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And that's not to say that people shouldn't complain about this game.

I just personally wonder why anybody continues to play a game when all they do is complain about it on a message board. Seems like if you're so displeased with a game that the only thing you can type is negative experiences, 7 months out no less, then I just don't get it.

I really don't understand.

Some people just need to hate things.

And that's not to say that people shouldn't complain about this game.

I just personally wonder why anybody continues to play a game when all they do is complain about it on a message board. Seems like if you're so displeased with a game that the only thing you can type is negative experiences, 7 months out no less, then I just don't get it.

I really don't understand.


Hyun Sai

I THINK there was a Neogaf poster with the tag "At the end of his life, X will see how much time he wasted hating things instead of enjoying what he liked" or something like that...

He is banned now, and can't remember the name.
#TeamSuit, mostly because it means Urien has a character design that's completely his own, now.

I remember the days when Urien first showed up in 2nd Impact and was generally dismissed as being a lazy palette/head swap of Gill, "Gill's own version of Dan" moveset-wise, was constantly called Urine, and had a select screen portrait that made him look like he just urienated his pants seeing who he was up against:


The man's come a long way.

Hyun Sai

I haven't played much in a few weeks. Teaching class and KoF eating into my SF time. Hoping they announce some cool stuff at TGS.

Yeah, I've got some problem managing time with KoFXIV. I had no regret ditching SFIV to the trash when KoFXIII and TTT2 launched, but SFV gameplay is legit good, so I'll keep playing it. And Tekken 7 is not even there, argh...
I just put SF in my three-hour gaming rotation of the day. One hour per game, and SFV is always there. KOF and Gundam switch out, sometimes not even showing up depending on what releases, but I'm now typically saving other releases for the weekends to clear out my backlog.


Yeah, I've got some problem managing time with KoFXIV. I had no regret ditching SFIV to the trash when KoFXIII and TTT2 launched, but SFV gameplay is legit good, so I'll keep playing it. And Tekken 7 is not even there, argh...

Yeah, same.

It's a good problem to have, but fuck...

And Mai dropping in DoA soon and looks amazing. :/

I just put SF in my three-hour gaming rotation of the day. One hour per game, and SFV is always there. KOF and Gundam switch out, sometimes not even showing up depending on what releases, but I'm now typically saving other releases for the weekends to clear out my backlog.

When I get busy during a semester, I tend to play handhelds only. Working my way through Odinsphere remake and Grandia 1 on Vita.

Grandia battle system omg.


Exactly that. When you see a Hadoken startup just do a jumpin combo, walk back to good jumpin distance rinse and repeat. Don't know if it really works well against other characters.


This matchup is rough, I honestly just try to hit the limbs and if that doesn't work rip ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

People said that this MU is in Mika's favor, but I no longer get it. If Dhalsim isn't playing recklessly, then he can comfortably sit back and throw his limbs out to stop anything Mika is doing at all times.

It's a real pain. I need to cr.HP way less than I do in that MU (I do that to nullify the limbs, but my opponent would whiff punish it more than not).
People said that this MU is in Mika's favor, but I no longer get it. If Dhalsim isn't playing recklessly, then he can comfortably sit back and throw his limbs out to stop anything Mika is doing at all times.

It's a real pain. I need to cr.HP way less than I do in that MU (I do that to nullify the limbs, but my opponent would whiff punish it more than not).

As soon as you get Sim in the corner, the match is over. It should be your number one priority to get him there.

When he throws a (non-EX) Yoga Fire, dash forward. You can get two dashes while he does it. If he throws a limb, jump over it as recovery takes forever. Don't try to cross him up as he has an answer to it. If you jump at full screen, use your splash to change your trajectory so they can't punish it. Also, two whip combos from Mika stun him.
People said that this MU is in Mika's favor, but I no longer get it. If Dhalsim isn't playing recklessly, then he can comfortably sit back and throw his limbs out to stop anything Mika is doing at all times.

It's a real pain. I need to cr.HP way less than I do in that MU (I do that to nullify the limbs, but my opponent would whiff punish it more than not).

I didn't watch the video yet but if it's Snafoo then.. he's just really really good lol.

Dude beat Ryan Hart's Yun last year at Canada Cup with Sim.
Exactly that. When you see a Hadoken startup just do a jumpin combo, walk back to good jumpin distance rinse and repeat. Don't know if it really works well against other characters.

Some stuff I noticed is that the AI for most characters don't do anything against meaty neutral jump heavies, and have a hard time punishing sweeps with more than a jab.

