If you get those tools, you don't need combos.
You only need like three combos starting out, so getting those down shouldn't be too hard
Still need to be able to make opponent "eat big damage" at opportune moments, don't I? Every top player I watch is doing a combo every time they get the chance.
Yes that's the problem, I can't reliably do Ken cross-up j.MK, cr.MP, b.MP, s.HP xx HP DP. I can do it perfectly fine without the cr.MP but adding that in adds an extra 31 damage. I can't reconcile the fact that I leave that much damage on the table by not having the optimal combo.
Yup, Juri's dive kick didn't die in vain.WTF JURI HAS AN AIR THROW?
I disagree. Having combos is how you inflict most of your damage in this game. All those other tools help open up your opponent for combos. Without combos, you're probably not gonna win against a decent opponent.
All those huge combos infiltration used to win evo. Like... Jab, scythe.
Jab jab... Scythe.
MP, scythe.. Super.
You guys got it backwards. You win in this game (and every sf) through fundamentals. Thinking you should be practicing combos and that's more important is holding you back.
That is notoriously an inconsistent combo, it's a coin flip for me whether I get it or not. Do St.LP, B.MP instead. Not as optimal, but still damaging. And do HK Tatsu instead of DP, because corner carry is much more important for Ken.
Yup. Another way to look at it is: It doesn't matter how consistent and damaging your combos are if you never land a hit. Work on the fundamentals first (that's why they're called fundamentals) and settle for non-optimal, but reliable combos.
why does a "notoriously inconsistent combo" even exist?
why, game
GGs, I don't know that much about Juri but some general advice I can give is just to make sure you got your BnBs down since there was some times especially when I whiffed a DP that you could have gotten some big damage. Especially make sure to practice a crush counter combo. Also as far as fireballs go you don't have to just stand there and block, neutral jump every once in a while to throw off my timing, you can also start to slowly walk forward, the closer you are the less likely I'll throw fireballs. that one split move she does it good to do every once in a while but I was starting to anticipate it after I threw a few fireballs. finally just anti air, don't think you did it once so I had no problem just continually jumping in.
It's just a combo that only works close up. There's tons of range specific combos, you just need to be able to identify the ranges.
After a cross-up I'm always within range though, the problem is the timing and lining the buttons up with d-pad motions. About 50% of the time I drop combo by doing a normal s.MP instead of the chin buster b.MP. I think because d-pad hasn't fully reset from the d.MP? I don't know.
I'm doing a new series on the site I run (FloKO) called GET GOOD. The basic concept is that I'm not good at SFV but I want to be. So when I'm with pro players, I get them to show me a thing or two to help me GET GOOD. Pretty clever eh?not really lol
Anyways, the first episode is with Long Island Joe. I thought y'all might dig it. Thanks!
edit - also, this was shot back in May, so I'm gooder now![]()
Yup, Juri's dive kick didn't die in vain.
Damage is way better than air target combo too
You do the target combo for the superior wakeup game, unless your opponent is in the corner, the air throw doesn't really give you any pressure afterwards.
Meaties, frame traps, shimmies, defense, zoning. All things that will help you improve exponentially when you learn them.
All those huge combos infiltration used to win evo. Like... Jab, scythe.
Jab jab... Scythe.
MP, scythe.. Super.
Okay guys, level with me. I've brought this up before, but now I have to push.
There is some technique to guarantee a block and a tech grab off jump in block. I just played a guy who had perfect technique. Always answered right, either blocked, or always tech grabbed with 100% accuracy over 4 games.
I tried a jab shimmy I saw online, but his grab never came out. But neutral jump after jump in blocked hit and I started seeing him whiff it. But, he was back to safe before my neutral jump hit could land, so I'm not even sure how to counter it.
Someone explain it please. What is this tech, how do you do this. I want 100% jump in defense too!
My guess would be delayed tech? He slightly delays the tech attempt so that if you did press a button against him after jumping in, the blockstun wouldn't allow that move to come out and if you did go for a throw, he'd just tech it. This is assuming I understood you correctly.
