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I did check Balrog's normals on the hitbox viewer when he first dropped. While his advantage on block is generally very good across his normals, the hitboxes themselves seemed to be kind of crappy. He seemed to have a much larger proportion of normals that had hurtboxes extending beyond the hitboxes compared to the rest of the cast, making him theoretically easy to counter-poke in footsies for any character who has a good disjoint or two. I generally feel that as long as I'm throwing out buttons that are hard to whiff-punish, I don't really have to worry about anything worse than a trade.

A bit disheartening, but I'll figure it out. At this point, the problems lie less with the character and more with the way I play.


They can't even get shit they promised out the door. A lot of the stuff that's out is still broken will no fix in sight. How do you not get pissed at something like that? How do you not get pissed at basic functionality that's been in every fighting game ever? How do you not get pissed at Capcom prioritizing paid content over fixing their damn game?

I bought the game expecting a working product that I can play and enjoy. They haven't provided that.
I play online anfew times a week and manage to ger good-great connections most of the time. Bugs get patched out. And single player content has been gettinf updates. It'a not feature-rich but it has and will recieve big content updates. Nothing wrongg with one team working on costumes and stages. I'm lookingn forward to more nostalgi costume/stages. I'd even like to get a nostalgia voice-pack.


I play online anfew times a week and manage to ger good-great connections most of the time. Bugs get patched out. And single player content has been gettinf updates. It'a not feature-rich but it has and will recieve big content updates. Nothing wrongg with one team working on costumes and stages. I'm lookingn forward to more nostalgi costume/stages. I'd even like to get a nostalgia voice-pack.

ibuki nostalgia voice pack plz. just so I can replace the current one




He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Any fellow beginners want to do a battle lounge? Super bronze max pls.

CFN: KetchV

I'm not a beginner, but if you don't get any invites and feel like playing anyway, feel free to drop me an invite. My CFN is the same as my GAF name.


Ran in to mago. I'm wearing a geese Howard shirt with his name written in Japanese, and he pointed at me and says GEESE HOWARD-O!

Then I took a picture with him doing the Karin laugh.

Good times.
Ran in to mago. I'm wearing a geese Howard shirt with his name written in Japanese, and he pointed at me and says GEESE HOWARD-O!

Then I took a picture with him doing the Karin laugh.

Good times.
I got that already, I even played normal survival again for colors. But, there's always room for more for my main.
Also, I want him in a suit!
That would be a dope costume. Him in formal attire and when he activates V-Trigger, half the thing just rips off.


Junior Member
I never thought I'd see the day where people would actually prefer a Super Street Fighter V to the current method of DLC.


Guys, if you having an issue downloading the update, use a LAN cord to download it. For some reason, some internet connections don't play nice with Capcom's updates in-game.

That sounds fine and all but how can I do this if my internet comes out of the wall through a coax/antenna cable and needs a router to get it through to a LAN cable? I'm connected using a LAN cable in other words, not wifi, but as some have speculated, it might be the router that still messes up the updates.

"Wait for more info."

That's hopeful, at least. I wouldn't have been too surprised if they said "it was always our intent that the China stage would be the only stage to have that feature."

I'm very glad they gave this anwers too, although it must be said that it is a bit weird how this once actively advertised feature during the game's reveal period is now something almost forgotten except for a few diehards like us, even with some story mode stages showing where the transitions would be happening normally.

It was so hype seeing people fly through the door or into the bus in the China stage yesterday and it creates a bonus objective to aim for, one solely for spectacle, so I can only hope the other stages will get this stuff as well, at the very least NY and Kanzuki estate that already have the stuff modelled.

Anyone else having trouble downloading today's update?

The game won't let me log in without it, but when I try to initiate it, it fails.

Error 22004.

You're not alone! I've been having the same issues yesterday as well when I tried to download 1.05 on PS4 (in Europe). Even when the update changed to 1.06 I still got the error. There are also some people on Capcom Unity complaining about the same issue, an issue that seemingly happened during the beta as well (hence why many google results feature people complaining about beta update 1.05).