Stage 99 Chun was a nightmare (lost to her twice...still stings a little) until I stopped trying to actually fight her and figured out a loop to get the AI into where I could basically neutral jump meaty her into a knockdown combo, and in the event she blocked the meaty, I could just spam sweep until she was knocked down again, then start it over with another neutral jump meaty heavy. If you get the AI into the corner, it's even more effective, and the match is basically won.


I didn't watch the video yet but if it's Snafoo then.. he's just really really good lol.

Dude beat Ryan Hart's Yun last year at Canada Cup with Sim.

Oh, it's Snafoo.

I recall people said he was the best Sim in America in Ultra. He made life difficult for Team EG back when team EG "Rufus Divekick" was destroying folks.


If he throws a limb, jump over it as recovery takes forever.

Nope, I think you might be surprised at how fast Dhalsim recovers from any limb that isn't a fierce. You'll see it in that video, too: oftentimes I'll be jumping forward right during the startup of a st.MK or something being thrown out, and he'll still have the time to AA with something else after its recovery.

As soon as you get Sim in the corner, the match is over. It should be your number one priority to get him there.

When he throws a (non-EX) Yoga Fire, dash forward. You can get two dashes while he does it. Don't try to cross him up as he has an answer to it. If you jump at full screen, use your splash to change your trajectory so they can't punish it. Also, two whip combos from Mika stun him.

Were it that simple... I might go for normal throws more because he's been backdashing the command grabs, but then he'll tech those. Gotta find proper ways to capitalize on that position; I did during one or two rounds.

Dashing forward during Yoga Fire is something I need to do. I don't think he throws them out much, though, but at least I should keep it in mind when he does.

I've started using the splash less against him as he's learned to adapt to them. I use to hit him all the time with it, but not so much anymore.

I didn't watch the video yet but if it's Snafoo then.. he's just really really good lol.

Dude beat Ryan Hart's Yun last year at Canada Cup with Sim.

Yep, the dude that defeated me handily at Dreamhack. There are times when I've won a set against him at weeklies but, more often than not, he'll just beat me.


So GAF who is the worst character in this game? Is it Zangief, FANG, Alex or someone else? Trying to figure out which character to learn after only using the best character in the game for seven months.

Some stuff I noticed is that the AI for most characters don't do anything against meaty neutral jump heavies, and have a hard time punishing sweeps with more than a jab.

Stage 99 Chun was a nightmare (lost to her twice...still stings a little) until I stopped trying to actually fight her and figured out a loop to get the AI into where I could basically neutral jump meaty her into a knockdown combo, and in the event she blocked the meaty, I could just spam sweep until she was knocked down again, then start it over with another neutral jump meaty heavy. If you get the AI into the corner, it's even more effective, and the match is basically won.

Meaty neutral jump definitely is the best tactic on characters that don't have meterless invincible reversal. I guess the AI tries to AA it with normals like regular jumpins.
why do you even play this game still? all I ever see from you is complaining. if you don't enjoy it for whatever reason there are other games to play.

Because there aren't a lot of option on PC. And when there other games to play, they are usually dead or just broken. There is Killer Instinct and Fightcade but that leads to my next point which is the learning curve. While Killer Instinct is easy to pick up and play it's hard to master when there are 20+ character to choose from.

And that's not to say that people shouldn't complain about this game.

I just personally wonder why anybody continues to play a game when all they do is complain about it on a message board. Seems like if you're so displeased with a game that the only thing you can type is negative experiences, 7 months out no less, then I just don't get it.

I really don't understand.

We're the ones with a suite of legitimate complaints about the game rather than ulterior motive bullshit.

I don't know why it works this way, but it does.
Yep, the dude that defeated me handily at Dreamhack. There are times when I've won a set against him at weeklies but, more often than not, he'll just beat me.

The thing about playing against Chi Rithy/Snafoo/Rami and other top players is that they always think like 2 steps in advance. You might think you're going to mix them up well or you have a great gameplan but they're already steps ahead of you and are constantly adapting. Sometimes you have to think outside of the box when on the offensive. It's a bit easier to play against these guys now in 5 since there's basically no defensive mechanics so they gotta hold a lot of shit regardless if they want to or not, but opening up these players in 4 was definitely a lot harder.
I need advice. What do as Mika vs. Dhalsim?

