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On EU PSN (not sure about US) there's a 40% off deal on the season pass and if you are a PS+ member you get a further 10% extra off so it will come to £12 which is a great price. Buying it in time for Urien on Thursday.


I've never been a victim of The Loop and I hope never to be! Terrifying!


He turns into almost a different character in the corner in V. Frame traps for days, meaties and wake up setups for days, and you STILL ain't goin anywhere thanks to his v-skill and AA's, along with his V-Reversal that is perfect for putting their ass right back in the corner if needed. And if just one boom connects and he's got v-trigger, it's gonna hurt.

In IV I felt like I always was playing neutral Guile even when I got them cornered (although admittedly I didn't have a good of a grip on his playstyle as I do in V). V in V I feel like a brick wall that is now crushing the opponent against another wall.

And he deserves that shit! Pushing them to a corner with Guile isn't necessarily easy or his gameplan.

God he's perfect in V.


Without a full charge, it basically teleports behind you into a crossup. If fully charged, it no longer crosses up since it hits you from the front first. I'm pretty sure you can hit her out of it, but it's probably safer to just jump/block and then punish, since its pretty negative on block.

huh? whats the point of charging it then


Passing metallic gas
He turns into almost a different character in the corner in V. Frame traps for days, meaties and wake up setups for days, and you STILL ain't goin anywhere thanks to his v-skill and AA's, along with his V-Reversal that is perfect for putting their ass right back in the corner if needed. And if just one boom connects and he's got v-trigger, it's gonna hurt.

In IV I felt like I always was playing neutral Guile even when I got them cornered (although admittedly I didn't have a good of a grip on his playstyle as I do in V). V in V I feel like a brick wall that is now crushing the opponent against another wall.

And he deserves that shit! Pushing them to a corner with Guile isn't necessarily easy or his gameplan.

God he's perfect in V.

I'm glad someone's happy with their character.
He turns into almost a different character in the corner in V. Frame traps for days, meaties and wake up setups for days, and you STILL ain't goin anywhere thanks to his v-skill and AA's, along with his V-Reversal that is perfect for putting their ass right back in the corner if needed. And if just one boom connects and he's got v-trigger, it's gonna hurt.

In IV I felt like I always was playing neutral Guile even when I got them cornered (although admittedly I didn't have a good of a grip on his playstyle as I do in V). V in V I feel like a brick wall that is now crushing the opponent against another wall.

And he deserves that shit! Pushing them to a corner with Guile isn't necessarily easy or his gameplan.

God he's perfect in V.

Yes to all of this. Guile is so fun in SFV that sometimes I worry a little bit that future versions won't live up to this one. His V-Skill feels integral to his gameplay now.


I'm glad someone's happy with their character.

Still surprised by this. He just looks so fun and personally I love the way they took Bison, but I understand. It sucks man.

I still fucking hate fightinf him though.

Yes to all of this. Guile is so fun in SFV that sometimes I worry a little bit that future versions won't live up to this one. His V-Skill feels integral to his gameplay now.

It's crazy to think that any changes even buffs I might not want at this point. I feel the same way. I just don't want him to change at all. He's what I've always wanted Guile to be.

Who am I kidding I'd take a slightly fast c.hp


It's crazy to think that any changes even buffs I might not want at this point. I feel the same way. I just don't want him to change at all. He's what I've always wanted Guile to be.

Who am I kidding I'd take a slightly fast c.hp

I posted most of the below in a previous OT, adapted a bit now that I have had more time with him.


I have been maining Guile since ST. When I first played with him in SFV, I thought this was going to be my favorite incarnation of him. I still think this version is great, but after trying my hand with him for some time there are a few things to note:

1) His footsie game seems very weak now. Cr MK is just ass. The hitbox is all kinds of wonky. There have been so many times when my boot goes through the opponent's foot, and no hit is recorded. His B HP also does not seem to have the same range as SFIV, but I may be imagining things. His MP has pathetic range and is only usable in limited situations - although it is very useful in those situations. I do have to say his Jump HK, MP, Cr LP, Sonic Boom combo is really satisfying

2) I believe there are only two moves that are cancellable into sonic boom (Cr LP and Cr MP). This makes a guile player more predictable than before when doing block strings