『Inaba Resident』;212218353 said:
Flux mentioned that last time, but the way he put it made it sound like some super high tier skill. This guy, other than this tech, was utterly mediocre.
I want like a tutorial on this, this is need to know shit for sure.
Flux mentioned that last time, but the way he put it made it sound like some super high tier skill. This guy, other than this tech, was utterly mediocre.
I want like a tutorial on this, this is need to know shit for sure.
Can't seem to find a good tutorial for this since most seem to be for other games or for the jump tech OS.
It works like this, once you get hit with a jump in, the opponent will usually follow up with a normal or a throw. Walking back to shimmy you is a very risky option since most character's backward walk speeds aren't good enough to shimmy you. (maybe Vega?)
So when you get hit by a jump in, just block down+back and then wait a fraction of a second until a normal has come out by the enemy and press throw. If they tried to throw you, you teched it. If they hit you with a normal, the blockstun will prevent your tech attempt from coming out.
It's really not a difficult thing to do, it just takes time and understanding of the opponent's normals to perfect. Granted this technique can still be beat by stuff like empty jumps, or jump ins into command throws, or even jump in and then do a neutral jump. It's not a perfect strategy but it works most of the time.
Thanks for the write up!
Empty jumping is the one thing I didn't try. He was freaking out a little from the neutral jump, he blocked the incoming attack, but was getting cc-ed by the follow up at first.
Maybe the slower Hp I was using in neutral was delayed just enough to make him trade and CCed.
Seems like a skill honed in practice, I'm gonna go do just that, thanks again Lucebuce!
Do check out that link I posted above your post, it's a pretty decent way to practice it.
Tampa seems to have a knack for closing out matches though I can't seem to beat him either in ranked, so many he has zero health wins between us lol.『Inaba Resident』;212218353 said:
Is light spinning mixer like the only move that seems to go from -2 to plus when you play online? I'm literally mashing my fastest normal when I see that I'm blocking it (starting as early as I see that I'm in blockstun) and still get counterhit. I know that it's not actually plus but I don't get why it's so hard to challenge online. I've consistently been counterhit after blocking it.
What can't you do with Karin or Ken? I can do everything she has without much hassle by now tbh. It's a matter of practice.Ok, who has BnB's that are reliably easy to do on a gamepad that's being held like a normal human holds a controller? Anyone? I'm sick of still dropping this shit with Ken after dozens of hours of straight practice.
I am just so happy you spelled it GET GOOD and not git gud. I watched it earlier, LI Joe is a pretty chill dude.
and you made all this stuff with LI Joe before he got all ESPNSPORTS. Fortunate timing![]()
Is light spinning mixer like the only move that seems to go from -2 to plus when you play online? I'm literally mashing my fastest normal when I see that I'm blocking it (starting as early as I see that I'm in blockstun) and still get counterhit. I know that it's not actually plus but I don't get why it's so hard to challenge online. I've consistently been counterhit after blocking it.
It's the netcode. There are times when Ryu's Axe Kick can be punished on block and going for the S.LK, trade or get hit by the S.LK. Hell even R.Mika's S.MP can end up feeling positive on block online. Then there is M.Bison who is the definition of Online Tatic.
And if the netcode is bad enough, Sweeps can end up being safe on block close range.
I don't think it's a bug, if you are mashing your move doesn't always come out the second you can react.
So if your opponent is -2, and you miss the window where you still have that -2 advantage, your light could easy come out at frame 0 when you're even, or even -1 where you could also be even depending on how fast your light is.
Which means if they do another medium attack it would beat your light because the stronger button will always win if the attacks hit at the same time.
Yeah, that is beyond stupid. Rog needed more time in testing before he was ready.
I've been trying to think of balance tweaks that could be done to improve the quality of the game. Balance is really tight across the board and the more I thought about small tweaks to one character, it really changed a lot for everybody. Really, though, it's mostly just active frames and hitbox tweaks that need to happen.
One thing is for certain, Ryu's j.LK needs to change.
I'm fully willing to accept that it could be me, but I also acknowledge that I don't have this issue on any other move. I've tested it extensively with friends and in training, and it's just not consistent at all.