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Junior Member
I've been using trials as a way to help me with my sloppy inputs and it's been surprisingly helpful. Seeing less accidental moves than before.


I can't believe they haven't fixed the battle lounge search yet.

Anyone from Europe up for some games? I am a very rusty ultra plat.


Also quality of life stuff like being able to jump in a ranked match in <30 secs.

In Australia for SFIV I wouldn't even get past the Vs screen to get a match for a long ass time when it came out with something new.... for SFV... well lets just say thank fuck they introduced best of 3 and even with that it's still way behind in games per hour.... Even the 2013 SFxTK patch was more popping than any addition to SFV....

Oh and having region lock for lobbys was a godsend, unlike this bullshit V has.

*create lobby*
*american, leaves*
*japanese, leaves*
*chinese, leaves*
*fuck this shit, back to ranked*

Yeah I can arrange matches with people on whirlpool, ozhadou etc, but fuck I shouldn't have to do that to face a fellow Australian out of ranked....

When I've played SFV 5x more on hours online compared to SFxTK and yet had probably 10x less lobby battles something is wrong.... when my SFIV online was 30% ranked, 70% lobby and SFV is 95% ranked and 5% lobby something is wrong... and hey if SFIV had FT2, FT3, FT5 etc as options for endless I would've played ranked way less....


Gradually I'm winning more and more with Juri :] She's definitely replaced Karin as my secondary. Though I doubt I'll ever be a proper good Juri player as she definitely feels high execution, lol.
Karin's metered DP needs to be fixed. I've taken tons of since shit yesterday while using Karin and Alex, but a particularly scandalous moment was this shitty Vega literally winning by a pixel because Karin's metered DP lost a trade against his stupid overhead air swipe. I waited until the very last possible moment for that crossup air swipe. It was so close she must have felt Vega's perverted breath on her scalp and it still traded which ended with my loss and his survival with a pixel of health. What a pointless dragon punch for a character with such low health and stun.

All of yesterday and this early morning has been a ranked disaster, but I earned it by being a shitty scrub. That trade was the one thing that shouldn't happen in a supposedly well balanced game. A metered DP with invul frames should have actual invul frames.


Her good buttons for footsies definitely feel slow to me. cr. MP, cr. MK, and HK mainly.

I would not use cr.mp as a footsie tool because of range rather than speed. I use it for some meaty setups.

Use s.mk as a footsie tool and sometimes s.hp for a quick combo


Karin's metered DP needs to be fixed. I've taken tons of since shit yesterday while using Karin and Alex, but a particularly scandalous moment was this shitty Vega literally winning by a pixel because Karin's metered DP lost a trade against his stupid overhead air swipe. I waited until the very last possible moment for that crossup air swipe. It was so close she must have felt Vega's perverted breath on her scalp and it still traded which ended with my loss and his survival with a pixel of health. What a pointless dragon punch for a character with such low health and stun.

All of yesterday and this early morning has been a ranked disaster, but I earned it by being a shitty scrub. That trade was the one thing that shouldn't happen in a supposedly well balanced game. A metered DP with invul frames should have actual invul frames.



Unconfirmed Member
What char is most like Seth in V? Mika? I'v never played her, the only thing I read about her is her 50/50 game, can anyone explain to me short what her gameplan is?
Her gameplan is to put you in the corner with one touch and then make you guess wrong twice and be done with it.

I don't think there's a character like Seth in this game. He had every possible tool and they balanced it with low health. Some characters have many tools, like Necalli, but they lack the crazy mixups.
I don't want to be alarmist, but I think people are using some new exploit on the down low. I've had four fights (all against super silvers or more) fail to load match results whenever I won a fight, but in the runback they'd get all the points whenever they won. All in all I lost over 400 points to super silvers because my results would disappear into the ether. Match results have failed to upload before, but only once or twice over the span of a couple of days. These four happened in less than an hour of play.

There is something going on.



Unconfirmed Member
I don't want to be alarmist, but I think people are using some new exploit on the down low. I've had four fights (all against super silvers or more) fail to load match results whenever I won a fight, but in the runback they'd get all the points whenever they won. All in all I lost over 400 points to super silvers because my results would disappear into the ether. Match results have failed to upload before, but only once or twice over the span of a couple of days. This happened in less than an hour of play.

There is something going on.

Whenever this happens, you usually get the points anyway. Sometimes later.


I would not use cr.mp as a footsie tool because of range rather than speed. I use it for some meaty setups.

Use s.mk as a footsie tool and sometimes s.hp for a quick combo

Cr. mp with lk flip kick buffered behind it is a decent counterpoke imo


I wanna play nash but he just looks derpy (glasses/hair) and he doesn't have any goods skins, what do?

