Well, I come once again to this thread because I want some help dealing with sodium levels.
I was playing a few sets with a friend (in person) and we were having good fun , some of the better matches the 2 of us have had in SFV actually (because much more recently I've tried to get a bit better at the game but I still don't play enough) and well, 3 sets of best of 5 went by , onto the 4th set. I pick Cammy ( who I can barely use) and my friend picks R.Mika (he's not bad) , I won a game, he won a game and then in the third game I actually fluke out and manage a decent set up and throw out Cammy's CA , it hits but at the same time my friends Mika activated Vtrigger and some odd kind of interaction prevents the CA from hitting 100% (which would have done enough to kill), so instead of getting what should have been a sure fire win I lose all momentum , flabberghasted that the game could be so unfair and proceed to get mika'd into the corner and mixed up and then I lose.
In the back of my mind all rational thought evaporates and I just pick up my stick and toss it at the floor so hard that 4 buttons pop out and kick it for good measure. Thankfully, and against all that I should deserve after treating my stuff like a toddler would - the buttons all popped back into place and everything still works.
The thing is - I'm a goddamned adult - why did I get so angry about a stupid video game and what should I do short of giving up on the game entirely to prevent such outbursts ? I've always been this way and anytime I think I'm getting better with managing it , I just pop off again. Now, I mean - Mike Ross did the same thing on a live twitch stream (which perhaps not coincidentally was his last filmed episode of capcom pro talk) but I just ... hate myself so much AFTER blowing up like this.
I mean, this shit happens in a few things (I gave up on bloodborne at the second boss after losing 30 times, I broke a dual shock 4 getting stuck at a few frustrating parts of uncharted 3 a few months back) but nothing seems to set me off more than losing in a competitive game when I feel like I've done nothing wrong or that something should have worked. It's just frustrating , so I turn to the more experienced collective membership of SFV GAF to ask - what should I do ? What's worked in the past ? I don't want my friend (who is like 80% of my SF gametime in multiplayer) to worry about me just up and snapping anytime he wins because it's not fun for anyone , not to mention the property damage. So how do I stop that anger from surfacing so readily ?