umm isn't it alpha, 2, 4, 5, 3?
Wha.....? How exactly does the SF timeline work???
Wha.....? How exactly does the SF timeline work???
I know some stuff was posted in this thread, there were clips of characters dashing/running through Guile from the corner but that was about the extent of what I saw, I'll see if I can find it.
Mel is 3 in SF3 and he's born in SSF4 so it's only 3 years between the two.
The games are also still set in the 90s too, so 3rd Strike is set in 1999 and SF2 in 1993. SF4 and SFV are set somewhere between those years (I think 4 is set in 1994 and V in 1996 myself).
the alternate 90s timeline were smartphones were invented earlier.
And google glassthe alternate 90s timeline were smartphones were invented earlier.
Thanks for reminding me about that movie. I'm going to refer to Necalli's stomp as "The Vin Diesel" from now on.Like the Fast and Furious franchise, we will have to wait until the 7th entry for them to pass 3 in the timeline.
GGs Whales and Flux. I hope it was also playable over there.
Your Ryu is also improving. Not many opening as last time. Good job.
How long does it take to get to level 50 so u unlock color 15?Last week or so when the server went down unannounced, after it came back up, I ran into a Zangief player that was simply mashing LK. I just assumed it was someone that put their X button on autofire to reconnect to the server while it was down and then fell asleep or something. I ended up running into them again last night, mashing LK, and it got me thinking. They're actually farming EXP.
You still get EXP for a loss in casuals, so he's sitting there with his X button on autofire getting casual matches, and gaining EXP for the loss, and fight money on level ups. That's actually not too bad of a strategy.
I hope Ibuki's terrible in this game.
Ding ding ding.
Last week or so when the server went down unannounced, after it came back up, I ran into a Zangief player that was simply mashing LK. I just assumed it was someone that put their X button on autofire to reconnect to the server while it was down and then fell asleep or something. I ended up running into them again last night, mashing LK, and it got me thinking. They're actually farming EXP.
You still get EXP for a loss in casuals, so he's sitting there with his X button on autofire getting casual matches, and gaining EXP for the loss, and fight money on level ups. That's actually not too bad of a strategy.
I want to say something like SFII > IV > Alpha > V > III ? Not entirely sure tbh.
Edit - Wait, what am I talking about. Of course Alpha is the first one. There's a clue there somewhere..
hah. Yeah... now that I think about it, it's probably only like 15K fight money per month for 12-16 hours of afk matchups a day.I hope that guy rent covers utilities. It'd be cheaper just to buy fight money.
Why do so many characters have the same looking cr strong
Anybody up for a few sets?
Sure. CFN is Alchemist.
Alpha 3 is non-canon for most part. See Nash story.SF1 > Alpha 2 > Alpha 3 > SF2 > SFIV > SFV > SF3: 2i > SF3: 3rd Strike
Sure. CFN is Alchemist.
I was practicing cr. MP, fireball, Super with Ryu again. I haven't tried it in a while and wanted to test myself again. I'm not sure what I was thinking or seeing last time, but I'm finding it very easy now. This was something I didn't think I could do reliably because I could never do it in SF4, but I think it's much easier in SFV.
My main motivation was because I've seen plenty of people around my skill level(and below) perform those kind of short 2 in one combos into Super. If they could confirm it, why can't I? I guess I just gave up too quickly. I'm hitting it very easily in training mode right now, but real matches are a different story. It's not like I have infinite meter and a dummy set on random for me to keep fishing for this confirm. But I'm hoping I can add this to my game, it's been sorely missing.
You can land super after a CC B+HP without activating VTrigger. It doesn't look like it will work at first, but Floe was doing it on stream a few days ago. If you have trigger, you can do get Flash kick xx super.B.HP is best used as a V-Trigger confirm. Since it's a very fast normal and can hit crouching opponents unlike f.hp, that's the best use.
b.HP xx V-Trigger xx CA or EX Sonic boom with 2 follow ups.
You can combo with flash kick if you get a CC while the opponent is in the corner.
b.HP xx Flash kick (EX too).
I don't think his hitboxes are out yet, but they might show up on deviantart soon.What is Guile's throw range? It seems damn short to me but I could be totally wrong.
Compare his his cmd grab range against that of all the other characters and be amazed. Don't let Snake Eyez fool you. His range is garbola.I never though Alex's range was that bad tbh. Moving forward a little bit before the cmd grab helps a lot.
Your definition of overpowered must be an interesting one.Alex would be stupidly overpowered with extended range on his command throws.
I've had a similar experience over the weekend. This game makes me feel terrible.went from 1.2klp to 1.4k, then back down to 1.1k, and now I finally managed to get to 1.6klp
im finally an ultra bronze boy
now I can quit ranked and train for like a month in lounges, come back to ranked, reach 2k, rinse and repeat
His 90s looking model isn't what people asked for and some of his moves work in ways that don't please some people. His EX stun gun definitely needs to hit multiple times, his grab range is a tiny bit too small, his f.MP overhead needs to be way faster and his stomps could take another look (maybe EX stomp being able to crossup or hit jumping opponents). Otherwise he made a decent transition.First time posting in this thread so forgive my ignorance if this has been asked before, but what's up with the seemingly negative backlash for Alex? I thought he was a highly requested character and people have wanted him to reappear for a while now? Was Capcom's mishandling of his release or his play-style to blame?
Do what everyone else does when they reach gold and quit ranked.Man, staying in low gold is really tilting. I get matched constantly with high bronze/low silver players such that even going on 10 win streaks doesn't help me. Meanwhile a single loss puts me right back in ultra silver :/
Meanwhile matchmaking is taking longer and longer it seems. I wish I wasn't so addicted to this game sometimes.
Getting ready for the god, Urien.
I've had the pleasure to play almost every street fighter game, besides the first one. So I wouldn't presume to know where it fits into the time line because I have no idea bar what others have said.Why is everyone pretending the original game doesn't exist? I mean, I guess Capcom does this, since they like to forget about ginger Ryu, but still...
I think I'm gonna be stuck in the Bronze-Super Bronze bracket forever. Don't feel like I'm getting any better by playing this thing.
Want to play? I haven't touched ranked since the first week of the game, but if you need some live practice on something that you are working on to get better, I'm willing to play with you.
One more, Alchemist...not sure what you're seeing on your end, but it's bad on mine, lol.
Yeah it was bad. Second set was better but was still bleh.
GGs though!
Want a practice dummy?