Okay, I need some tips on how to play the footsie game with Juri.
I normally use s.mk and s.hk as the tools, since I cannot combo d.mk very well and it doesn't have a much too good range. I am trying to use her projectile on the ground so it covers my approach, but not having much success either.
Anyone care to give a few primers regarding Juri footsies ? I need a light
why can't you down Mk well?
Not sure where you're going wrong with those buttons; they're good. I like using all the buttons in some way or another I've found.
For me I tend to avoid overusing st. hk though, it's a bit slow for my liking and -4 ends your turn. St. mk is good range, climbs over some lower buttons and is still -4 but is faster startup. i use mk primarily. St. hk from farther range to catch buttons, rarely in range to hit.
Cr/. mp seems to actually be around the same range as cr. mk, figures for SFV, so you can use that buffered into lk flip or one of her charge moves if you want as a counterpoke in footsies.
I don't focus too heavily on her fireball, 50 slow damage and not particularly fast recovery means I only toss it out when I want some wakeup pressure or to make some moves safe most of the time, except for characters with slower jumps/fireball options like Gief.
For her sweep I use it to check people low when I think they'll stand for whatever reason, but also when they're trying to find the answer to st. mk/cr mp because it usually beats the buttons they would use in that case.
St. hp I don't use much in footsies, but when I do it's usually to act similarly to cr. mp in that I can buffer it into a move and it hits high where cr. mp hits low.
st lk is decent check on a cr. mk or similar buttons. If you can buffer it into pinwheel without having it come out on whiff (I can't really yet) it's better.
and of course, I use pinwheel in footsies to annoy people. a hit is +2 and it's fast enough to be hard to punish when not predictable. They still can but focusing on punishing it means they can't react to my buttons/walk up/dash up/throw