Yo invite me. DashGigas.
Sure thing.
Yo invite me. DashGigas.
Bug fixes too
Guile seems good. With the Flash Kick shortcut you can actually combo sonic boom into flash kick. Also EX sonic boom into bazooka knee combos mid-screen for an air reset into easy 50/50. He might be too good with the flash kick shortcut.
I think it will be fixed lol. it's too godlike.
I don't want to jump to conclusions but it does seem like it will break for a few match ups.
BTW whatever the fuck they did with this update my Brook converter is now desyncing every 8 minutes where it used to never happen. Very annoyed with this.
『Inaba Resident』;202189767 said:Do you have latest firmware update for the converter? I haven't used my converter in a while but that was my issue a while back.
I updated it the day SFV came out and had no problems with it desyncing till I download ed the Guile patch today.
You can play offline but I think you don't gain any fight money for anything.
They've tweaked the matchmaking with this patch, perhaps the game is doing stuff like valueing the best connection for it's matchmaking? That would probably lead to a lot of rematches.I've matched the same Gief like 5 times tonight is there nobody playing?
Nope. PC version only has the option to quit the game and both only give the option to log in, not out. It's easy though , just disable your internet for a second. disable it temporrarily on the ps4 settings menu, or just disable your wifi for your PC, or just pull the plug for a second.This I knew. What I cannot figure out is if there's a menu option for logging yourself out of the server to play offline...
Even after doing it once, I can't get trial #7 down consistently. I try to charge sonic boom as soon as I input HP but it doesn't seem like I get a charge fast enough for it to come out after c.MP.
Sure thing.
Good games but bed time for me!
Hard. And it seems shorter than Nash's too. It comes out a lot quicker though.Does Guile's backfist whiff on crouching opponents?
Can someone explain me how to do a Flashkick cancel to a Critical Arts ?
"Any tips on cancelling Flash Kick to Sonic Hurricane? Having difficulty with this trial."
Do down back, up forward, back, forward. The up forward will get you the flash kick, the back, forward will get you the super cancel.
I've been watching Star Trek:TNG for the first time. Had it running in the background as I opened this thread and this dialogue came out, quite a coincidence.
"You're outmanned, you're outgunned, you're outequipped. What else have you got?"
bro it feels so good to have my main character again, Playing these high ranked players on casuals all trying out guile i am smashing on them lol.
Shitty game continues to kick me out of the server.... Why capcom?
big intake of players due to new character i'd guess
I'm really happy for you because I know if my main from USF4 (Rose) came over to V I'd be on the fuckin' moon and feel so much more in my comfort zone. Character crisis is real in these early roster stages![]()
/Guile theme plays
How do you even get to the trials that everyone is always talking about?...
whats even best is he is almost unchanged. If you knew how to use him in 4 heck even in 2 you will do really good here. I can't wait to see dieminoin or knuckledu in tournaments.
Mike Ross back with E.Honda will be a deadly force. Pros are lucky he can't compete in tournaments.Yeah man I can't wait to see some of these OG superstars get back to their mains. Gonna be so tight.
Mike Ross back with E.Honda will be a deadly force. Pros are lucky he can't compete in tournaments.
Captain Capcom: Civil WarI hope Honda does join, I want to see a V match up of Gootecks (Urien) vs Mike Ross (Honda). It needs to happen.
Captain Capcom: Civil War