The only SF character I wish to never see again.
You're in luck! He can turn invisble!
The only SF character I wish to never see again.
You're in luck! He can turn invisble!
That feel when a player gets so predictable with dash up throws that you start EX command grabbing on reaction.
When you tech a throw you have an additional window to counter which I think is seven frames, i.e you can still break a throw seven frames into the grab animation, so you have more leniency to react.
Also even though throws have 5 frames start up where they can be counter hit, they take priority over normals that are active on the same frame. So this means if they go for a tick throw when they are at +2 (after a blocked st.LP say) then the throw will beat any three frame move you throw out.
Sometimes you have more time to counter if they are going for dash or walk up grabs for example, and if their tick attempts are predictable you can use throw invincible moves like a DP.
does anyone have a cheap shit tactic for juri hard survival. i watched some vids and know about the jump ins and any more?
So I haven't been paying close attention but I remember reading around launch that you can't crouch tech and plinking had been rendered pointless and I've been playing under those assumptions for awhile. Am I just completely remembering wrong or did something change with a patch? Clearly I can crouch tech and it appears plinking works just fine, but the lenient input buffer makes it hard to confirm.
I couldn't find anything broken like chun v skill or rashid flying kick that breaks survival for juri. You pretty much have to knockdown and get a meaty jumping attack to beat every character(which is the strategy for almost every character you want to win survival with). I beat hard(2 tries) and extreme(1st try) using the following strategy with juri:
Back off and charge all 3 kicks first. Then do one of the following depending on where you are.
1. (cross up) jump lk or mk - 2x cr.lp - H dp kicks. (Juri's jump lk feels like ryu's jump lk and will vortex m. bison to death as long as you do it as a crossup just as he gets up)
2. (close range) - mk charge(if no mk charge) or back hk (2 hits) hit confirm to lk knockdown kick (2-1-4 kick). If is blocked, cancel to charge if needed otherwise do nothing and back off.
3. (After knockdown) Forward Jump hk - st.hp (hit confirm the st.hp) - charged mk - cr. mp - lk knockdown kick. After knockdown charge mk. If quick get up, do combo 2, throw, or backoff. Otherwise dash forward once then neutral jump and do combo 3.
Cancel lk knockdown kick to super only if it kills, otherwise save it as a wake up if cpu starts mauling you.
General tip for survival: Always save v gauge for v reversal. It'll be a knockdown so you can do combo 3(any meaty jumping combo). Only use v trigger if the combo will kill.
Always heal up if you have more damage than what heal lvl 1 can do, otherwise only use atk buff.
There are specific things you can do against each character(like the m.bison tip above) regardless of who you play as so if there's a character that's giving you trouble, feel free to ask.
Genius eSports branding incomingLol that Twelve thing looks so lame. Like Pepsiman without the Pepsi branding. Nothing.
The only SF character I wish to never see again.
Ah, Twelve; one of the worst characters in 3rd Strike, yet I'd rather have him than Remy.
Waking up to the outright disrespect of the best--and most graceful--of all charge characters just ruined the rest of my day. Smh.
Twelve is... well, I don't think he's much better than Seth, the Cycloids, Dural, Cinder, Geegus, etc. - those characters could easily be a trope. "Low effort humanoid blob" or something like that.
The twelve hate in here is real. I always thought he was kinda cool!
Yup, I loved his animations and his bizarro style of play. He was one of my mains along with Hugo and Remy. Living dat low-tier life!!
Chun's MP > cr.LK xx SBK
What's the trick to doing this? I'm either late on the SBK or I don't have enough charge.
Just dash up?
Twelve is my least favorite SF cast member.
Fucking garbo.
As bad as the two of them are, they still aren't as bad as twelve.Impossible with Rufus and El Fuerte having ever existed. They sucked so bad, Twelve would probably refuse to X-Copy their wack asses.
As bad as the two of them are, they still aren't as bad as twelve.
ultimatebrofist.gifAs bad as the two of them are, they still aren't as bad as twelve.
So I haven't been paying close attention but I remember reading around launch that you can't crouch tech and plinking had been rendered pointless and I've been playing under those assumptions for awhile. Am I just completely remembering wrong or did something change with a patch? Clearly I can crouch tech and it appears plinking works just fine, but the lenient input buffer makes it hard to confirm.
As bad as the two of them are, they still aren't as bad as twelve.
Right, so because it doesn't OS a lk, its not a crouch tech?I don't think you know what crouch teching refers to... holding db and pressing grab in sf4 does something completely different than in sf5, the option select is gone.
Right, so because it doesn't OS a lk, its not a crouch tech?
That's pretty pedantic, but atleast I know what people were referring to.
No it's not, because in SF5 you will stand your ass up and no longer be crouching, which means you can eat a target combo that would whiff on crouching.
In SF4 you stayed crouching, that's why it isn't called crouch teching anymore, you literally stop being crouched.
You can still tech throws from a crouch, it just doesn't have a meaningful crouch LK OS anymore, I get it.Clearly I misunderstood what people were saying at launch.
The fact that you stand when you whiff a tech doesn't strip it of it's name IMO. It works differently but it's still a tech from a crouching position.
No it really isn't, just because you're holding down doesn't mean you're crouching when the tech happens. You crouch, press grab, your character stands up, you grab.
It isn't crouch > grab like in SF4
Q needs to be in this game more than anyone else.
Pedantic, as I said.
If "crouch tech" can only refer to how it works in SF4, then yeah I guess it can't be called "crouch tech". I will proceed calling it "tech from crouch" just for you.