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He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Anyone got any tips for Nash vs Bison on Extra Story mode? I've got three battles left to go but I'm not much good with Nash, and I keep getting EX stomped, inferno'd and combo'd to death before I've even begun. Spamming Sonic Booms like a dickhead doesn't work :)

Bison is aggro as fuck. Sit back and block until he spends all of his meter, then work from there.


Anyone got any tips for Nash vs Bison on Extra Story mode? I've got three battles left to go but I'm not much good with Nash, and I keep getting EX stomped, inferno'd and combo'd to death before I've even begun. Spamming Sonic Booms like a dickhead doesn't work :)

When the match sarts BLOCK, UNTIL HIS V GAUGE DEPLETES, then chuck a boom jump in from max distance and do j.hk to cr.hk, when he's knocked down back off throw a boom and repeat, when he walks you into a corner, v reversal your way out and rinse and repeat.

You'll know you jumped in from too close a range when Bison anti airs you with his cr.hp.


This is (hopefully) the month of Urien!


Get hype!


What buttons should I be pressing as Juri and Ibuki? Having a hard time getting in but then again that's probably just me playing super defensive.


Kanzuki Estate has that Samurai closet to the left, so there's probably something there.

I figure they slam into the armor, samurai helmet plops down on their head, round 2 they wear it during the fight noodle bowl style.

I'm not sure if the creator of this video stated that this is everything in the game or if this is what they got working so far. Unsurprisingly, I can see them cutting this content for launch if they couldn't even get a third of the stage interaction stuff working.

And there doesn't seem to be anything for the new stages (which makes sense that they didn't bother if they couldn't get things ready for the launch stages). It would be nice if all the stages had interactions eventually but I'm not holding my breath.
Six, I'm sorry, but Mika's drop kick and her cr. HP (combined with her ridiculous v trigger) have got to be the cheapest moves in the game. -___- Someone as explosive as Mika should not be able to get in so easily and relatively safely. Frames be damned, they're near impossible to react to normally, let alone when spaced properly.

I hate everything about R.Mika. Not because I can't win against her, it's that she's very easy to play.

I never have any trouble trying to go in like I do with other grabbers. I don't have to worry about footsies like some people try to argue that R.Mika doesn't have because of her Passion Press. It has a huge forward hitbox, it's safe on block and it beats a lot normals that can hit confirm to the Irish Whip.

Then you have her putting people in the corner. V-Reversal means very little against a grabbler.


benevolent sexism
Karin in ranked, Juri in casual right now.

Yeah, my problem isn't really playing Ryus (I actually think he can be played with the most variety of all characters), but that I wish I could get a more balanced match-up experience. Good Dhalsims still body me, because you can count the decent ones I played on one hand, for example. Most of the DLC characters are super rare. Alex might actually be the one I play against the most.
Totally agree with that. I almost never beat a Dhalsim because I've fought him maybe 7 times since launch. I also keep losing to Alex, even ones where I can tell the player is not particularly expert with him. I would love to get more practice against a lot of the roster.


One of the best things about playing Juri is that she has a meterless move that makes those damn Ryus think twice about throwing fireballs even from full screen away.


Here's a video detailing Stage Transitions/Stage K.O.s in their own stages. This only seems to be done for the right side of the stage so there's no telling if there's left side stage K.O.s/transitions like how Bustling Side Street has both.

Russia is clearly a stage transition and I figure that snowman is the right side Stage K.O.

I think that after Urien until season 2
we're going to see QoL improvemnts made to the game in monthly patchess like stage/K.O transitions, more stages, costumes, daily challanges, CFN stuff, Ken's face lift etc.


One of the best things about playing Juri is that she has a meterless move that makes those damn Ryus think twice about throwing fireballs even from full screen away.

Feels like it has to be full screen ish distance though. Reacting closer in doesn't seem to work.


Feels like it has to be full screen ish distance though. Reacting closer in doesn't seem to work.

You just have to do it the moment you see him start chucking the fireball, don't wait. The MK version is faster so it's better in closer range.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
I think that after Urien until season 2
we're going to see QoL improvemnts made to the game in monthly patchess like stage/K.O transitions, more stages, costumes, daily challanges, CFN stuff, Ken's face lift etc.

I remember when I tried the first PC beta (October 2015), I thought it was weird that controller support was so limited, and that they'd surely have that added in before the game released.

I'm not holding my breath.
I'm a Dhalsim main and I see lots of people complaining about him. Want to beat him? Follow these tips:

- Dhalsim's "sweet spot" is about half screen away from you. There, he can do all of his medium pokes, his HK (for CC), and his HP (hits low.) Also, any jumps from half screen distance are easily stuffed by c.MP. Your main strategy should be to either get further away or get as up close as possible.