I just woke up and apparently the servers are supposed to be up again so I'll try again to see if that did the trick. Otherwise it might actually be due to using a router for some reason.

UPDATE: Nope, still getting that dreaded 22004 error when trying to download 1.06! This means I can't play the game anymore guys, at least not online or to earn FM. Great! Now I'm sure it must be a router related issue but do I really need to start messing with an otherwise perfectly working router (that was just installed) because Capcom never fixed the same error during in-game beta updates? Sigh...


is there seriously no way to type to each other in a battle lounge?

thanks for the beat down sixfortyfive. I have a million questions I wanted to ask in between matches, but couldn't figure out the menu.

can I just not do anything after a blocked drop kick? Seems it can't be punished.

Also, is the hand clap a throw? I thought it was medium punch, and I thought was blocking it and then getting thrown anyway.

What is the safest thing to do when you call the nadeshko? I was just holding back, one time i tried jumping.
is there seriously no way to type to each other in a battle lounge?

thanks for the beat down sixfortyfive. I have a million questions I wanted to ask in between matches, but couldn't figure out the menu.

can I just not do anything after a blocked drop kick? Seems it can't be punished.

Also, is the hand clap a throw? I thought it was medium punch, and I thought was blocking it and then getting thrown anyway.

What is the safest thing to do when you call the nadeshko? I was just holding back, one time i tried jumping.

Nope. Use pre-defined chat selections.

I always type "You're welcome" before I leave a battle lounge.

A fully charged drop kick is +2 oB so Mika is in the advantageous position. It's not recommended to press any buttons unless it's an invincible reversal like Ryu/Ken's shoryuken or Cammy's can of sprite. It can sometimes be a guessing game as to whether the Mika will press buttons or try to command grab.

That hand clap is technically a normal since it doesn't hit blocking opponents. Her f+mp is the clap, and that irish whip (or throw) is the follow up to it. The clap isn't punishable but if that throw doesn't connect, there's massive recovery on it. Definitely punishable by your biggest damage dealing combo.

Honestly, it depends on how good your reactions are and what the mika is gonna do. Some mikas just go straight for the command grab after calling nadeshiko, using it as a bluff of sorts. Some just like to jump over you and make it crossup. Some just like to use it as a zoning tool to keep pushing you towards the corner. Just remember that to block it, you have to hold the opposite direction to where mika is. If you're left and Mika's right, then keep blocking left and you'll block Nadeshiko.


can I just not do anything after a blocked drop kick? Seems it can't be punished.

Also, is the hand clap a throw? I thought it was medium punch, and I thought was blocking it and then getting thrown anyway.

What is the safest thing to do when you call the nadeshko? I was just holding back, one time i tried jumping.

No, it's plus +2 on block. Either v reversal or punish it or neutral jump

hand clap is medium punch, the irish whip part is the second mp pressed. It's not a throw, it only works on hit or else mika is super negative and has long recovery.

Nadeshko depends on the situation and which timing Mika uses, immediate or delayed. Because she can go for a cross up using wingless airplane, a decoy so she can throw you, or force you to block so she can close the distance. There is a lot more so it's just recognizing the setup with match experience


Apart from Capcom Unity there also seem to be a few people on Reddit that run into the 22004 error when trying to update to 1.06.

While not widespread, it does seem to affect a select few of us in other words. Hopefully Capcom gets wind of this since we can't play the game due to their own in-game updating system!
He's so fucking dope in Kof14. I can't wait for that game... Watched a ton of it today. Really, really hype..
Man, I'm so jealous. Just hope that demo that's supposed to come out will be for all regions.

Love his dialogue in the new one.




He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
is there seriously no way to type to each other in a battle lounge?

thanks for the beat down sixfortyfive. I have a million questions I wanted to ask in between matches, but couldn't figure out the menu.

can I just not do anything after a blocked drop kick? Seems it can't be punished.

Also, is the hand clap a throw? I thought it was medium punch, and I thought was blocking it and then getting thrown anyway.

