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Breast size.

Doctor doom?

We're diamond dogs? Finally !

...I hate you, guys. Lol


I'm pretty sure that Takayuki Nakayama confirmed on twitter that none of the Capcom Fighting Allstars characters are actually canon to the Street Fighter universe, before anybody makes a big deal out of it.
I can't find a character to main so i am thinking of playing every damn character lol...that or go back to my SF4 true main, Zangief..


I'm convinced FANG is one of Nash's few bad MUs. I have no idea how to play this matchup. Any tips?

Yup. At best its even. He has the tools to deal with Nash zoning and his own offense is pretty effective. The only option is to rush him down and you need to be familiar with his offense to not get hit by some setups. I use Air throw AA , because his Jump is very slow so it always works.

Be careful of his weird slide walk under FBs , he can punish you full screen. If he tries to use his LP Up Fireball in the middle of blockstrings , sweep that shit. Anything else will get you punished. You just have to respect his offense , even Vreversal is a little tricky to use against his poison cloud pressure since he is relatively far and can sweep you. But once you throw a HP Fireball on screen you should be able to follow it up for pressure , if he tries to Poison cloud to negate it you can M.Sonic Scythe to punish its recovery.
I agree. I don't want to deal with another Karin in either looks/personality or game play style. We also don't need redundancies (besides Ken and Ryu) this early into the game.

I'm honestly super impressed how different the cast feels to eachother. Other than Ken and Ryu, everyone's their own little snowflake. I wonder how long they can keep it up.


I'm honestly super impressed how different the cast feels to eachother. Other than Ken and Ryu, everyone's their own little snowflake. I wonder how long they can keep it up.
Yeah and even Ken and Ryu are more different that they've ever been, both design and gameplay wise. That's super awesome.

Endo Punk

Id really like them to patch in a few things:

- Remove characters you haven't bought from the character select screen, or at least give an option.
- Add the new characters and stages into solo modes like survival and any other coming.
- Choosing random should also randomize colors and selecting fight again when random should be different every time.

Only bought Juri so far and I'm really enjoying her, the only character that almost made me wanna purchase the later iterations of SF4. Can't wait until Urien!
I'm convinced FANG is one of Nash's few bad MUs. I have no idea how to play this matchup. Any tips?

Check if the Heavy tragedy assault goes through his trap. If it does, congrats on winning the matchup.

Also don't jump at him unless it's the perfect cross-up distance. Be more liberal with throws on FANG's wakeup since his V-reversal and his EX slide allows him to get out of dodge if you try to meaty with a normal/special.

EDIT: Three quick tips:

1)His st.hk is +1 on block so if you have a 3-frame jab, use it after that move. Best case scenario, you get a counter hit. Worst case scenario, you trade.

2)His coward's crouch kick is +2 oB so try to do a delayed tech in that situation if possible.

3)After his CA hits you and he tries to go for a medium or heavy trap after he lands, just block the trap and then press your fastest buttons. He's not that advantageous oB in that situation. Particularly if he went for heavy.

EDIT2: Most importantly, if you're crouching and there's a trap right in front of you, please don't press any buttons. It's just going to be all the more fun for him. And if he goes for that d+u poison balls in which you can press buttons but will eventually get hit by them, then either don't press anything or try to throw or sweep if possible.

EDIT3: And did I mention that like Laura's fireball, his trap vanishes if you manage to successfully land a hit on him? Even the EX one.
Id really like them to patch in a few things:

- Remove characters you haven't bought from the character select screen, or at least give an option.
- Add the new characters and stages into solo modes like survival and any other coming.
- Choosing random should also randomize colors and selecting fight again when random should be different every time.

Only bought Juri so far and I'm really enjoying her, the only character that almost made me wanna purchase the later iterations of SF4. Can't wait until Urien!

Hopefully before they focus stuff like that they will fix:
*Battle Lounge Search
"I see rankings as mostly grinding at a certain point. Being ranked #1 is good but, that isn't the best show of tournament results. He's a good player but, takes time to get used to a new game compared to other players who are faster at finding exploits unique/favored by the game who are of similar skill level to him."

In general, you're correct, but he wasn't #1 just beating up online Nonames, he was #1 while playing in an arcade that was frequented by some of the top JP names in Vanilla SF4.

I'm not even really disagreeing with you overall, but the idea that Daigo wasn't a dominant force in SF4 Day 1 just isn't right.
Is someone here LK_Sobat? I'm fairly sure I remember someone having that tag on here. They are in the same group as me at VSFighting this weekend.

Also wish me luck for VSF this weekend!
Last night was probably the roughest night I've had with the game since launch. Nothing but Gold players who rage-quit when you win and lag spikes that make inputs drop with disastrous results.

Being Ultra Silver truly is hell on earth. I think I need to pick a secondary character with some kind of wake-up reversal. Dhalsim keeps getting destroyed in the corner to the shimmy.
It is so incredibly, mind numbingly annoying when you spend so much effort walking that Ryu to the corner, only to have him jump forward and air tatsu out of the entire situation.


If you make someone ragequit in casuals then you should be extra proud of your performance.

I laugh it off usually, but when you get 2-3 in a short period it gets hard to take it lightly. The important thing to remember is that the points you WOULD have gotten are a result of your opponent's rage quitting.

Sometimes you just know they're going to quit. Hmm... for a super gold, this guy is pretty shitty and ... he's gone.


I installed the Windows 10 Anniversary Update earlier and it seems to have some unfavorable effect on SFV on my end. I'm suddenly getting a shit ton of tearing and my display driver already reset twice during a match. My GPU seems fine however, no overheating and usage remains below 100%. I hope this is just some driver issue.


I installed the Windows 10 Anniversary Update earlier and it seems to have some unfavorable effect on SFV on my end. I'm suddenly getting a shit ton of tearing and my display driver already reset twice during a match. My GPU seems fine however, no overheating and usage remains below 100%. I hope this is just some driver issue.

reinstall the drivers

Run Display Driver Uninstaller http://www.wagnardmobile.com/

pick to boot in safe mode,uninstall drivers and reboot,download your drivers...
I played a set with a Bison and he beat me 2-0 and the connection was shit. So as soon as I got matched up with him again, I left because of the connection. Am I a terrible person?

Please critique my dumpster fire Juri.

You should've lost that first round.
You're not charging enough, when you knockdown you should at least charge one.
Don't go into vtrigger after shp or after a crush counter, you can combo after both regularly.
Don't do overhead from that close, her overhead goes extremely far.

also when they get stunned just back off and charge mk and hk, and then combo into jhk, shp, mk charge, cmp.
After cmp you can do either:
flip kick
flip kick, super
hk charge
hk charge, vtrigger first hit, extended vtrigger combo.
Don't use super in vtrigger unless it will 100% kill, otherwise not worth it.
I played a set with a Bison and he beat me 2-0 and the connection was shit. So as soon as I got matched up with him again, I left because of the connection. Am I a terrible person?

The worst kind of person. You should have seen it as a challenge and figured a way to beat him. Nothing is impossible.

Nah I'd bounce. That player probably up to some shit anyways.

I installed the Windows 10 Anniversary Update earlier and it seems to have some unfavorable effect on SFV on my end. I'm suddenly getting a shit ton of tearing and my display driver already reset twice during a match. My GPU seems fine however, no overheating and usage remains below 100%. I hope this is just some driver issue.

It's all part of Microsofts master plan to gimp Steam on Windows10. Believe.
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