Another day on Gaf, another SFV thread in Gaming. Awesome lol.
The deadest game with the liveliest conversation, lol
Another day on Gaf, another SFV thread in Gaming. Awesome lol.
The deadest game with the liveliest conversation, lol
The deadest game with the liveliest conversation, lol
If that's the price to pay to get an awesome community such as DGAF, I'm all for it. ^^Reminds me of Destiny. Game has it's flaws but literally every day there'd be a thread on front page about how shit it was etc and yet Destiny is still goingalthough they better release something good soon lmao
Reminds me of Destiny. Game has it's flaws but literally every day there'd be a thread on front page about how shit it was etc and yet Destiny is still goingalthough they better release something good soon lmao
When's Toshinden?
Making people rage quit before the match is even over is the most hilarious.
more like TRASHinden
did you know there was a Toshinden reboot on Wii in 2009?
Before the match even begins is pretty good too, though understandable sometimes because the league based matchmaking is still borked.
Yeah it's crazy.
Just stop playing ranked if your points mean that much to you, casual mode exists for a reason. I got something like 3 rage quitters in a row, it made me laugh, but I'd like to take my win also.
s.MP means I drop the charge, and even if I start recharging the moment s.MP comes out, it's still not enough time.
You would charge exactly after the st.MP starts.
Damn, that's a really small window of opportunity. Unless I need to adjust my link timings or something.
EDIT - I think I know what's going wrong, it's not the link timings. I'm trying to cancel from the cr.MK too quickly into SBK, I keep forgetting that the leniency on canceling in this game creates extra time. It's almost as big an input window as one of the links themselves.
This is why you just do 2369 as the final input after cr.MK, this will force legs to come out if you didn't manage to charge SBK in time.
Lk sbk is a lot easier to combo into if mk sbk isn't working out for you. Think of the cancel like a link
I did not, however it being so obscure obviously means it was great. I wonder if mr wizard would bump kof14 for it.
Faster startup so you can delay the cancel slightly more.Is the charge time of it different to MK SBK? Because the canceling into it from cr.MK isn't the problem for me tbh, it's getting the charge in time.
EDIT - Just managed it for the first time xD
So the rhythm of that combo with SBK ends up being really even. It's jsut drilling that into my brain. Still tight though.
I hope it's not Balrog next. Too many charge characters in a row and they make me feel bad about myself
I hope it's not Balrog next. Too many charge characters in a row and they make me feel bad about myself
Was Balrog confirmed by Capcom yet or is it speculation that he'll be next?
Was Balrog confirmed by Capcom yet or is it speculation that he'll be next?
They are going by this image Capcom released which so far has been correct.
It's kinda stupid that they're putting out 2 charge characters back to back like that.
Making people rage quit before the match is even over is the most hilarious.
I learned today that none of Guile's command normals are plus on block. Profound sadness.
My favourite obscure fighting game is Flying Dragon for N64.
I think it's a rather large assumption at this point to be so sure Boxer is a charge.
And even if he is charge, why is it stupid? It's not like there aren't enough motion characters in the game already.
I'd say it's silly to put out three male characters in a row. But that's mostly because I'm sure Ibuki will be the first female and I want her before EVO.
It's kinda stupid that they're putting out 2 charge characters back to back like that.
I'd say it's silly to put out three male characters in a row. But that's mostly because I'm sure Ibuki will be the first female and I want her before EVO.
I quite liked rage of the dragons
That was way funnier than it should have been 😂I wouldn't be surprised if he was delayed til June at this point
Actually, Power Instinct Matrimelee is my fav.
Side Note: I also think Karin needs an umbrella. Lol
Who does Guile lose to? So happy this game has a pure zoner finally.
Who does Guile lose to? So happy this game has a pure zoner finally.