I finally started playing ranked tonight ! I had a nice little streak of wins yesterday in casual with Ryu and figured, "hell, it's about time".
I mean, in all honesty I had a single match near the games launch and simply haven't invested much time in SFV until more recently but I have to admit it feels good to muster up the hutzbah to go into ranked and give it a go. Played a solid Ryu that seemed better than me insofar as combos are concerned (was around 1000 points Bronze player) but I think I had better fundementals but ... my ground game only got me so far and in the end I went 1-2 against him. This left me with 23 points ! after a few minutes I decided to try a second game , what's the worst that could happen right ? I lose those 23 points and go back to 0 again ? well I guess I've gotten a little better because my second matchup was against a 600 point Ibuki that I defeated largely through the use of throws and medium kicks. I mean it's bronze so I guess she was a reasonably decent Ibuki for that level of play but ultimately I stole 2 games from her. High off the win I decided that I'd do 1 more game and... I ended up pitted against an 800 point FANG. Man, that character just sucks to fight eh ? I learned the hardway that jump ins from a certain distance are no good and my tick throw tech game isn't that great BUT , after a close 3 rounds I lost... then I barely managed a win in 2 rounds and finally, after a heated 3 rounds I lost again. And so it goes...
If I want to keep playing Ryu more I think I need to practice better use of Vtrigger and maximizing combo damage a little better. I'd say I'm a 3 on a scale of 1-10 with him right now but with just little more work I could probably push that up to a 4 or even a 5.
If nothing else I'm curious just how many accounts have played ranked in SFV now, I mean last place is roughly 470,000 but the bottom of the list has hundreds of tied up spots for each position in the chart.