, but then there's no follow-up since they all get blocked. I can't really move around on the ground because of Karin's far superior normals. There's just something fundamental about this game that I'm not getting.
Does guile have the ability to do booms the old-school way by hitting the button on the back motion? i.e., charge back, forward, then back + button
Does guile have the ability to do booms the old-school way by hitting the button on the back motion? i.e., charge back, forward, then back + button
No one knows. But I imagine so, seeing as it works for Bison
Isn't this how all charge characters work to instant charge again?
hmm, I wonder if Floe won't be on Capcom Pro Talk today, he's still streaming on his own. Maybe Combofiend will still be there?
maybe there's no CPT again this week
Phew took some time off tilting in ranked and played some trials. After 20mins of frustration with Karins nr6 I finally got that down so she's doneFeels good.
Remy was my first main before I picked up Urien and swore up and down that tyrant slaughter was viable
I hate this game rn
I should not have tried other characters
Who ya trying?