It means something when the share of remaining players after the top 5 starts to drop off significantly.That smaller share of Karin players still managed to buy enough of her summer outfit and stage to make for 2/3 most bought real money items in the game. Chun has a ton of outfits herself and is supposed to be the most popular, but I didn't see any of her items on the real money top 3 or fight money top 3.
Most played and most bought costumes aren't directly proportional though. I mean apart from Kens Alpha outfit , nothing else showed up for Ryu,Ken,Nash. Karin and Cammy showed up though. It depends on the type of player too , casual SF fans arent going to be investing too much money in DLC costumes. But they will definitely buy FM stuff.
idk I feel Nash,Karin,Cammy are followed most likely by Mika,Necalli,Chun ( From my experience ) , and are all probably a lot closer to each other than the gap between Ken and Nash.