- Passion Press (down + HP mid-jump if that's the name) works well against Dhalsim's crouching MP if you understand the timing for it.
- Passion Press is also annoying if Dhalsim tries to cross-under your jump-ins with his slides.
- You never really slowly walked towards him; 95% of the time it was a jump-in / dash. His normals don't have much pushback, so patiently inch him to the corner.
- Second reason to be patient like this: harder to know what you're thinking and if he does panic teleport to prevent corner hijinx, on-reaction jab = 50/50 set-up.
- Not sold on her f. MK to stuff or whiff punish limbs from afar; practice using different ones. Better as a close-range footsie tool here.
- Secondly: s. HP, cr. HP, forward s. HP and c. HK if you want to be pro-active, quicker buttons like s. LK, cr. MK or s. MP (her chop?) for whiff punishing IIRC.
- Didn't really see you use her one armored EX attack (Flying Peach?) all that much to try and close the gap with a calculated risk. Sat on meter too much.

There's more to keep in mind, but the above is a general outline of what cost you rounds the most.


There's more to keep in mind, but the above is a general outline of what cost you rounds the most.

Thanks. Passion Press is actually her clap, what I believe you're referring to is her j.down MP, which is her divebomb. I've gotten scared of using it because of previous matches I've had against him, but maybe I should use it a bit more.

These, particularly, stick with me:
- You never really slowly walked towards him; 95% of the time it was a jump-in / dash. His normals don't have much pushback, so patiently inch him to the corner.
- Second reason to be patient like this: harder to know what you're thinking and if he does panic teleport to prevent corner hijinx, on-reaction jab = 50/50 set-up.
I've gotten better at just walking when I need to, but all that changes in that Dhalsim MU. I guess it's his range that scares me. Thinking about there not being much push back, I need to be way more patient than I usually am, but in a way where I'm also advancing and not just sitting across the screen doing nothing.

Better whiff punishes is good, but I hate doing that against Dhalsim. Maybe I'm just not used to it; will have to practice that more in Training mode.

EX Shooting Peach can work, but I personally find it tremendously risky (I did try it once in that set, poorly, and got punished for it). I guess it's the quick reaction that requires when Mika is close enough to Dhalsim to actually punish what he's doing. If he gets too comfortable throwing out attacks too much, it's something I should keep in mind.


I'm actually pretty annoyed that the clothes ripping off isn't a thing. If it was in the plans (as the model seems to indicate) and they just backed out of doing it last minute, then that's pathetic.

Looks like Capcom turned Urien into Urine.

This made me snort at work.
So season 1 dlc characters have been a big dud, huh?

They've been mainly true to their characters, but they have all been rather weak as compared to most of the main cast.

I imagine it's for the sake of balance preservation. Expect a balance patch after Capcom Cup, probably early next year.
So season 1 dlc characters have been a big dud, huh?
Ibuki was most underwhelming for me, tried to change her too much and she lost a lot of moves/appeal... Guile was decent, but sucks when Ryu seems to overpower him in every department (including anti-airs wtf Capcom). We'll see how Urien pans out...

- J - D -

In regards to rebalancing and the dlc characters at the time of their development, I always wondered if Capcom actually weighed them against the invariably stronger base characters (except gief) and thought "this is okay". Maybe it was a developement/budget constraint?


Unconfirmed Member
I just think they understand the game better now and they will stay like they are. Other characters will be brought down to their level.
In regards to rebalancing and the dlc characters at the time of their development, I always wondered if Capcom actually weighed them against the invariably stronger base characters (except gief) and thought "this is okay". Maybe it was a developement/budget constraint?

I highly doubt this was a budget constraint, this was most probably intentional. A hefty portion of their decision making and scheduling regarding the game's release, content and DLC release has been based around the CPT.

They released the game literally unfinished so that the CPT could still continue forward. They plan trailer releases and character releases to coincide with the end of big tournaments so that players can get home and start practicing with/against the new character ASAP before the next big tournament.

They've been unwilling to make any design/balance changes that aren't bugfixes or OS removals because of the impact it would have on the competitive scene. So they most probably purposefully released the characters to be a little on the weaker side so that people don't just start dominating with that character for even a few weeks until they're figured out completely.


We're the ones with a suite of legitimate complaints about the game rather than ulterior motive bullshit.

I don't know why it works this way, but it does.

I disagree.

When all you do is complain, it just makes it seem like you don't like the game at all. It's not constructive, and you're playing the victim even now (as if enjoying the game means you have ulterior motives? What ulterior motive can we have as people playing the game other than just liking the game? lolol).