What is the safest thing to do when you call the nadeshko? I was just holding back, one time i tried jumping.

ggs. Just wanted to go through a few things.

Your reactions are decent enough. You anti-aired most of my jump-ins.

In general, you crumble on knockdown pretty bad. Mika's a hard character to deal with in that situation in general, but I basically felt that I was at no risk in most cases and could do what I wanted after a knockdown.

Case in point: Mika's f.HP is an excellent meaty. If you block it, I'm still +3, allowing me to follow up with whatever other mix-up I want afterward. If it hits, I get a free juggle into another meaty. If you try to mash out, I get a crush counter combo and a free reset into another meaty. I feel that a lot of Mikas will go to f.HP until they stop getting mileage out of it because it's extremely low-risk.

It's rarely a good idea to mash jab on wake-up. Maybe it's okay if I'm trying to shimmy / bait a throw out of you (which I never did), but otherwise, it'll get you killed against opponents that time their meaties properly. Your decision tree should basically revolve around EX Flash Kick, a throw tech (or throw tech / jump option select), or neutral jumping out of a command throw you expect to come.

Watch out for Mika's charged s.HK drop kick. If possible, either counter-hit her out of it (it only has 1 active frame and not a very good hitbox, so this is more possible than it looks), or neutral jump over it before it reaches you so that you can come down with a full punish combo. If you block it, Mika can do whatever she wants afterward because it has a ton of frame advantage. If you're forced to block it and you have V-meter to spend, use a V-Reversal. It's your only guaranteed escape.

Most of Mika's damage comes from her s.MP (chop) and f.MP (clap). Both of these moves are -2 if blocked, meaning that it's your turn to take the initiative afterward. If Mika does her target combo (s.LK -> s.MP), it's -5, which you can actually punish.

The clap can be blocked. The 2nd hit of it is a "hit grab," which kind of has the properties of both a hit and a throw. You can block it, and it has a long whiff animation if it misses, but it can also grab you out of a V-Reversal (like throws do).

Generally save your meter for EX Flash Kick. The biggest thorn in Mika's side is a real reversal, as that prevents her from doing what she wants on a knockdown (and her gameplan generally revolves around the knockdown). EX Sonic Boom is also worthwhile in close range footsies though; it's faster and harder to get a jump punish than the other versions, and it stuffs armored attacks due to being 2-hit.

Regarding Nadeshiko: Know how to differentiate the timing. If she raises both hands in the air instead of one and yells "Nadeshiko," then it's the delayed version. If possible, try to hit Mika with some kind of throw or other move that locks you into a long animation so that Nadeshiko passes through you. Otherwise, you have to respect her. In particular, I go for this setup all the time. Nadeshiko is an inherently scummy move.


is the fighting ring stage gonna be played during EVO finals? It makes too much sense but I'm not sure if they'll have that build of the game.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Always nice to see Mika players accept this.

It's a huge reason why I play her. Saw that stuff in the pre-release footage and I was like "I'm in there."

It's a natural fit coming from Marvel. Having a Marvel-styled assist on (1) a command-throw character in (2) a grounded game that (3) lacks air-block and push-block is a recipe for some good times. It's arguably better than a Marvel assist (other than the meter cost) because Nadeshiko herself is 100% invincible.

is the fighting ring stage gonna be played during EVO finals? It makes too much sense but I'm not sure if they'll have that build of the game.

They'd only have to download it on the stream station, really. As long as there were no other balance changes I think it'd be fine to do that.


ggs. Just wanted to go through a few things.

Your reactions are decent enough. You anti-aired most of my jump-ins.

In general, you crumble on knockdown pretty bad. Mika's a hard character to deal with in that situation in general, but I basically felt that I was at no risk in most cases and could do what I wanted after a knockdown.

Case in point: Mika's f.HP is an excellent meaty. If you block it, I'm still +3, allowing me to follow up with whatever other mix-up I want afterward. If it hits, I get a free juggle into another meaty. If you try to mash out, I get a crush counter combo and a free reset into another meaty. I feel that a lot of Mikas will go to f.HP until they stop getting mileage out of it because it's extremely low-risk.

