Why does Capcom hates footsie in SFV? Ryu's Cr.MK has a small active frame and is -3 on block and well as most other characters while some like Nash, Karin and Zangief being -4. It's not like Nash and Zangief can hit confirm anything off the move. Cammy's doesn't even reach down to her angle and the only characters that have Cr.MK are FANG, Necalli, Vega, Chun LI and Laura. They are either -2 or +2.
And not everyone's main footsie tool is supposed to be the mean I could be totally off here but having negative normals doesn't mean you have bad footsies or no footsies. Footsies is more about whiff punishing, having normals that leave you positive on block helps with frame traps and block strings but not so much footsies.
Nash, Zangief, Birdie and Guile have cr.mks that are supposed to be longer ranged pokes., not confirms in any form.
FANG's is supposed to be a frametrap, it's neither a poke nor a good footsie tool.