You want to gripe, fine. But when that's literally all a person is doing over a period of 7 months, it doesn't seem like legitimate complaints, it just sounds like bitching.


So season 1 dlc characters have been a big dud, huh?
Nah, players always ditch characters that aren't incredibly powerful early on. Only way a DLC charcter would satisfy players is if they broke the game. After charcter specialists grind it out or a balance patch changes the frame data a bit people will start seeing their strengths more.

- J - D -

I just think they understand the game better now and they will stay like they are. Other characters will be brought down to their level.

I highly doubt this was a budget constraint, this was most probably intentional. A hefty portion of their decision making and scheduling regarding the game's release, content and DLC release has been based around the CPT.

They released the game literally unfinished so that the CPT could still continue forward. They plan trailer releases and character releases to coincide with the end of big tournaments so that players can get home and start practicing with/against the new character ASAP before the next big tournament.

They've been unwilling to make any design/balance changes that aren't bugfixes or OS removals because of the impact it would have on the competitive scene. So they most probably purposefully released the characters to be a little on the weaker side so that people don't just start dominating with that character for even a few weeks until they're figured out completely.

2017 is a long time.from now. :/

So you're all basically disappointed that the DLC characters aren't high tier

I didn't say that. Did I say that?
Thanks. Passion Press is actually her clap, what I believe you're referring to is her j.down MP, which is her divebomb. I've gotten scared of using it because of previous matches I've had against him, but maybe I should use it a bit more.

These, particularly, stick with me:

I've gotten better at just walking when I need to, but all that changes in that Dhalsim MU. I guess it's his range that scares me. Thinking about there not being much push back, I need to be way more patient than I usually am, but in a way where I'm also advancing and not just sitting across the screen doing nothing.

Better whiff punishes is good, but I hate doing that against Dhalsim. Maybe I'm just not used to it; will have to practice that more in Training mode.

EX Shooting Peach can work, but I personally find it tremendously risky (I did try it once in that set, poorly, and got punished for it). I guess it's the quick reaction that requires when Mika is close enough to Dhalsim to actually punish what he's doing. If he gets too comfortable throwing out attacks too much, it's something I should keep in mind.
I went for the cut-and-dry explanations to give you a general concept to work with, so you can start practicing with a clear goal in mind, but as per always against skilled players it's always a matter of using those kind of counter-measures within moderation due to (which you already outlined) their potential to adapt. That said, I'll explain the type of mindset you need to carry over to the match-up in a broader sense.

Some of the points I mentioned in the list admittedly come with strings attached; it's a necessary concession you need to make to establish a certain pace or to send specific messages that a Dhalsim at that level needs to consider in the long run. The reason why he kept you at bay as handily as he did is simple from my point-of-view, namely your rhythm when attempting to turn the fight around being too... constant for your own good. That kind of aggression in itself isn't necessarily a bad strategy when you choose your moments after examining his habits or conditioning him to how you would want him to respond in x or y situation, but you never really paved the way like that for future pay-offs. You would wait for a relatively long time without walking forward, and then if you decided to be assertive, it'd be repeated attempts to hastily crack his shell for a given duration until you went back to an (overly) defensive stance. It's a dead giveaway to any knowledgeable Dhalsim that their opponent is well out of their comfort zone, and often times they don't really need to contemplate on the possibility of signs of aggression being deliberately off cue even if it's as subtle as a second-long delay, which in turn could lead to big damage if (for example) it's a good jump-in. You immediately exhibited prudence without much in the way of a long-term gameplan against Dhalsim, whereas he did make those minor adaptations to his patterns all the time to either land many stray hits to gradually whittle you down or to briefly anticipate your overzealousness.

It's easy to feel intimidated in that kind of scenario, hence why occasionally (but not too frequently) you need to set in stone that you can in fact hit him back at certain ranges if a Dhalsim player overextends. Even if it's just a stray Crush Counter from afar, that'll not only give you the one opening you need if he's already nearing the corner before he can retaliate, but it's another layer to your playstyle he'll have to consider if he sees you steadily fishing for it at 'random' intervals. Which in turn could lead to slight hesitations as to when to throw out limbs the next time, which could give you more time to slowly inch forwards, et cetera. Equally as important to bring up: Dhalsim's grounded game is not that strong, unlike his ability to control the aerial space. His long-range limbs can easily leave him vulnerable if you predict them correctly, the pushback (as already mentioned) is fairly minor at far distances and his damage isn't particularly high either within the mid-screen space, meaning you can afford to take a chance. If you periodically use EX Flying Peach, he might be compelled to consider EX Yoga Fire / jab jab EX Yoga Flame (on block) in return, which then of course means his only 'burst' combo with his Critical Art is out of the question and subsequently opens up another window to potentially capitalize on. Sporadically back off (slightly at that) or simply sit down in front of him once you're past that hump to bait him, since his up-close-and-personal buttons (while serviceable) don't excel at footsies - perhaps opening him up to shimmies - and maybe he'll flinch somehow due to the looming threats. That's how you need to think ahead.