It's rarely a good idea to mash jab on wake-up. Maybe it's okay if I'm trying to shimmy / bait a throw out of you (which I never did), but otherwise, it'll get you killed against opponents that time their meaties properly. Your decision tree should basically revolve around EX Flash Kick, a throw tech (or throw tech / jump option select), or neutral jumping out of a command throw you expect to come.

Watch out for Mika's charged s.HK drop kick. If possible, either counter-hit her out of it (it only has 1 active frame and not a very good hitbox, so this is more possible than it looks), or neutral jump over it before it reaches you so that you can come down with a full punish combo. If you block it, Mika can do whatever she wants afterward because it has a ton of frame advantage. If you're forced to block it and you have V-meter to spend, use a V-Reversal. It's your only guaranteed escape.

Most of Mika's damage comes from her s.MP (chop) and f.MP (clap). Both of these moves are -2 if blocked, meaning that it's your turn to take the initiative afterward. If Mika does her target combo (s.LK -> s.MP), it's -5, which you can actually punish.

The clap can be blocked. The 2nd hit of it is a "hit grab," which kind of has the properties of both a hit and a throw. You can block it, and it has a long whiff animation if it misses, but it can also grab you out of a V-Reversal (like throws do).

Generally save your meter for EX Flash Kick. The biggest thorn in Mika's side is a real reversal, as that prevents her from doing what she wants on a knockdown (and her gameplan generally revolves around the knockdown). EX Sonic Boom is also worthwhile in close range footsies though; it's faster and harder to get a jump punish than the other versions, and it stuffs armored attacks due to being 2-hit.

Regarding Nadeshiko: Know how to differentiate the timing. If she raises both hands in the air instead of one and yells "Nadeshiko," then it's the delayed version. If possible, try to hit Mika with some kind of throw or other move that locks you into a long animation so that Nadeshiko passes through you. Otherwise, you have to respect her. In particular, I go for this setup all the time. Nadeshiko is an inherently scummy move.

Thanks for this advice. It actually kind of means a lot. Regarding what to do when knocked down, most of the time I totally have no idea what to do... like everytime I'm getting up I always think like: "Damn, I should have payed attention to what he did to me last time", so then maybe I would have some kind of idea of what to do. I also have no idea what to do when I'm on the other end of the situation and I'm standing above an opponent whose getting up.

Also, I swear that in my head I'm thinking down back to block after wake up, but my fingers jam on a button anyway. and I feel like that specific phenomenon happens a lot of other times to... like my jump in is J.HK ->Cr.mp (flash kick or sonic boom, or whatever). you wouldn't think that would be hard, and I do it all day in training mode without even thinking no problem SUPER EASY. but in an actual match I just go brain dead like every 3rd time and push cr.mk or J.HP instead.

my training mode regime right now is pushing the dummy into the corner with max range normals on each side, ultra x10 from each side, cr.mp -> sonic boom x10 from each side, set the dummy to random block and do j.HK->cr.mp then sonic boom confirm ultra. Then I have Ryu recorded to do a bunch of jump ins and I try to do a bunch of anti airs. What can I add? Anybody have other cool ways to set up the dummy?

I think that most of my issues can be fixed by just playing more, and I get about 10 matches per day.... but maybe that's not enough? (definetly not enough) I want to ascend.

Also, I think maybe I should switch to a non-DLC character with the main motivation being that if I'm ever anywhere where someone happens to have the PS4 version I'll be garaunteed to destroy my friends regardless of if they have the DLC or not.
Anybody have a link to that Bison braiding hair comic? I wanted to show it to someone and now I can't find the damn thing. :p

Here ya go.