- Don't jump in on Dhalsim unless he's doing something. If a Sim is just standing there, and you jump, you'll get hit without question. It doesn't matter the angle, cross-up, etc. He has answers for all jump arcs.

- Yoga Fire doesn't hit high. It might come down from an arc, but you can block it low. You wouldn't believe the number of people that block it high, only to be hit by a HP.

- Sim is throwable out of teleport. If you have him cornered and his only response is either V-Reversal or Teleport, just throw and you'll get him no problem.

- All of his slides are punishable on hit (except his sweep, of course.) If one uses LK too close to you, just use an appropriate low to hit him out of the string. It's so bad that Ryu can use c.MP to combo after a bad LK slide. This doesn't work, obviously, if he has Trigger at the ready.

- On that note, if Sim pops his V-Trigger, don't jump. Try your best to ignore that the fire is there. If you block appropriately, you won't take any damage from the fire at all.

- One of the nastiest things I do is the ambiguous EX Yoga Fire into teleport after knockdown. Watch your opponent and see if they have a penchant to teleport behind or in front. If they're going for the ambiguous set-up, I would personally always block behind.

- Don't try to crush counter a Dhalsim at the very start of a match. You might have faced a couple that try to press buttons out the gate, but that doesn't work after Bronze. You'll get CC'ed instead. Same goes for just pressing buttons full screen away, don't do it. You might think you're going to catch a limb, but more often than not, you'll just get hit, hard.

- Finally, find you absolute max stun combo for your character. Sim has the lowest stun in the game and he gets stunned after only a few hits. Getting him stunned is the easiest way to win matches.
I think that after Urien until season 2
we're going to see QoL improvemnts made to the game in monthly patchess like stage/K.O transitions, more stages, costumes, daily challanges, CFN stuff, Ken's face lift etc.

I hope you are right, but it is probably not the same people who are working on the DLC and who are working on the parts of the game that need the most attention.


The fighting imo is fine, i dont even want major balance changes as yet. It just the little touches here and there that would make this a 10/10 game. How about in vs or training we get to choose the music, how about in trials we can choose the colour of the character, simple things like that shows that the developers have put a bit of thought into the game.

Also struggle with juri in normal survival. Anything i can spam to win? Need that kazunki beach stage now


Servers have been acting funky for the last hour, showing me and my opponent in rookie league at the rematch screen and failing to send the results (which is admittedly more common of an issue).
I thought it was just my connection... guess not.

I haven't had a smooth match for the last hour. Teleporting and slide shows this evening.


Also struggle with juri in normal survival. Anything i can spam to win? Need that kazunki beach stage now

I spammed her MHK/MK "not-hangetsuzan" (qcb k) from a distance, got me to LV26 Ryu easily. After that play very safe and punish their unsafe moves.
I think that after Urien until season 2
we're going to see QoL improvemnts made to the game in monthly patchess like stage/K.O transitions, more stages, costumes, daily challanges, CFN stuff, Ken's face lift etc.

Ken's face is fine. It's the lighting and angles that make it look bad in character select and some other scenes.

On topic. I am really hoping that they move up Urien's release he is pretty much 100% done from what has been uncovered. I've mostly just been playing as him in the game for the last month in training mode. I'd really like to see some Urien players at ECT this year. Especially since LI Joe runs it.


Ken's face is fine. It's the lighting and angles that make it look bad in character select and some other scenes.

On topic. I am really hoping that they move up Urien's release he is pretty much 100% done from what has been uncovered. I've mostly just been playing as him in the game for the last month in training mode. I'd really like to see some Urien players at ECT this year. Especially since LI Joe runs it.

Well he has to be good then if he isn't Joe won't be playing him. He already said as much on his stream.
Well he has to be good then if he isn't Joe won't be playing him. He already said as much on his stream.

There's a pretty big chance that he won't be better than Nash as all the DLC characters seem toned down in fear of shifting the tiers too much. He seems decent enough from what I've played and he is fun, which is important.


So I fell for the Cammy costume that make her look like Karin you guys were talking about a few pages ago. I was really surprised and it took me the whole first round to recover from that initial confusion lol
Costume looks great imo.


So I fell for the Cammy costume that make her look like Karin you guys were talking about a few pages ago. I was really surprised and it took me the whole first round to recover from that initial confusion lol
Costume looks great imo.

They do pretty good work on some of the premium costumes. The Cammy one is really nice.


Have a noob questions for you guys.

How do I beat online Ryus?

Here's how I get beat basically every time:

He jumps in from distance or for the cross up, obviously I should be anti airing these and blocking in the right direction.

But Eventually he gets a good jump in and does like cr.lp, mp, fireball, or his target combo, sometimes I can block thsee but I can never punish them.

