How much FM do you guys think the complete colour packs will be?
Way too much.
How much FM do you guys think the complete colour packs will be?
How much FM do you guys think the complete colour packs will be?
How much FM do you guys think the complete colour packs will be?
This is true but everyone knows that Urien isn't actually showing up until the last few possible days of September.
And we'll be lucky if they give us an actual date during TGS.
The struggle of learning a stick after years of pad play is real. I'm currently using a square gate stick, and struggle with inputting motions during combos. Any tips i can use to improve my play?
Practice practice practice. You'll get used to it soon enough.
Well yes, but info usually comes at the second week, if any info comes at all.
That's the mixup
The struggle of learning a stick after years of pad play is real. I'm currently using a square gate stick, and struggle with inputting motions during combos. Any tips i can use to improve my play?
I got a mayflash, with the intention of getting sanwa buttons within the month. I main Balrog, but are there any other charge characters that aren't motion reliant in SFV? Im thinking about picking up chun as well.
Thanks for the advice, there's a dpad setting on the stick. I've been doing the whole motion the entire time.If you don't do it already, instead of using a quarter circle motion on your stick, treat it like a d-pad and press down then forward for your hadokens.
If you already do that, just keep doing it and you'll just get use to it.
Overall. Practice makes perfect, and at some point you'll be just as good with sticks as you are with pads.
Is Juri getting a summer outfit? that alone could fund SF VI.
Thanks for the advice, there's a dpad setting on the stick. I've been doing the whole motion the entire time.
I seriously do not know how people reach Gold and not know how to tech.
If a Bison gets me in that spot, I'm probably getting thrown. Been kneed in the face too many times to throw tech there. Fortunately there's a huge difference between a good Bison who can place his dashes appropriately and a not so good one who just dashes randomly.I seriously do not know how people reach Gold and not know how to tech.
The struggle of learning a stick after years of pad play is real. I'm currently using a square gate stick, and struggle with inputting motions during combos. Any tips i can use to improve my play?
Learned some basics with mika and I didn't know just how strong she was.
cr lk is +1
What? Meaning I can hit someone with a well spaced cr lk, do a little shimmy, then well spaced cr hp for instant derp derp mika pressure. This is crazy.
I guarantee they nerf cr lk for season 2.
That's nothing. Her F.HP is +3 on block and her Irish Whip hitbox is huge to the point it can hit between the empty space of a move.
Maybe my defense just sucks, but I've been hit tons of times by people that just throw out Irish Whip.
That's nothing. Her F.HP is +3 on block and her Irish Whip hitbox is huge to the point it can hit between the empty space of a move.
Ultra Gold here, I almost never tech. First someone has to show me that they're going to keep going for throws. When I see that they're willing to, I will use DP instead of a throw tech. After getting crush countered twice and dizzied and still being alive then I might finally just try to tech.
Funny thing is that I run into a lot of people that prefer this method for the wake up game. They hey'll DP, wake up jab, or block but they're not going to tech. Outside of the corner I don't find throws to be scary at all. From what I've seen most characters get a meaty, and even if they're plus frames they're not right next to me so the pressure isn't scary.
Stage 89 Karin just made my last hour a total waste. Seriously this mode is going to kill my soul.
So I tried Extreme Survival the first time just now and got to 68. Capcom please do something about this mode. Add continues and 10 stage skips to be purchaseable, take away the idiotic RNG element of it and give players always a small health boost after finishing a stage.
Why are you still playing survival? Especially when we know the colors are going to be made available soon?
That kind of defeats the point of survival. And you get to buy health at the end of each stage. That's more than most survival modes will give you.
Why are you still playing survival? Especially when we know the colors are going to be made available soon?
That kind of defeats the point of survival. And you get to buy health at the end of each stage. That's more than most survival modes will give you.
Need that FM and trophy from Extreme Survival. Also definitely not going to spend any money on colors.
Stage 89 Karin just made my last hour a total waste. Seriously this mode is going to kill my soul.
The payout is 20,000, 1/5th of the price of a character. The equivalent of $1.20. How many hours are you willing to spend not having fun to earn $1.20?
The payout is 20,000, 1/5th of the price of a character. The equivalent of $1.20. How many hours are you willing to spend not having fun to earn $1.20?
If you are going to do extreme survival, just use ken and spam mp DP for 45mins.
I always get blown up when I try that. I get much better results by going constantly for crossups.
Oh my mistake it's $1.50.It's going to be a bit more than that, extreme surival gains you about 5 levelups as well (if the character is sub30), which is another 5k FM.
It's so far from being a guaranteed strategy I would rather abuse cross-ups, as myco mentioned.Are you using the MP DP?
Are you using the MP DP?
Whether it is guaranteed or not is not a matter of opinion. It definitely doesn't work every time, so the question is, how many times are you willing to try it knowing that when it fails, you could have done something smarter?It's pretty guaranteed imo, you just have to keep doing it, in later stages you need to get them in the corner asap after the first knockdown.
Even if the next hit will kill you, never stop the mp dp.
It synchs with the server after a match and that's where you shut it down. I agree that it's stupid to get punished for that but...just don't risk it and go back to the menu to be safe.I managed to record a video of the game punishing me for ragequits when the matches had already ended. A bit of a shame as surely people often share clips after a match; the last thing Capcom should be punishing is people promoting their game.
I managed to record a video of the game punishing me for ragequits when the matches had already ended. A bit of a shame as surely people often share clips after a match; the last thing Capcom should be punishing is people promoting their game.
Yeah the share feature suspending the game screws with the system in place (not saying the system in place is good or anything). There was a post on reddit about this exact problem.
The payout is 20,000, 1/5th of the price of a character. The equivalent of $1.20. How many hours are you willing to spend not having fun to earn $1.20?
Any info on Urien yet?
Any info on Urien yet?