Passing metallic gas
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";210165858]EVO stage not being purchasable with fight money is a little annoying.[/QUOTE]

Thing is an eyesore anyway. I cant' believe it's not free.
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";210165858]EVO stage not being purchasable with fight money is a little annoying.[/QUOTE]
It's kinda lame, but I can understand why a stage being advertised as contributing part of the purchase price to the CPT would only be available with real money. It's more or less the point of selling it.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
I think that most of my issues can be fixed by just playing more, and I get about 10 matches per day.... but maybe that's not enough? (definetly not enough) I want to ascend.

Just make the most of the tools available. The fact that CFN tracks all of your replays is a godsend in and of itself. The most efficient way to improve IMO is to identify exactly what you're doing that's wrong, so just going back through your replays, putting yourself in the mind of your opponent, and figuring out why the stuff that he hits you with works is a good first step toward patching strategic/tactical holes in your game. Maybe you're not picking up patterns that he's doing, or maybe you're being too predictable yourself, and always going for the same fireball patterns at the same positions on screen and whatnot. How are the two of you making use of your meter? Does one of you consistently have better stage control than the other, and if it's him, what are you doing to cede ground so much? If you're consistently finding yourself in bad situations, rewind a bit and figure out why things lead to that so often and why you're having more trouble reversing the momentum than he is. Or if you're even gaining the upper hand that often in the first place; if so, why aren't you capitalizing on it, and if not, why not. That kind of stuff.

And if what's killing you the most are just simple executional things, like flubbing combos or punishes, then that's an easy thing to figure out just from a review. If you're constantly getting hit by the same move or set-up, then go into training mode and practice against that specific set-up.

EDIT: On the flip side of this, contrasting what you do against what other players do with your character is also an obvious step to take. Look for things to steal for yourself. Plenty of other people out there are doing work for you.


Junior Member
It's kinda lame, but I can understand why a stage being advertised as contributing part of the purchase price to the CPT would only be available with real money. It's more or less the point of selling it.

I agree but the increased price is what really kills it.


Ok guys, I'm at my wits end here with regards to updating to 1.05/1.06.

I've tried everything I could in my router's settings, like adding my PS4 to DMZ or even temporarily disabling all firewall functions and security and still the game gives me the "can't download update 22004" error.

What makes me wonder the most is that I get this error the instant I press the ok/yes to download, meaning it doesn't even seem to be trying.

Surely I can't be the only one using a router that is running into this problem, right (save for a few other unlucky ones on Reddit and Capcom Unity who also have no clue how to solve it)? As I said, I can't physically connect my PS4 directly to my internet wall socket due to coax so if the game won't accept my router, I'm screwed and can't play the game online anymore at all.

Any router wizards here that have advice for what I could try still? Is there a way for a router to show where in the connection process the error occurs? If only I could find out if the problem occurs on my end, or on my provider or even Capcom's end, that would be a start. Is there a good way to reach Capcom about these kind of issues, like twitter?


Ok guys, I'm at my wits end here with regards to updating to 1.05/1.06.

I've tried everything I could in my router's settings, like adding my PS4 to DMZ or even temporarily disabling all firewall functions and security and still the game gives me the "can't download update 22004" error.

What makes me wonder the most is that I get this error the instant I press the ok/yes to download, meaning it doesn't even seem to be trying.

Surely I can't be the only one using a router that is running into this problem, right (save for a few other unlucky ones on Reddit and Capcom Unity who also have no clue how to solve it)? As I said, I can't physically connect my PS4 directly to my internet wall socket due to coax so if the game won't accept my router, I'm screwed and can't play the game online anymore at all.

Any router wizards here that have advice for what I could try still? Is there a way for a router to show where in the connection process the error occurs? If only I could find out if the problem occurs on my end, or on my provider or even Capcom's end, that would be a start. Is there a good way to reach Capcom about these kind of issues, like twitter?
Try taking the PS4 to a friend's house or use mobile tethering to download the patch, ie, try using another connection, this happened to me with some PS3 games, you might have a similar issue.


So I get out to grab a few drinks with the lads, I go to bed without checking the interwebs and I wake up to a new ridiculously overpriced stage and a bunch of amazing new costumes to buy. Wonder how much of those $25/10 really got to the CPT prize. I'd actually consider buying the stage or the pack if susbtantial information about this was added. As is I adopt a very wait and see stance on the whole subject.

