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oh my god you guys

why didn't anyone tell me that you can hold down the button after throwing a normal and then use it to execute one of your special moves when you release it again

wooooooow so many combos are easier. lol

have 220 hours played on steam fml
Wow. I never knew this. I don't see why I would ever need it but, cool.


Juri has so salved this game for me.

Learning the character is lots of fun.

Time for today's noteworth matches:

I was struggling fighting Ken:

This match is an exercise in how to deal with lag and how to break down the dude's plan.


You need to throw more. I think Juri's throw is her best move lol, it is deceivingly long range. That coupled with her (seemingly) fast dash is hard to guess what she is going to do once you set up the throw pressure. I am probably just not used to it yet, but still.
Wow. I never knew this. I don't see why I would ever need it but, cool.
yep I use it for some things, but it can sometimes really mess you up.


I still get DP in motions like this. I don't know if it's something to do with my 360 pad but Juri's buffer window on her Pinwheel seems to be larger than her kicks. Instead of the other way around with the shotos.


Consider doing half circle notions in place of quarter ones if you're getting mixed up with DP. Huge help for me.
I have run into some people online that you just can't throw. They tech every attempt. Are they running some kind of macro? I swear even daigo can't tech like this.
But... I was getting Mika'd back when I played Mika. She doesn't have a reversal or any good defensive options, just like Balrog.

Just saying but at least Mika has EX peach which can blow up people who mess up their meaty timing(which would still beat her 3f jab) and slower normals like Ryu's axe kick. I don't think Rog has any move that gives him even a slight chance on wake up outside of Super.
Just saying but at least Mika has EX peach which can blow up people who mess up their meaty timings(which would still beat her 3f jab) and slower normals like Ryu's axe kick. I don't think Rog has any move that gives him even a slight chance on wake up outside of Super.
EX Upper. Armor on frame 3


Just saying but at least Mika has EX peach which can blow up people who mess up their meaty timings(which would still beat her 3f jab) and slower normals like Ryu's axe kick. I don't think Rog has any move that gives him even a slight chance on wake up outside of Super.

Balrog has EX Screw Smash. Neither that or Mika's EX peach are viable wakeup options unless the opponent is at a distance rushing in.

The only thing Mika has over Balrog in terms of defense is maybe the fact that her cr.LP has more range than Balrog's st.LK, and that her V-Reversal is better, even on block.
Yo is it me or people online are godlike with their throw tech. I was playing this guy who teched every throw. Like he had some kind of turbo for throw button running during blockstring.
EX Upper. Armor on frame 3

Balrog has EX Screw Smash. Neither that or Mika's EX peach are viable wakeup options unless the opponent is at a distance rushing in..

Didn't know that. I've run into a lot of Rog's since he was released and I've rarely seen that used against me. Mika's on the other hand are a lot more willing to try EX peach as a wake up reversal.

Btw shadow lord thanks for your tip on empty jumping on parry happy ryu. Beat a ryu almost 1000 lp above me like that. Thanks man. He thought he was slick with that.

I really want to see more Ryu find ways to use parry. I went from thinking it was a useless V skill because it was really risky to thinking it's probably the best V Skill in the game. But it still needs to be used sparingly. I'll use parry against certain jump ins but I wouldn't dare make it my main anti air option. Too easy to get blown up if you abuse it the way that Ryu player abused it against you.
Didn't know that. I've run into a lot of Rog's since he was released and I've rarely seen that used against me. Mika's on the other hand are a lot more willing to try EX peach as a wake up reversal.

I really want to see more Ryu find ways to use parry. I went from thinking it was a useless V skill because it was really risky to thinking it's probably the best V Skill in the game. But it still needs to be used sparingly. I'll use parry against certain jump ins but I wouldn't dare make it my main anti air option. Too easy to get blown up if you abuse it the way that Ryu player abused it against you.
Yeah man once it worked on me a couple of times he kept going for it. I just empty jumped and punished it.


Any lobbies going on? I want to get some practice in with Juri tonight. Warning: I'm shit with her atm.

Shimmy will get you Platinum by itself if you practice it.

/sheds a lone tear for no Bison shimmy.

