So Ive come across something which Im not sure has already been discussed at some point.
I have the UK SF5 game and use in on my US account, as my US account was my main account from the PS3 days and everything is on there so carried it over on my PS4. Anyway, on my US account If I try and buy DLC using the Buy from Playstation Store option nothing happens as i guess it checks the disc and sees its a UK disc so won't open the US PS Store. This is fine for now as I have bought all (US) characters using FM and have enough for Urien when he is released.
But when the next lot of characters come out next year chances are I would have nowhere near enough FM for the next 6 or so new characters but I cant buy them from the US either.
Has anyone noticed this at all? Anyone here playing SF5 on a different region account compared to the disc they have?
How does the season pass work for those who have it? When you use it for a character do you get sent to the PS Store or are they automatically unlocked? If next year I get the next (US) season pass will I have new characters unlocked for my UK game on the US account?
Season pass needs be same region as the game for one thing, secondly, it is the 'unlock' style of DLC, not the download style, so only the account that buys it can use it (shitty new PS4 method of doing DLC, PS3 was better).
Your options are either
1. Start over on a UK account, buy the season pass 2 on that account.
2. Buy a US copy of the game (some of your current progress might still work, not sure what is saved to Capcom servers, but I assume FM and FM unlocks are), buy US season pass 2 and play on US account.
3. If you don't care about premium costumes and whatnot, you could just continue as you are for now and see if Capcom releases a new disc with season 1 characters included at some point, then buy that from whatever region account you intend to play on.
With option 3, if you choose UK you'd be starting over with FM to earn and have the season 1 already unlocked, so could probably earn Season 2 for free.