You're probably not far enough back- you need a bit of distance for it to work, I believe; HP and c.MP together probably push you far enough.
Can someone elaborate on how to connect a sonic boom into flash kick via the shortcut people were talking about?
Let's do it cfn alternatingAnyone wanna play a few rounds? Super Bronze US
Let's do it cfn alternating
Juri and Balrog definitely seem more connected to the story than Ibuki or Urien do so they're probably the most likely candidates.
Honestly I expect Urien's story to act as an epilogue for the cinematic story, as a way to link SFV to SF3
Logging in one sec. And sure same to me I am not that good. Give some critiqueInvited. If you have any criticisms feel free to put me on blast, haha
Logging in one sec. And sure same to me I am not that good. Give some critique
Quick question - whats guiles go to midscreen crush punish?
Sounds good haha. I'll throw on Char. select after this one.
Anyone else who wants to join let me know two more spots!
Most people I've seen do cc s.hp,, hk flash kick iirc
Down forward hk
Most people I've seen do cc s.hp,, hk flash kick iirc
Yeah, fuck it. Let me start my day off being salty at SFV. CFN Xetehlol
Yeah, fuck it. Let me start my day off being salty at SFV. CFN Xetehlol
Wasn't it Akuma who's been in the most Street Fighter games?You guys hear the recent Tokido interview? Said Akuma will be in SF5 in the future, seemed very convinced. Perhaps he knows something we don't? As much as I am loving Guile, think I'll put him on hold until my HORI pad arrives.
On another note, is it possible to find matches on USF4 PS4? Considering a purchase just to have it on my HD. Why not.
As someone who has never put the time into playing a charge character, trying to do st. HP, cr. MP, Flash kick with Guile feels impossible. I think I've gotten it 2 times in 80 tries. I'm not going to main the character, but I'd just like to know how people are doing it so I can try for myself.
As someone who has never put the time into playing a charge character, trying to do st. HP, cr. MP, Flash kick with Guile feels impossible. I think I've gotten it 2 times in 80 tries. I'm not going to main the character, but I'd just like to know how people are doing it so I can try for myself.
For flash kick, I change d/f immediately after the s. Hp. Also, you can cancel the mp really late. It's like chun's c. MK.
Man. So friggin tired. Damn you Guile and Edzi for keeping me up till 3am!! *shakes fist at sky*
are you playing on a laptop? the game draws every single frame on PC so if your GPU is being throttled for some reason (or hasn't turned on properly in the case of laptop) that might explain it.I think the update has broken my game, it keeps going into slow motion mode. I have to alt+tab and then it goes back to 60fps.
Wtf is this, it's just one problem after another with this game.
Yeah that costume is niceUgh Xeteh I'm jealous of that battle cammy
Ugh Xeteh I'm jealous of that battle cammy
Guile's b.HP seems only useful for a V-Trigger confirm into EX Sonic boom with follow up, or CA.
That's exactly what I'm doing. I'm holding down as soon as I press HP. Either I link cr. MP and get no FK or I get FK but miss the cr. MP link since I waited too long.
EDIT: Oh I see, the cancel window for FK can be done late. That's similar to Ryu's st. MP actually. OK, will try again.
EDIT 2: Wow, what a difference that has made. I've done it probably like 10 times now in the past few minutes compared to 2 for the past 15-20 minutes before I asked.
are you playing on a laptop? the game draws every single frame on PC so if your GPU is being throttled for some reason (or hasn't turned on properly in the case of laptop) that might explain it.
That's only for that 100% stun version. Other versions either really on a jump-in or a dash forward into and then on and then onIs that Guile combo the longest super-less combo in SFV?
Even if you take out the impractical across-the-screen-sonic-boom-into-jump-in, you are still looking at a super long combo with barely no multihit attacks.
Gg brothers
Yeah, it's a good normal, didn't mean it that way. That's only for that 100% stun version. Other versions either really on a jump-in or a dash forward into and then on and then on
Also gg xeteh.
Brett You definitely have the idea but throw out less chk. Man that thing is not safe. Also paitence my friend. Against guike you need that. His whole game is to make you frustrated. And you are falling for all of my fireball traps.
Okay, it's time to revise the dumb story tier list because maybe four of us give a shit about it.
Trust me, I'm the guy who knows about this deepest lore shit when it comes to SF. I've read the plot guide far too many times to count and want to admit.
A few notes before we begin - this is updated from quotes from SFV and whatever else I can find, those listed within the tiers are in no particular order, and this does not count non-canon materials (like the Udon comic, movies, whatever).
Tier 1
Akuma, Gill, Oro, SFZ3 Final Bison, Ingrid.
Tier 2
SF2/V Bison, Ryu, SnH Ryu, SF4 Gouken, Necaili
Tier 3
Ken, Gen, SFZ Akuma, Rose, Nash, Urien, Guy, Seth, Oni, Sagat
Managed to do survival normal with Guile. No idea how to play well with him though
Anyone up for some matches ?
I've got a room going what's your id?
I've got a room going what's your id?
Xeteh that thing you do with the super when I throw fireball is so sick. I had no idea that could go across the screen lmao. Useful to know!