Not that Platinum'd be super hard to get at this point, but still.
I am guile player though. I play defensive mostly. But yeah I may have to learn the shimmy trick. Once I learned some meaty sonic boom setups and started implementing those I started beating people lot higher rank than me. I love it when ryus try to play fireball games with me. I usually win those all the time.
Shimmy will get you Platinum by itself if you practice it.

/sheds a lone tear for no Bison shimmy.

Not that Platinum'd be super hard to get at this point, but still.

Shimmy can get you to Super Plat if you're halfway decent in the game. Bison is probably the only character who can't shimmy lmao. It's hard as hell with Nash's slow ass walkspeed too.


Spent the day playing Juri and had a blast. Too bad I wasted FM on Ibuki, should have just waited for Juri -_-

She's the only character I've been able to connect with aside from Mika, which may or may not have something to do with all her specials and various normals being straight from Kim lol.

Still getting used to storing specials but did get a decent hang of her normals, I'm really liking them. Still not sure which normal to count on as anti-air but standing HP has been the most successful for me so far.

Her V-skill feels like a gimmick, it's also punishable on block.

Her V-trigger is nice and easy to use and her mid and hard normals are great for hit confirming into it, too bad it's three bars.


Her V-skill feels like a gimmick, it's also punishable on block.

I think it has a lot of mix up potential once you consider being able to store the charge, dash out, and cancel some normals into it.

I know it doesn't mean much but I made it back to super bronze where I was with guile before I started playing Juri. I dont' know which one I like more. I feel like it's easier to beat harder opponents with guile, but I always feel like I want to play more aggressively and Juri makes that an okay thing to do... so I'm not sure.


Shimmy will get you Platinum by itself if you practice it.

/sheds a lone tear for no Bison shimmy.

Not that Platinum'd be super hard to get at this point, but still.

Trying to shimmy bison is kinda hard too , because of his throw range. Especially with slow walk speed chars like Nash. Some setups wont work on him because I will still be in grab range.

Shimmy can get you to Super Plat if you're halfway decent in the game. Bison is probably the only character who can't shimmy lmao. It's hard as hell with Nash's slow ass walkspeed too.

What are you guys saying. These characters are perfect for shimmy. Just walk back after a blocked normal ( The walking animation is so slow so it works as bait , you dont really need to walk forward) , you dont even need to walk forward again to whiff punish because of the slow ass walkspeed. Throw ranges in this game is abysmal ( except for some of them like Bison ). If you want to play the shimmy game from far blocked normals it wont work against good players anyway , because they will opt for Jab over throw tech.

I feel like Nash shimmy game is like the best. Its so tempting to tech that Nash throw because you finally have him where you want him lol. That dash up shimmy is just crispy.


someone teach me what is a "shimmy" I also want to be good

it's when you walk up to the opponent while they're on the ground so they think you will attack them or throw them, but then just before they get up you back up so their wake up jab or throw tech wiffs... and then you punish them.

like everything else in this game, it's sounds simple.... but is so damn hard to be good at.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Sorry for that. Here is smooth =(

GGs: guys. Here the connection was good. At lesat with sixty it was showing 4 bars and just with Edzi is was showing 2-3 lol
I have been playing with US players without too much issues recently too, so I was hoping it would go better

I think it's just a crapshoot as to whether this game syncs properly.


someone teach me what is a "shimmy" I also want to be good

it's when you walk up to the opponent while they're on the ground so they think you will attack them or throw them, but then just before they get up you back up so their wake up jab or throw tech wiffs... and then you punish them.

like everything else in this game, it's sounds simple.... but is so damn hard to be good at.

Its not even hard to do. But learning "When" to do it will take time.

If the opponent knows you are going to go for it , you essentially give up your offense and they can start theirs.


If you want to play the shimmy game from far blocked normals it wont work against good players anyway , because they will opt for Jab over throw tech.

That's why Bison can't really shimmy, though. His back walk speed is *also* abysmal, so being able to not get grabbed and also shimmy with him is too fine a line to really risk...and to be safer with it means a better player just won't throw tech because you're out of range.

That being said, I love to be wrong, so I'll start trying it tomorrow.


it's when you walk up to the opponent while they're on the ground so they think you will attack them or throw them, but then just before they get up you back up so their wake up jab or throw tech wiffs... and then you punish them.

Shit, that happens to me all the time. Now I'm too scared to press buttons on wake up so I just block. lol
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