I seriously do not know how people reach Gold and not know how to tech.
The opponent is totally mindfucked by the looks of this.
I seriously do not know how people reach Gold and not know how to tech.
northeast US
I seriously do not know how people reach Gold and not know how to tech.
They don't want to eat the CC, especially in this situation.I seriously do not know how people reach Gold and not know how to tech.
The opponent is totally mindfucked by the looks of this.
I never tech against bison. His throw gives me space to get out and the damage is so minimal compared to his cc combos. A throw is nothingI seriously do not know how people reach Gold and not know how to tech.
I never tech against bison. His throw gives me space to get out and the damage is so minimal compared to his cc combos. A throw is nothing
im silver and I never teched a single throw in my entire life
Ggs grifter. Those dps were doing so much mental damage lol
This is how I feel like the match is going every time I come across a Karin.
This fight looks super hype... Youtube link, please?
Watch this i just copied to graph because not many have watch it...You guys are aware that SFIV had 6 frames lag right ? So those 2 frames will not be such a big game changer than people think.
I even think I saw that KoF XIV has around 7 frames lag, but I could be wrong.
WOW... thanks!
"I wonder if the double XP weekend is still on for labour day."
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Failure to retrieve data. [40006]
Failure to retrieve data. [40006]
Failure to retrieve data. [40006]
Jesus Christ Capcom! It's been 7 months!
Why did they do away with lobbies in rank?
Is captalk a thing ever since Mike Ross quit?
Does anyone know why ChrisG never does meaty St.HP with Guile after a backthrow or flash kick? He always goes with the St.MP, Cr.MP link that combos on counter hit. Is the potential crush counter just not worth the tradeoff of being minus on block?
What? When did he quit and why?
Learned some basics with mika and I didn't know just how strong she was.
cr lk is +1
What? Meaning I can hit someone with a well spaced cr lk, do a little shimmy, then well spaced cr hp for instant derp derp mika pressure. This is crazy.
I guarantee they nerf cr lk for season 2.
Learned some basics with mika and I didn't know just how strong she was.
cr lk is +1
What? Meaning I can hit someone with a well spaced cr lk, do a little shimmy, then well spaced cr hp for instant derp derp mika pressure. This is crazy.
I guarantee they nerf cr lk for season 2.
I seriously do not know how people reach Gold and not know how to tech.
Learned some basics with mika and I didn't know just how strong she was.
cr lk is +1
What? Meaning I can hit someone with a well spaced cr lk, do a little shimmy, then well spaced cr hp for instant derp derp mika pressure. This is crazy.
I guarantee they nerf cr lk for season 2.
Learned some basics with mika and I didn't know just how strong she was.
cr lk is +1
What? Meaning I can hit someone with a well spaced cr lk, do a little shimmy, then well spaced cr hp for instant derp derp mika pressure. This is crazy.
I guarantee they nerf cr lk for season 2.
I do wonder how they'd nerf Mika without shitting up the character. Maybe fHP nerf, that doesnt seem that bad. Probably just the 8f lag fix will help out with dealing with her.
I seriously do not know how people reach Gold and not know how to tech.
Now that it's September, any word on Urien?
Now that it's September, any word on Urien?
Why did they do away with lobbies in rank?
We'll probably get our info at TGS.Now that it's September, any word on Urien?
So you can't cherry pick opponents, avoid bad match ups, target good match-ups, etc.
Probably have to wait til next week knowing the times they released info on chars before
Tokyo Game Show (Sept 17) has some big SF5 festivities planned (tourney and a stage show) good chance we'll get news then.
This is true but everyone knows that Urien isn't actually showing up until the last few possible days of September.We'll probably get our info at TGS.