You still on? I'm down.
GGs, that was a fun set. Ibuki is really tough to keep track of.
You still on? I'm down.
I'm down. CFN: Scrafty
Well, this is pertubing. First round of match 1 was flawless and then it went to crap. You're wired, right?
God, I despise fighting Balrog as Alex. All of his pressure pushes me out of range of punishes so I literally can't do anything even when he's like -5 :<
same, all of his dash punches feel unpunishable to me, I tried every button lol
Like, he's -7 on MP Dash Straight yet it pushes me out of range of any move that'd be able to punish it.
I know he's a cinch once I have momentum, but getting there is like pulling teeth.
a quick vframe data verification told me I could punish with lk into tatsu
im gonna have to train the crap out of that
Woah, the connection went nuts there for a bit.
Good games, guys. I was the Balrog player and it was a lot of fun playing so many close sets.
Your Balrog is damn nasty, man. Had me sweating during every single match with those perfectly-spaced normals and dash punches.
Thanks. Yeah, those are some skills I had to learn very quickly when I started using Balrog. With Karin I feel like I could just mash MP in tight situations and I'd be OK but with Balrog I was constantly getting punished. My gameplan with Balrog is to typically frustrate my opponent until they crack as opposed to going for big damage.
You really got into my head with Alex near the end. There was so many times my brain was telling me "he's going for the powerbomb" but I was too nervous to react appropriately.
Good games, guys. I was the Balrog player and it was a lot of fun playing so many close sets.
Holy crap, Chun is straight up impossible as Alex unless you can somehow predict/react to her instant air legs (which I can't). It feels like a never ending safe string of attacks with no gaps.'t alex just use st.lp to swat that IA legs out of the sky before it hits him?
Same here i just lost the motivation to play ranked after hitting gold few days ago now i just stick to casual and lobbiess.Reached gold rank today and I feel more exhausted than I have in weeks for some reason. Today's matches have just sucked all the energy out of me. There isn't even enough left to complain about Ryu and Ken. I'll still take a moment to curse that asshole super gold Nash that took 70 points and ragequit when I beat him in a rematch that should have gotten me 113 points.
Probably done with ranked completely now.
Just pretend you are psychic.
They need to fix Nash's V-Trigger
And Netcode
Been sticking solely to battle lounges with a reddit intermediate group... I am improving so quickly. It feels great. This game is amazing.
None of this is broken.![]()
They need to fix Nash's V-Trigger
And Netcode
And Netcode
That guy still is working for Capcom.That's never getting fixed,they hired one dude for it and he's gone lol...
When ryu is still throwing the fireball, its hitbox is -huge-, I think you just teleported into it since the screen freezes for a sec.
Need a little Karin advice - if someone is jumping in on me or are up in my face on my (karin) wakeup, what are her best options?
I'm trying to break the bad habit of EX Ressenha.
Need a little Karin advice - if someone is jumping in on me or are up in my face on my (karin) wakeup, what are her best options?
I'm trying to break the bad habit of EX Ressenha.
Need a little Karin advice - if someone is jumping in on me or are up in my face on my (karin) wakeup, what are her best options?
I'm trying to break the bad habit of EX Ressenha.
And everyone knows it. I've had a lot of ken's and nash's just constantly jumping in till they break me. I struggle with St.Hp as an anti-air, but I'm a bit more comfortable with St.Lp.You take it like a man because her anti-airs are terrible.
Against jumping in:Need a little Karin advice - if someone is jumping in on me or are up in my face on my (karin) wakeup, what are her best options?
I'm trying to break the bad habit of EX Ressenha.
Holy crap, Chun is straight up impossible as Alex unless you can somehow predict/react to her instant air legs (which I can't). It feels like a never ending safe string of attacks with no gaps.
Against jumping in:
- Her anti-airs are basically EX dp, st.hp, cr.hp and st.lp and other than EX dp, none of them are super reliable, but they cover different situation. St.hp is really good against jump-ins from far away and neutral jumps (in the corner, too). If your opponent does neutral jump with a normal, st.hp covers almost half the screen. Cr.hp is good against your usual slow jump-in with heavy kicks, things like random Nash teleports (it auto-corrects left/right and it can crush counter) and Chun's instant air legs if you're ready. Also, you can cancel both hp versions into her command dash for a quick mixup. There are some more specific uses for normals, like is good against moves that land behind you (missed Ken air tatsu for example) or neutral jumps in the corner. Cr.lp is good against Chun's instant air legs and st.lp is good against neutral jumps in front of you.
- Air-to-air! If you watch high level Karin play you'll see this a lot since it's much more reliable and it keeps your opponent where they were, preferably the corner. Look at last week's Daigo-Mago match: Daigo jumps twice in the first round and Mago answers with air-to-air twice. The concept is basically that the more ready you are for a jump, the slower (and more damaging) the normal you should use in the air is. I really think this should be the preferred option for Karins by now. It also leaves your opponent at footsie range where Karin is at her best
- Dash under. You can go for a good fast normal ( or, a throw, a block (if your opponent is mashy) or a neutral jump afterwards.
- V-reversal. Most opponents go for a short blockstring after a jump-in. V-reversal the first blocked attack and they lose their pressure. This will lose to all throws. Not that great of an option.
Against pressure on wake-up:
- Block. It's underrated.
- V-Reversal. Best used against slow moves that leave your opponent + on block and make you guess afterwards like Bison's and Alex' lariat(?). Karin can get range-specific ambiguous cross-ups, meaty setups and safe-jumps after you hit with it.
- EX dp is your only invincible attack. You have to use it sometimes. It loses to opponents that neutral jump right in front of you.
- Backdash. Kind of sucks in this game, but it's decent against graplers since it beats command throws, normal throws, create distance if your opponent blocks and often you will only get hit once if they use a normal.
- Neutral jump if you guess a command throw. If you neutral jump a normal throw, good opponents will hit you with a standing jab or something.
- Mash your 3 frame cr.lp. This is a weird one. It shouldn't be as good, but it's amazing how well it works. If your opponent has meaty timings down, stop using it.
- Jump back option select (video)
- If you expect a shimmy, you can do xx tenko or xx EX kicks as a safe block string that hits standing opponents.