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GGs guys. Gonna get some sleep... after these fight jitters go down.
GGs everybody. I guess if the host leaves it disconnects the whole match? I have to get going anyway. Thanks for the games.

Next time.
If there's a match going on when the host leaves, the match stops midway, goes back to the lobby with a different host.
*Gets home, boots up sf, decides to check top ten, sees yuhi hikali is back on the board!... And he's maining Birdie...

What the hell is going on in this world?!?


watching your own replays and seeing all the mistakes is such a facepalm lol. Been a bit since I have done this many and damn I am fkin free to walk up throw.
I just had the most scary match of my life against a Ken. No, he wasn't a smart Ken like the Trinity. No, I'm talking about the most YOLO Ken ever. DPs from half screen away, blocks a jab then DPs, blocks a jump in, DP, HK Tatsu then DP, Light tatsu DP, Whiff DP then EX DP. I was never more terrified in my life. How the hell do these people function?


Not really, I'm fucking garbage. Played well against GAF players tonight... then promptly lost 3 straight in ranked. Considering I've got fuck all for LP, thats kind of sad.

Sometimes it takes a character to put the fire under your ass. I know I'd be pretty ass at SF if I didn't have Mika in this game. I always think I can play Ryu until I play someone good and then I get bodied, but with Mika I've got a gameplan. Maybe you just need a character who can make you more of a threat. Or just practice punishes in the lab.


Not really, I'm fucking garbage. Played well against GAF players tonight... then promptly lost 3 straight in ranked. Considering I've got fuck all for LP, thats kind of sad.

where do you live Xeteh?(netcode pls) My LP fluctuates all over the place from Mid Silver back to Super Bronze on any given day. I'll play some matches with you then we can talk about it. It's the best way to learn, same as going to look at your replays and writing down the mistakes, and what you did really well.

They need multiplayer training mode so bad.


Unconfirmed Member
Just reading yous guys' comments makes me wanna play some GAF fights so bad.

Gonna add Captain_Marvel tonight if I can get on.
If you're based in Japan (or Asia) feel free to add Bobio_JP.
If I'm on it'll usually be for an hour or so before midnight.
Does Clockwork play this game? Just wondering because I beat his Ibuki twice and I wanted to mention it because he's a known players lol. The person did go by "Clockw0rk". He seemed like he's still learning the game or the character. But it was just two games and they were both kind of laggy.

On another note, I gotta say I'm have so much fun with Ryu lately. I always found him fun, but finding all these cool little gimmicks and tricks along with all the parry experimentation I've been trying has made playing him even more fun to play. Which is also why I'm so afraid of what might happen to him whenever the next update takes place. I'm loving this character so much but all the complaining about him plus the memories I had during the various SF4 updates(which was nerf city for the most part) have given me a sense of dread about what might happen to my boy by the end of the year(or whenever that balance patch rolls out).


Wha happened?
People in FGC thread saying it needs to die? Lol ignore that, just salt.

no, even shoryuken is painful to read sometimes, instead of discussing people just whining a lot, as example Juri thread, ppl went into theoretic craft so deep that they can't accept the way Capcom went with her


no, even shoryuken is painful to read sometimes, instead of discussing people just whining a lot, as example Juri thread, ppl went into theoretic craft so deep that they can't accept the way Capcom went with her

Until someone wins a major with the character all the people playing will say Juri is trash. And even if you see a Juri win Capcom Cup the playe rbase will still think she's trash for X reasons. People thought characters like Akuma, Elena, E.Ryu and more were trash in SFIV until someone won something. Happens in most fighting games. Just have to ignore them and have fun getting better while they cry.


Until someone wins a major with the character all the people playing will say Juri is trash. And even if you see a Juri win Capcom Cup the playe rbase will still think she's trash for X reasons. People thought characters like Akuma, Elena, E.Ryu and more were trash in SFIV until someone won something. Happens in most fighting games. Just have to ignore them and have fun getting better while they cry.

Yeah, that's a wise suggestion, but getting better is a difficult part

Mr. X

Until someone wins a major with the character all the people playing will say Juri is trash. And even if you see a Juri win Capcom Cup the playe rbase will still think she's trash for X reasons. People thought characters like Akuma, Elena, E.Ryu and more were trash in SFIV until someone won something. Happens in most fighting games. Just have to ignore them and have fun getting better while they cry.
People thought Nash and Mika were middling for a while. It was Chun, Ryu, Necalli, Cammy, Ken up there. I felt like one of the rare people saying Nash and Mika were Top 5 (Nash mainly because I hate Chun v Nash as a Chun)

Hyun Sai

People thought Nash and Mika were middling for a while. It was Chun, Ryu, Necalli, Cammy, Ken up there. I felt like one of the rare people saying Nash and Mika were Top 5 (Nash mainly because I hate Chun v Nash as a Chun)

Seeing Infiltration stream in the early days was all it took to convince me that in no way that elusive character was mid tiers ^^.

It took a while before people aknowledged Ken though.


Played a local buddy last night (sorry for the invite I got here, lastnight, I waited 10-20 minutes 'fore accepting local buddy). Turns out he was a Platinum Nash.

I beat him and then had to deal with hearing that "Nash is weak to Bison."

I never thought he was, so figured I'd ask the experts here. I am far too biased to have a valid opinion, tbh, so :).

I do think the fight is footsie based.
Honestly, I'm not sure. Bison v Nash in this game ... well it's not necessarily a BAD matchup for Bison, there are definitely worse.

But it's not a good matchup either. I'd honestly say it's kinda even.

Bison vs Guile is more Guile favoured as long as Guile isn't rampantly throwing out sonic booms.


I hope Capcom does some sort of re-release this fall that convinces more casuals to buy this game. Really frustrating how even in rookie rank everyone at least semi knows what they're doing. There's no sense of progression online, its just immediately super competitive.


I hope Capcom does some sort of re-release this fall that convinces more casuals to buy this game. Really frustrating how even in rookie rank everyone at least semi knows what they're doing. There's no sense of progression online, its just immediately super competitive.

I wouldn't hold your hopes up for an influx of complete newbies into this game. They would need to sell vanilla SF4 numbers for that.
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