Oh, and the "nostalgic" costumes and stages are awesome.

Fantastic !

Ok guys, I'm at my wits end here with regards to updating to 1.05/1.06.

Sorry to hear this man. At this point I'd try everything or anything, like trying to download the whole thing via my phone's 4G with a shared connection or something. Borrowing a friend's connection could work too.

Edit : Like Sayad said.


I never thought I'd see the day where people would actually prefer a Super Street Fighter V to the current method of DLC.

Pretty impressive of Capcom to turn the perception of this new method of DLC, something that should be good, into something bad. I know it's made me remember SSFIV being an awesome package at the time. Heck of a game they put into that one.

I still would have preferred for this game a Valve or Overwatch style content rollout with free character and stage updates, supplemented by getting people addicted to opening $2.50 crates.


Pretty impressive of Capcom to turn the perception of this new method of DLC, something that should be good, into something bad. I know it's made me remember SSFIV being an awesome package at the time. Heck of a game they put into that one.

I still would have preferred for this game a Valve or Overwatch style content rollout with free character and stage updates, supplemented by getting people addicted to opening $2.50 crates.

Is it bad that I consider the Overwatch/CSgo method more enticing?


Try taking the PS4 to a friend's house or use mobile tethering to download the patch, ie, try using another connection, this happened to me with some PS3 games, you might have a similar issue.

Sorry to hear this man. At this point I'd try everything or anything, like trying to download the whole thing via my phone's 4G with a shared connection or something. Borrowing a friend's connection could work too.

Edit : Like Sayad said.

That would be a great idea save for one tiny problem: I just moved from the UK to Germany and don't know anyone here to borrow internet from :-(

I could try to take my PS4 to my wife's work place perhaps, which would be a hassle, or try 4G tethering first as that might do the trick indeed.

But really Capcom, REALLY?! If I was active on twitter I'd be bombarding them with tweets by now. Hopefully some of my other unlucky brethren on Capcom Unity or Reddit will be doing that but I fear the issue is not widepsread enough for it to be noticed; which are the worst kind of issues really.

I'll report back if I manage to get it working somehow.


Is it bad that I consider the Overwatch/CSgo method more enticing?

Nope, it's a fantastic method and I think all F2P or micro transaction heavy games should use it. Sure, it preys on people with addictive personalities but for all the rest of us it results in free content updates and a seemingly healthy player base.


That would be a great idea save for one tiny problem: I just moved from the UK to Germany and don't know anyone here to borrow internet from :-(

I could try to take my PS4 to my wife's work place perhaps, which would be a hassle, or try 4G tethering first as that might do the trick indeed.

But really Capcom, REALLY?! If I was active on twitter I'd be bombarding them with tweets by now. Hopefully some of my other unlucky brethren on Capcom Unity or Reddit will be doing that but I fear the issue is not widepsread enough for it to be noticed; which are the worst kind of issues really.

I'll report back if I manage to get it working somehow.
Have you tried the network test on your PS4? A couple of months I had a weird problem that wouldn't let me connect to PSN properly and it was my ISP fault.


Nope, it's a fantastic method and I think all F2P or micro transaction heavy games should use it. Sure, it preys on people with addictive personalities but for all the rest of us it results in free content updates and a seemingly healthy player base.

Personally, I don't consider Overwatch's method to be great, since you can get duplicates and what duplicates you do get you get a paltry amount. There's also a metric fuckton of it. But given the CS:go shit, at least I can recognize that it doesn't get to the realm of a black market that CS:go had and what FIFA still does.


Personally, I don't consider Overwatch's method to be great, since you can get duplicates and what duplicates you do get you get a paltry amount. There's also a metric fuckton of it. But given the CS:go shit, at least I can recognize that it doesn't get to the realm of a black market that CS:go had and what FIFA still does.
do you think game companies should make long term profit for long term support of games? Or do you believe they should just bleed money for us to keep playing their game until they go under?
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