Been avoiding him for the same reason. But then I'll fight one online, and can't help but think...

Man... I really had hoped is be able to use Juri but I just plain suck at combos. My mind literally can't tell my fingers what to do more than one move ahead at a time. I've been trying for years but in clutch situations I always freeze. Hell half the time I freeze when the opponent is stunned and I have a free combo opportunity. My muscle memory just plain doesn't exist and I can't seem to build one no matter how long I spend in training mode.

Anyone have another character they could recommend? I really want to play this game... In SFV I played a lot of T.Hawk because you didn't need to do combos. But I have always hated Zangeif so he's out. Please don't suggest him.

Birdie might be the easiest transition from T. Hawk. He's got similar options in neutral, with a lot more fun stuff that doesn't really require combos. I think the only things you'd be likely to miss from T. Hawk are s.HK and the Condor Dive.
Whenever this happens, you usually get the points anyway. Sometimes later.
At this point I'm probably just going to stop caring because the stress of playing this game is just giving me stomach cramps. It's either that or I'm hungry, but I can't tell which.
And Omni makes it 4 in a row this night :p

Ken is super funky.
ggs man...lol

The Balrog Zangief matchup is so ass....

What exactly annoyed you about SF4? I hear this sentiment a lot and now that SFV has been out for awhile I think we can be a bit more unbiased. People can hate on fadc, 1 frame links and shotos all they want but I'd take them over 8 frame lag, anti air jab, 50/50s and grab loops all day. People shat on vortex characters being annoying but the way the neutral game plays now every character feels like a vortex. Also quality of life stuff like being able to jump in a ranked match in <30 secs. Now that the hype has died down and the haters have stopped dog piling on the game I think we can discuss the actual short comings of the gameplay.
huh? Who has a vortex anything like Akuma? No one, not even Mika in the corner. It's just a 50/50 guess between blocking or neutral jumping most of the time.

- V-reversal makes pressure no where near as strong

- There is no grab loop, Jab it if it's not a meaty throw or tech it if it is.

- Jab being used for AA is really the only derpy thing I'm SFV and it's likely to get nerfed as the consensus is fairly unanimous it is too strong.

Seriously guys you need to work on defense, whiff punishing, AA, footsies and generally just playing SF. The meta in this game is off the charts. It's crazy how high level you can go and hardly any of it has to do with execution. The game is nothing like 4, where you got beat by the character and not the player. fadc and invincible back dash are huge huge parts of why characters like viper or elf were so annoying.

Also while online is good, it's not offline. Play really strong players in sets or try to play in a local scene. You'll see the light lol


Okay maybe I don't miss Viper and Elf that much thinking about it.

Also yea, invincible backdash is def something I don' like. Not going to be a fan of it when I try KI


I don't miss anything about SF4. I HATED that game. Good riddance.

There are things I'd like changed in SF5, but even if it never saw an update, I'd prefer to play this over any version of SF4.
Not necalli. He's similar in that he has all the tools like seth, but imo Necalli wants the opponent to get defensive, Seth wanted you to attack.
I'm not sure anyone is much like Seth. Maybe Urien?

Seth was all about getting inside the head of the opponent and once they started to fear you it was game over. SPDs and mixups with jumps all day baby. It was so fun having so much tools available.

Edit: and divekicks, mmm loved me some divekicks
Not necalli. He's similar in that he has all the tools like seth, but imo Necalli wants the opponent to get defensive, Seth wanted you to attack.
I'm not sure anyone is much like Seth. Maybe Urien?
Chun or Mika

They want to get in that ass and they'll stop at nothing to do so. Chun's approach can be particularly dumb, but the actual execution of Mika's gameplan is slightly worse (I only say slightly because V-Trigger Chun is insane). You'd think it would be Ken, but he is content to just stay where he is like Ryu. They can do whatever they want.
I've seen too many RTSD poongko matches. I legit forgot he could do that. Fortunately his health was hit hard. Capcom actually gave him some thought unlike Ryu and Ken. Those two have far more health while having defensive tools and insane offense.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah that's why some Dhalsim players had him as a secondary.

Maybe Dhalsim is SFV's Seth...


I've seen too many RTSD poongko matches. I legit forgot he could do that. Fortunately his health was hit hard. Capcom actually gave him some thought unlike Ryu and Ken. Those two have far more health while having defensive tools and insane offense.

If you watch later Poongko you can see him adopting the more balanced style. A lot of backdashes, fireballs, and baited jumps.

The other Seths did this too rather effectively.
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