3) It is very, very difficult to combo into decent damage on reaction without V Trigger. Most other characters besides the grapplers seem to have a couple of good BnB combos that deal decent damage AND leave you in an advantaged offensive place. To do something similar with guile, you have to be prepared ahead of time and have a charge, which sometimes gets lost in the heat of battle. With other characters, a charge is not needed. The notable exception is the CC HP, df HK, Flashkick, which deals good damage and does not require a charge at the start of the combo

4) He is much, much more of a zoner now. I have always played Guile in a bit of a counter-attack mode: zone and play defensive first until I see an opening and then go in and RTSD relentlessly. In SFV, his pressure game seems much more limited. But he is still a wall. Solving 2) would satisfy me a lot here. He IS great once you have the opponent cornered though.

5) Yes, his sonic boom recovery is longer than before. I get why they did this given his V Skill, but it makes him worse off. I am fine with his flash kick not having the same priority, particularly because EX has it.

6) F HP seems to have less uses now. Before it was a nice combo ender, but now it whiffs on crouching opponents, which I do not believe it did before if it was done as part of a combo

On the positive side, I love, love the V Skill addition. It opens up many more mind games, both for zoning and on wakeup. The V-Trigger combos are nice now that I have been able to land loop combos in a real match...

What would I change for Guile?
1) Give Guile Nash's Cr MK in terms of range/properties
2) Give Guile Nash's St MP range and comboability from Cr MP
3) Allow Guile to cancel St MP into sonic boom

- J - D -

I hope Cody's V-trigger gives him like 4 knives, one for each limb, and is like Necalli's in that it stays on for the rest of the round.


Passing metallic gas
Still surprised by this. He just looks so fun and personally I love the way they took Bison, but I understand. It sucks man.

I still fucking hate fightinf him though.

It's crazy to think that any changes even buffs I might not want at this point. I feel the same way. I just don't want him to change at all. He's what I've always wanted Guile to be.

Who am I kidding I'd take a slightly fast c.hp

I meant that more in a general sense. With all the downlplaying and overrating etc. Refreshing when someone is actually like 'my character is good enough'. Although trust me, given the opportunity I could go on about Bison for days. It's a raging torrent held in check by a very strained, fragile dam.


Unconfirmed Member
Who do you guys lust for the most in S2?

I'd love to see Oro or Q (as like Urien they haven't been given airtime since 3S).
Second to that is Makoto (as I enjoyed her in 3S and IV and more female characters wouldn't hurt).
Then Gouken (as he was my man in IV. Rog EX dash punch style screen shake/feedback on his rushing palm would be so sweet).

On EU PSN (not sure about US) there's a 40% off deal on the season pass and if you are a PS+ member you get a further 10% extra off so it will come to £12 which is a great price. Buying it in time for Urien on Thursday.

Great price for all the S1 stuff. Kind of wish I held off, but I was desperate to try Rog and too stingy with my FM...


I posted most of the below in a previous OT, adapted a bit now that I have had more time with him.


What would I change for Guile?
1) Give Guile Nash's Cr MK in terms of range/properties
2) Give Guile Nash's St MP range and comboability from Cr MP
3) Allow Guile to cancel St MP into sonic boom

C.mk definitely could use some work and if I could only have 1 buff it would be it. It still gets me by most of the time though.

I think s.mp could use maybe a biiiiitttt more range but that's it. While it's a situational move in this game, it's also extremely useful in those situations. I think having it cancelable into boom would be too much. He gets enough options when it hits/is blocked as it is. Another st.mp/throw/c.lp/c.mp/target combo ect. Also s.lp is cancelable into boom as well.

He is less footsie oriented and more boom/AA oriented than in IV, but I like it that way. Besides his sobat, his normals are now less for poking and more for raw control. I still find his b.hp extremely useful for stopping someone dead in their tracks and the range seems about on par with IV to me. CC is nice too. c.mp is as solid as ever. s.hk is still a useful footsie if used correctly and UDK has a lot of potential as a footsie tool too. F.hp is less useful in general now though, and more for setups and capitalizing on booms.

So pretty much, yes you are right about a lot of this, but I like it this way. Except for c.mk, which should be looked it.


Played the same Guile who 5-0'd me last night. Made it 5-2 this time since I wasn't half-asleep this time. Still have to watch the tapes but at least I know it's just my salt talking and not Guile actually being impenetrable now.

