So which app is better, Vframes or FAT?
I really like Vframes a lot, but there's a couple of little things I don't. Like it not showing counter hit frame data and it's a little slow to update. Juri's frame data still isn't available for instance.
Serious question, I'm not trying to prove a point or you wrong or be funny or anything.
What are her weaknesses? She obviously has to have some but I can't think of any.
IMO Chun definitely deserves any complaints she receives in regards to balancing. That's all I gotta say lol
Chun Li's weakness is that a few of her things aren't as good as Ryu's. Clearly she needs buffs.
Chun Li's weakness is that a few of her things aren't as good as Ryu's. Clearly she needs buffs.
st.MP > cr.MK > SBK seems pretty hard to pull of with Chun-Li, especially since it's supposed to be one of her BnBs.
Maybe. Tho every good chun I've ever played pull that shit off seemingly effortless. At least 90% of the time they attempt it. That's more than good enough.
Yo Flux, GG on that casual match. Wanna play a set?
The one thing I wanted nerfed for Chun is adding more recovery to her EX DP.
Out of all the DPs , this is the only one where if you bait it and dont block it ( like say a backdash to bait). Its super hard to punish , its just -12 so dashing in or walking might not give you a crush counter punish. I mean she is already such a strong char , if I bait a DP I should be rewarded with a CC combo.
st.MP > cr.MK > SBK seems pretty hard to pull of with Chun-Li, especially since it's supposed to be one of her BnBs.
Lmao. I can see that being put to good use in some future threads.
Am I crazy for thinking Juri is just bad?
I've yet to play a good one, and I've been trying to learn her since her release and getting absolutely nowhere.
Am I crazy for thinking Juri is just bad?
I've yet to play a good one, and I've been trying to learn her since her release and getting absolutely nowhere.
You need to cancel MK very late. Probably the hardest BnB in the game.
GGs Flux. My eyes are fully opened,Ibuki is complete ass.
st.MP > cr.MK > SBK seems pretty hard to pull of with Chun-Li, especially since it's supposed to be one of her BnBs.
The gaming section seems to have finally "Forgotten" SFV. Thank god.
She's middle of the road. What are you having problems with
Anyone up for a few matches?
CFN HanksB
sent invite
also made a lobby, password is 1234 for anyone else who wants to join
Poor Whales always has to go through the Ibuki gauntlet. I would play some Alex, but I don't have enough FM to get him back.
Nothing is better to get your heart pumping than having a Rashid corner you.
Poor Whales always has to go through the Ibuki gauntlet. I would play some Alex, but I don't have enough FM to get him back.
well, ill end up gitting gud vs her one day after all of this
how is one even supposed to guess which side ibuki is going to go there? lol
well, ill end up gitting gud vs her one day after all of this
That's the mixup!![]()
True, just seems like it might get a bit tiring. I need to find some Juri players. I've only played against her once in casual match since she's come out.
the thing is that in both cases her animation shows her going BEHIND me, but in one case shes actually infront and in the other shes behind. Just real weird
God dammit my bullshit internet has disconnected me from like 2 games tonight. What's the limit before I'm penalized again? Now I'm afraid to play. And does disconnecting from casual matches count? Because it did it to me in one of those.
I'm doing so good tonight too..
1 more and you're in trouble buddy
Also ive been DCing a lot lately, it's not my internet either ( I asked around and wasn't the only one)
Capcom's servers are being ass right now for some reason
1 more and you're in trouble buddy
Also ive been DCing a lot lately, it's not my internet either ( I asked around and wasn't the only one)
Capcom's servers are being ass right now for some reason
The gaming section seems to have finally "Forgotten" SFV. Thank god.
I am surprised there isnt a thread about Capcom falsely giving the RQ penalty to some players. Or how Urien didnt release in August. Followed by 1000 posts about how SFV sucks.
Edit :
I probably shouldn't be giving them ideas lol.