Bronze/super Bronze/Ultra bronze players are all pretty bad, and close in skill relatively.
I'm in the UK as well, not having any problem finding matches here. (The battle lounge system is fucked for playing anyone but friends though)
I hear people who are in higher ranks say this but as someone who is in the super bronze teir i disagree. There are a LOT of people in the bronze teirs and while to people in highet groups they prob seem to all suck there is def a skill gap between them.
Bronze people lack many basic fundamentals. Bad timing, bad at blocking, mashing buttons.
Super bronze like me have a grasp on the theory but lack in consistent execution. For me its simply becauee of lack of time to dedicate to the game but its cool im happy at what ever skill level i sit at.
Ultra bronze (as in nearing silver) block very well, press buttons WAY less, counter throws all the time etc etc.
This is just my experience of course but i have trouble getting matches fast anyway so maybe im not seeing a large portion of the players or something. But that is a fairly consistent experience i have had. My biggest issue is regularly meeting people at a similar skill level. Then when i do they rage quit. I can beat people in silver etc. It has happened. But im not consiatant with it.
It's why i wish casual would work better (or more people played casual). I get to fight a large veriety of skill levels without the depressing penalty for losing. Losing fine when there isnt some rank number dropping constantly until you get paird with people who are just terrible.