Bottom line: the calculated risks are a means to end to force a good Dhalsim to think more if you're successful to any degree. Learn what the preferable ranges are for whiff punishes / stuffing his limbs, when you could theoretically jump over them + land Mika's HK afterwards, be more irregular with your button presses or when you walk forwards -> block / opt for shimmies and so forth. It's an incredibly nuanced strategy quite frankly which will take some time to pick up on, but it's mandatory if you want to fight him in the neutral or outside the area where Mika can put people in the blender. The Mika mix-ups were, to put it bluntly, all you had going for you in that grand finals set vs Snafoo.
2017 is a long time.from now. :/
The DLC characters are in no way trash though. They're still pretty decent and they're pretty fun to play with too. Granted, they might not be winning tournaments for the next few months but as long as you're not expecting to win tournaments, you can still do fairly well with them.

And it's not THAT long. Like 3-4 months from now! Imagine how long people have been waiting for FFXV if it makes the wait a bit more bearable.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm loving these new stats. Got a throw escape rate of only 17%, though, damn.

2017 is a long time.from now. :/?
Maybe I'm a masochist, but it kind of makes me want to play them. Not a single one is straight up terrible, they are just a little weaker and you have to put more effort in.
And I like characters that aren't all-rounders, it helps you learn a game.


The DLC characters are in no way trash though. They're still pretty decent and they're pretty fun to play with too. Granted, they might not be winning tournaments for the next few months but as long as you're not expecting to win tournaments, you can still do fairly well with them.

And it's not THAT long. Like 3-4 months from now! Imagine how long people have been waiting for FFXV if it makes the wait a bit more bearable.

I don't get why the DLC characters are getting singled out as bad. The bottom 2 are definitely launch characters.

- J - D -

Nah, players always ditch characters that aren't incredibly powerful early on. Only way a DLC charcter would satisfy players is if they broke the game. After charcter specialists grind it out or a balance patch changes the frame data a bit people will start seeing their strengths more.

Id be satisfied if Ibuki's overall win rate wasn't 10% below everyone else's.

I'm loving these new stats. Got a throw escape rate of only 17%, though, damn.

Maybe I'm a masochist, but it kind of makes me want to play them. Not a single one is straight up terrible, they are just a little weaker and you have to put more effort in.
And I like characters that aren't all-rounders, it helps you learn a game.

The DLC characters are in no way trash though. They're still pretty decent and they're pretty fun to play with too. Granted, they might not be winning tournaments for the next few months but as long as you're not expecting to win tournaments, you can still do fairly well with them.

And it's not THAT long. Like 3-4 months from now! Imagine how long people have been waiting for FFXV if it makes the wait a bit more bearable.

No they can be fun to use, but I always feel like I have to work harder with them to be competitive. Part of the "charm" I suppose.

Which will happen first, SFV rebalance patch or FFXV actually releasing?


Thanks. Passion Press is actually her clap, what I believe you're referring to is her j.down MP, which is her divebomb. I've gotten scared of using it because of previous matches I've had against him, but maybe I should use it a bit more.

These, particularly, stick with me:

I've gotten better at just walking when I need to, but all that changes in that Dhalsim MU. I guess it's his range that scares me. Thinking about there not being much push back, I need to be way more patient than I usually am, but in a way where I'm also advancing and not just sitting across the screen doing nothing.

Better whiff punishes is good, but I hate doing that against Dhalsim. Maybe I'm just not used to it; will have to practice that more in Training mode.

EX Shooting Peach can work, but I personally find it tremendously risky (I did try it once in that set, poorly, and got punished for it). I guess it's the quick reaction that requires when Mika is close enough to Dhalsim to actually punish what he's doing. If he gets too comfortable throwing out attacks too much, it's something I should keep in mind.

I'm a Mika main and got bodied by a Dhalsim player last night so these tips are helpful, thanks!
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