As soon as I get knocked down he dashes me into the corner

Then he throws out standing mp, cr.mk or the command hk axe kick thing which feels like gets me every single time

Then, if I ever try to meaty him I just get dp'd.

Like, I never really feel like he's unbeatable, it's just that the loss is inevitable. Like no matter whose controlling him, they're always in my head, and then you know you lose two mix ups against him and that's the round.
Ryu is strong and has hardly any weaknesses and even a few dirpy tricks. Learn the match up, and play strong Ryu's. There is no easy way to get around it man, Ryu is fundamentally strong on just about all fronts, and you can play him rather dynamically so it's not like all Ryu players are the same and one method will work against everyone. For example I play Ryu rather aggressive and go for frame traps and meaty setups. Looks nothing like Diago.


Have a noob questions for you guys.

How do I beat online Ryus?

Here's how I get beat basically every time:

He jumps in from distance or for the cross up, obviously I should be anti airing these and blocking in the right direction.

So you know this part.
But Eventually he gets a good jump in and does like cr.lp, mp, fireball, or his target combo, sometimes I can block thsee but I can never punish them.

You can punish his target combo I thought. Are you sure?

Then, if I ever try to meaty him I just get dp'd.

Assuming you don't have a DP, there's no real way around this except blocking and guessing right with the throws.

Like, I never really feel like he's unbeatable, it's just that the loss is inevitable. Like no matter whose controlling him, they're always in my head, and then you know you lose two mix ups against him and that's the round.

Well since you said you're getting jumped in on a lot, the only way out of this is to block the jump ins, or not put yourself in position to be jumped in on. That could be done via keeping at a distance where you can anti-air/escape easily, or by just staying on his ass.

There's not really one answer to any of this. Like Omini said, you'll need to find ways to keep him out/bait his dps/guess right on throw/meaty from player to player. Any decent Ryu especially will know how to change up his play since Ryu is so versatile. Even the most defensive ryu will probably know when jump like a madman with lk and even the most aggressive ryu can likely activate turtle mode.


Have a noob questions for you guys.

How do I beat online Ryus?

Here's how I get beat basically every time:

He jumps in from distance or for the cross up, obviously I should be anti airing these and blocking in the right direction.

But Eventually he gets a good jump in and does like cr.lp, mp, fireball, or his target combo, sometimes I can block thsee but I can never punish them.

As soon as I get knocked down he dashes me into the corner

Then he throws out standing mp, cr.mk or the command hk axe kick thing which feels like gets me every single time

Then, if I ever try to meaty him I just get dp'd.

Like, I never really feel like he's unbeatable, it's just that the loss is inevitable. Like no matter whose controlling him, they're always in my head, and then you know you lose two mix ups against him and that's the round.

Dash under his close jumps to avoid his lame j.LK entirely. Then block because st.MP is coming. Change how you wake up. Sometimes quick rise and jump to see if he throws, other times slow-rise and do something else. Test early in the match to see if they like to do DP on wakeup. I also throw out an unsafe string early in the match to see if they punish with DP.

Basically online Ryu and Ken tend to overuse DP (especially in Bronze ranks), and you need to train them to use it and then punish the shit out of them. Once you have them thinking that you will punish their DP you have them. You now control the match. Especially once they start blocking on wakeup, then you just walk up and throw them.

That's how I treat them, at least.


god fucking damnit, how the fuck can you actually jump in on Cammy? Seems utterly impossible, that fucking standing punch of hers just hits everything


god fucking damnit, how the fuck can you actually jump in on Cammy? Seems utterly impossible, that fucking standing punch of hers just hits everything

Get her to commit to the ground game with a medium/heavy button and jump from very close

Yeah I got nothing. That's it


You can punish his target combo I thought. Are you sure?

Definetly not sure. I guess I just need to look up some frame data? And it sounds like you can't punish the fireball then?

Well since you said you're getting jumped in on a lot, the only way out of this is to block the jump ins, or not put yourself in position to be jumped in on. That could be done via keeping at a distance where you can anti-air/escape easily, or by just staying on his ass.

Yea this is what I want to get better at, keeping the pressure on. Like I have conditioned myself to play defensively, not throwing buttons or jumping in willy nilly, which is a good thing.... But now I feel like I have no offense, which is a bad thing, especially when trying to play a more aggressive character like juri.

Thanks for tips everyone. I think next time I play a ryu I'll try and get him to dp me on wake up early in the round so maybe I can block and take advantage of it next time.


I'm having a MM on September against a Balrog, I play Alex and Nash, give me all the juicy details and strategies you know please :D

EDIT - How do I make him cry like an anime fan on a prom night?
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