I wish Juri's charge move for her fireball/kicks had a bigger hitbox.
I hope Season 2 characters are ones that haven't been hinted at, I'd prefer some surprises as opposed to hey these guys from the story are your Season 2 characters..
I'm happy to see so much Cody love in here. Cuff-less Cody needs to happen already. I'll toss my hat in for Ingrid and Cody. Can't decide between them and I can always try S2 Ibuki (next best besides Makoto) if I want to play a SF3 female.


They probably would add Ingrid. I have a strong feeling about that.

Cody will likely come back with the whole removing the cuffs as a V-Trigger.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Was new Boxer tech discovered recently? All I fight are Balrogs, LOL.

vskill is like op.
exhibit a(but with more fireballs)


I think I have to give up on playing Birdie / the game. Day 3 and I spared against an old SF IV friend who played actively since launch. Won a few rounds and matches but not a single bo5 against his Ryu and Necalli. It's not only about him being better, but that I have not a single option that I can make use of against his pressure. I tried everything but on wake up I can't do anything. I have to guess and if I guess wrong, I eat 40% damge or a throw into more guessing. EX headbull is a joke, holy shit does it suck. EX command grab without any strike invincibility is useless beyond belief and normal command grab gets beaten by everything - even other throws. It has no range either.

I try to play the neutral game as much as possible, since I think that is Birdies strongest suit, but he always finds a way at some point and even if I anti-air, it seems like I'm at a disadvantage and even my pokes are all - and can be punished by so much.

Birdie doesn't seem to have a single knockdown after which you can apply pressure. I dash in, and he is up mashing c.LP and beats every single move I can use. Cross Up / Jump in are beat clean by s.LP - even after a knock down. It's ridiculous. I'm at a loss. Even if I read correctly and stuff his pressure, c.LK's 30 dmg aren't enough to win matches and you can't combo out of it. C.LP is 40 dmg - yay.

Hit confirming is also ridiculously difficult with birdie (not that you ever find a way in, mind you) - in particular online.

Dunno, I think I will try Alex and Urien and unless one of them sticks, I think I will give up on the game again and wait till Cody or something is released. Not a fan of 5's gameplan overall. Seems way too rushdown based. As if Yun wasn't enough in IV - now every other character seems to be Yun.


I play Cammy a lot right now, debating Laura or Necalli as another character to pick up for fun.

Also how many premium costumes do people have?

I have the 6 battle costumes from the season pass, battle costumes for Cammy, Necalli, Laura, Gief and Laura, swimsuits for Karin, Chun and Cammy.

I will buy the CPT bundle later this week.

So far I like all the premium stuff except for Cammy's, which is neither well designed or sexy, it's just bad. I would have buyer's remorse if I wasn't a completionist or not a Cammy main.


Junior Member
On knockdown it's good to use V skill with birdie to get your opponent worried about the can/banana while you go for a dolphin dive or do the air grab. At least that's what all the birdies I play against do. Lately I've been playing a whole bunch of birdies and vegas for some reason. Not complaining since I need the experience but it's just odd.

I play Cammy a lot right now, debating Laura or Necalli as another character to pick up for fun.

Also how many premium costumes do people have?

I have the 6 battle costumes from the season pass, battle costumes for Cammy, Necalli, Laura, Gief and Laura, swimsuits for Karin, Chun and Cammy.

I will buy the CPT bundle later this week.

So far I like all the premium stuff except for Cammy's, which is neither well designed or sexy, it's just bad. I would have buyer's remorse if I wasn't a completionist or not a Cammy main.

I have the 6 costumes from season pass, Chun li battle from pre ordering, Ryu and Cammy battle from friends who got pre order codes, and the ones from the CPT bundle. Can't really bring myself to spend money on them since they're so expensive and nothing is really screaming must buy so far though I really would like to buy some swimsuit ones. I'm holding out for some bundles in the future.
I'm not a Birdie main but I play him every now and then so I might be getting some of the names for his specials wrong. But his st.MP has good range and is fairly easy to confirm into Bull Head. EX Bull Horn has frame 1 armor iirc. Now this won't beat meaty throws but if your friend is constantly hitting you with solar plexus, axe kick, etc. then it is an option. EX Headbutt is throw invincible as well. His other command grab, dolphin dive I think, has projectile invincible frames and goes over most lows. His chains can go thru fireballs as well. He has a slide that can go under fireballs with df+HP I think. His overhead is pretty good. His V-Skill is very useful. Birdie has a lot of great tools on top of very good damage. You should look up some youtube videos of Alucard playing Birdie, he's very strong with the character.


