every juri combo video is like: "here's how to do a bunch of insane combos", when what I need is the juri video that's like: "here's the easy combos you should be trying to set up every time".
so far what I've come up with from watching a bunch of stuff is:
1. cr.mk into qcf+lk into qcf+mk into qcf+hk
2. st.hp into qcf+mk into cr.mp into qcf+hk
3. cr.mp into qcb+lk into critical art
4. st.hp into qcf+mk into cr.mp into qcb+lk into critical art
5. vtrigger into lp, lk, mp, mk, hk, qcf+hk, qcf+mk
so my game plan as a total noob bronze juri is:
step 0. dont get hit
step 1. anti air
step 2. charge qcf moves
step 3. land either st.hp, cr.mp, or cr.mk
step 4. convert any of those normals into one of the combos above
step 5. pop vtrigger as soon as it's full and try to do the vtrigger combo
step 6. dont get hit
what do you guys think?
edit: also, surival mode IS fucking atrocious! why does it have to suck so bad?