Watch the replay, check the inputs, probably bHK
Oh yeah good idea. Thanks.
Watch the replay, check the inputs, probably bHK
Discovered that you can cancel lights into mediums while in v trigger.
Timing is a bit odd since I am used to chuin li v triugger
Discovered that you can cancel lights into mediums while in v trigger.
Timing is a bit odd since I am used to chuin li v triugger
every normal chains together in V trigger.
Every normal? Fuuuuck that's good.
You can chain everything, she can chain all 6 normals in vtrigger.
This pleaseBring back the dive kick pls
Bring back the dive kick pls
Juri's pinwheel is -3 when blocked Standing, and -8 when crouched. I knew there was no way it was just -3. That would have made it super abusable against some characters.
How does one get better at anti-airing.
How does one get better at anti-airing.
Practice, and sharpen your reactions.
How does one get better at anti-airing.
Get a tv with less input lag? Something I'm planning for this fall.
I need something more concrete now. I already play dozens of matches daily and spend a bunch of time in training mode. I won't get to where I need to by just running into a brick wall until it breaks anymore.
I play on a monitor: the Asus VH238H. It seems pretty good in terms of any input lag, so that's not it.
Maybe I'll have the Training mode dummy jump at me in various ways so that I can get accustomed to looking up at the air during a match. My defenses are too poor and it's not something that's ironing itself out by playing more matches.
Difference between PS4 and PC with v-synce off while playing online is about 1 frame. Even with v-synce off you still get ~115 ms of input delay while playing online.
I'm assuming you're talking about Balrog. If an opponent is jumpy a lot, sit back and bait the jump then anti-air it with St.MP. Anti-airing really is just getting better at reacting and knowing what move to use for each situation. If that's not what you want to hear, then I got nothing to tell you.
You can also do what Valle does sometimes and just spend an entire round not attacking, and just try to block, tech, and anti-air everything. Seems like a way to improve defense.
No, I got it!
Get a tv with a lot of input lag, practice on it until you feel insane, then go back to the monitor.
Weighted clothing methodology
Baiting the jump, I think, is what I need to do more of. I think it's less about reactionary AA, and more about anticipatory AA, and I've been going too much for the former.
I'm putting in too much time to be this bad at the game; I still don't have my basics down properly. There's something fundamental I've been missing that others who spend similar amounts of time are latching onto.
This sounds interesting. I've done it a couple of times against the lvl 8 CPU in Training mode, but doing it against an actual opponent might prove effective.
Ha, I wonder if that'd actually work. I've thought about how Training modes that let you increase the speed by 2x or something might actually improve one's reactions when they go back to the normal speed for normal matches, since everything appears slower, naturally.
Throw the jab. ^_~How does one get better at anti-airing.
Her theme sucks. I'm disappointed we didn't get that horrific-style theme from her preview trailer.Juri's theme is uhh... a little unsettling? It played in the background after the update and seemed like there was static or buzzing right when the melody kicked in. I only figured out that was the melody the second time around because it's so understated. I appreciate that they tried to take it in a different direction, but I am not a fan of where it ended up.
Not dissing you, since you're a much better player than I am, but I'm truly surprised you have gotten this far without learning how to anti-air. It baffles me tbh.
Not dissing you, since you're a much better player than I am, but I'm truly surprised you have gotten this far without learning how to anti-air. It baffles me tbh.
Well if you run over people you don't have to look for anti airs as much perhaps
Throw the jab. ^_~
That is true. I really want to run my Nash vs him now, since I feel I improved 3x times the last time we played.
It's not simply about "learning how to anti-air." It's about "becoming an expert at anti-air." I'm sick of spending time with inefficient training methods that are ultimately useless and a waste of time. I need ways to effectively train in all the basics, from blocking, to anti-airing, to throw teching, to punishing, etc.
I'm not in this to simply "know" anymore and be moderate to above average at any of these elements. I need to be far better than that.
So I think I'm ass with Juri so far. I just can't seem to figure out all the right timings and windows for her combos. It also doesn't help that Mika's V-Skill isn't something I used often and now Juri has maybe one of the best V-Skills in the game.
Being able to save charge up on it for later seems good. Whether it will be good a month from now who knows.Is it the best?
Being able to save charge up on it for later seems good. Whether it will be good a month from now who knows.
Bruh...Man, this whole time I didn't know you could charge it so it's an actual teleport
I've only been using it for feints with dash
Being able to save charge up on it for later seems good. Whether it will be good a month from now who knows.
Exactly, it seemed to trick people a lot online but it's obviously because they're not used to it yet. I find a lot of her moves unsafe where as Mika has a lot of crazy pressure with not all the risk so I dunno. Her hit confirm in CA's are really good though, fast damage if you make the correct read.
All of Juri's specials except her fireball and pinwheel sometimes are unsafe
Pinwheel is the only special you want to use for pressure that you CAN'T cancel into fireball. It's a non-issue.