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I really dont get how people manage to play chars with bad AAs

I swear im getting jumped on so much as urien and crossed up but I cant do anything about it

I win the 1st match, then the opponent realizes he can just jump2win and thats that
You just have to position yourself to use the proper AA's.

Urien's HK works really damn well, as does his f+mp. I've been getting by with those.


I never take these lobby invites after I beat someone. Is that considered bad etiquette now?

I had a battle lounge asking for bison matches for my ryu. This super gold fang joined and switched to bison. After I beat him first to three , I ready up for the next match and he switches to fang. I should have known. He gimmicks me in the first round and took it handily. I took the next two, and exited. When he wouldn't switch to bison i booted him, and then had to endure a stream of rejoins and salty messages.

I clearly injured his pride since I'm a lowly silver and my ryu is only level 21. Sums up much of the online community in my experience.
It's stupid why i can't have match request on when I'm playing vs cpu.

Probably cause its set up under the Versus mode which stops match requests. I don't know how it works, but its probably something they can patch in (like they did with the Shop mode.)

Also if you're looking to play vs cpu. and find matches, you can set everything up in Training mode.


Junior Member
I'm wondering if doing "retry from start" causes it not to count because both times I beat it I did that. I'll try it out later today.


Everyone always misunderstands the light anti air complaints. It's not that they're in the game it's that characters that don't need them have them. Nobody complains about Alex's jab AA but people will complain about Ryu and Necalli because they already have good tools for AA.

Realist shit I ever read


The best character in the game is usually the one with the least or no bad matchups.

Guess who that is in SFV.
I mean that's fine and all, but what are you basing "matchups" on? Actual results, a player's feelings, or a combination of the two? Is a 6-4 matchup really a 6-4 matchup if the average results in competitive play is 4-6 instead?

I'm glad that Capcom is waiting a year to balance the game as I don't see any really glaring problems, and I hope they take actual character performance into account, instead of just community feedback.


can someone explain to me why urien's tackles do shit damage (except ex) , are charge, are very punishable on block and can even leave you at disavantage( mk version) on hit?


Everyone always misunderstands the light anti air complaints. It's not that they're in the game it's that characters that don't need them have them. Nobody complains about Alex's jab AA but people will complain about Ryu and Necalli because they already have good tools for AA.

I generally do not have a problem with the AAs in this game, but Ryu DOES NOT need his 3 frame godlike AA jab. Period. It blows my mind nearly everytime I have a set up on him and I get hit by it and thinking that he has an invincible DP and c.hp too.

He doesn't have to risk anything using it and he still has some of the best AAs in the game on back up. It makes no sense and adds to fact that generally Ryu has to risk very little overall. If the AA jab was taken out it could add more much needed risk taking to his gameplan.

Seriously one of the dumbest desicions on a character in this game. Other than that, even Necalli and Chun's don't bother me too much. Chun's should probably be brought down a slight notch though.

I'm glad that Capcom is waiting a year to balance the game as I don't see any really glaring problems, and I hope they take actual character performance into account, instead of just community feedback.

Also this though. The game is actually surprisingly well balanced even after long term settling, and I'm really glad they're letting that happen rather then nerfing/buffing shit people yell about every month. Honestly it just needs a few very simple changes to each character, some characters are damn near perfect as is.

The "Super" version of this game is going to be extremely interesting. I hope they don't go too far with balancing, but they seem to have been pretty on point with it so far.
When's Watchmen vs. Capcom?


Endo Punk

Went on a mad spending spree with my fight money. From 450k down to 240k for whatever Capcom have planned for the remainder of the year.
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";218076497]...so it wasn't an opening?[/QUOTE]
Lmao...well yeah I suppose that's true. But generally I'd consider whiffing something with a lot of recovery and STILL being able to throw out a light and successfully AA me kinda bullshit. I can't think of any other game where I've had this issue this much.


Lmao...well yeah I suppose that's true. But generally I'd consider whiffing something with a lot of recovery and STILL being able to throw out a light and successfully AA me kinda bullshit. I can't think of any other game where I've had this issue this much.

It IS BS, I don't really understand why people have trouble seeing why people hate AA jabs.

[QUOTE="God's Beard!";218078369]It's not even a good anti air. It's basically just a combo move.[/QUOTE]

It seems like a decent anti air if you get it early, but yeah, relative to the other AAs in this game it's pretty ass.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";218079041]you're gonna get hit.[/QUOTE]
But its a good trade right?
And frankly all my fighters have shit jabs during enemy neutral jump.
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