I have the 6 costumes from season pass, Chun li battle from pre ordering, Ryu and Cammy battle from friends who got pre order codes, and the ones from the CPT bundle. Can't really bring myself to spend money on them since they're so expensive and nothing is really screaming must buy so far though I really would like to buy some swimsuit ones. I'm holding out for some bundles in the future.

Ah cool! Lol I can't believe I wrote Laura twice.

Anyway if you think this is expensive, arcade Tekken 7 is even more expensive for customs. It's not so bad in FR but in vanilla it was brutal.

Which is probably why I'm okay with Capcom and Ono taking all my money.

But not crazy enough to give Team Ninja a bajillion dollars for their costumes.


I play Cammy a lot right now, debating Laura or Necalli as another character to pick up for fun.

Also how many premium costumes do people have?

I have the 6 battle costumes from the season pass, battle costumes for Cammy, Necalli, Laura, Gief and Laura, swimsuits for Karin, Chun and Cammy.

I will buy the CPT bundle later this week.

So far I like all the premium stuff except for Cammy's, which is neither well designed or sexy, it's just bad. I would have buyer's remorse if I wasn't a completionist or not a Cammy main.

The season pass ones, CPT ones, and Hot Ryu for preordering. When they release a new one for Guile I'll buy it and maybe a few others if they're cool enough. I really want Gief's but I never play him, I mainly just stick with 1 character.


I think I figured out where my training mode lag was coming from. My router died last week and I had to get a new one. I forgot to put my PS4 in the DMZ. I just did so, and everything seems to be back to normal, and matches seem to be less laggy, as well. I also noticed that the speed test in the Internet Connection Test now shows something closer to my actual upload speed. Before I couldn't get the upload to do any better than 1.6Mb (I have 5.5Mb upload). Now it shows 4.8Mb for upload.
I hope Season 2 characters are ones that haven't been hinted at, I'd prefer some surprises as opposed to hey these guys from the story are your Season 2 characters..

I'm guessing most of the S2 characters will be ones shown in the story modes (Abel, C Viper, Sakura, Ed, Oro) then we'll get one or two surprise characters (Akuma, Sagat,)


At what price? currently $30 for 6 characters...

That season pass gave more than just 6 characters.

- 6 characters = 600k FM
- 6 characters' default colours 3-10 = 40k FM
- Guile stage = 70k FM
- 6 premium costumes = only real money or hacked in / stolen from Capcom's servers
- I think also a PS4 theme, the Chun Li one

Sure a lot of it was retroactively, but it paid for itself.

For me and many others I didn't have to grind for the characters or guile stage (the characters being the greatest grind at 100k each). I was free to use my FM on story costumes, other stages and other colours and the like.

Most importantly convenience, the characters just show up as soon as the update with them is installed. Don't need to worry about making sure I have enough FM to get them or whatever.


And we have 3 months of nothing (character-wise), so best case scenario We'll have all the single player content we need by the end of the year.

Honestly I'm not sure we will see anything substantial until season 2. The Urien patch is relatively rich in content compared to the ones that came before, and my guess would be they will either take a break or are saving everything they are working on from now on for February or whenever season 2 starts to start off with a bang.

The only thing that we are going to get for certain in the meantime are costumes.


Unconfirmed Member
That season pass gave more than just 6 characters.

- 6 characters = 600k FM
- 6 characters' default colours 3-10 = 40k FM
- Guile stage = 70k FM
- 6 premium costumes = only real money or hacked in / stolen from Capcom's servers
- I think also a PS4 theme, the Chun Li one

Sure a lot of it was retroactively, but it paid for itself.

For me and many others I didn't have to grind for the characters or guile stage (the characters being the greatest grind at 100k each). I was free to use my FM on story costumes, other stages and other colours and the like.

Most importantly convenience, the characters just show up as soon as the update with them is installed. Don't need to worry about making sure I have enough FM to get them or whatever.
You also get a certain easy amount of FM from those characters. So to a certain extent, they pay for the next season.
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