#SFV season 2
-Zangief: lariat works farther/vs crouching incl cr lp cr lp st lk xx lariat, no backroll after it (nothing else checked yet)
Gief lives?
#SFV season 2
-Zangief: lariat works farther/vs crouching incl cr lp cr lp st lk xx lariat, no backroll after it (nothing else checked yet)
WhatMore from david
Time to go back to cammy.
and nash's Vtrigger is now 3 bars
Good, I want my EX Cammy divekick to beat a standard DP. Lol
#SFV season 2
-Fang: in vtrigger special moves don't require charge time! haven't heard about anything else yet but doesn't mean there isn't
#SFV season 2
-Fang: in vtrigger special moves don't require charge time! haven't heard about anything else yet but doesn't mean there isn't
More from david
More from david
#SFV season 2
-Bison: st lk 3f, vtrigger lk scissors faster, target combo sped up but only links to st lk, don't know anything else yet
Holy shit, being able to dash forward upballs/trap sounds insane. His mobility would be off the fucking charts.
Any news on Bison buffs?
Asking for a distraught friend.
Ah I expected them to give bison a st. jab 3f, by st. short is much better. ����
Sounds like they doing wayyyy too many changes.
Sounds like they doing wayyyy too many changes.
'Tis the season (2)Sounds like they doing wayyyy too many changes.
No more than they have with version changes in the past.
Well, this is the time to do them. Right after Capcom Cup.
Worst part about air target combo with Karin is I couldn't get it to hit grounded for 2 hits. Only works if you hit them in the air
That EX DP thing is only fine if you can't get CC'd on recovery.
I'm going to laugh so much seeing people try and jab me out of the air outta habbit and fail more than not.
I'm going to laugh so much seeing people try and jab me out of the air outta habbit and fail more than not.
MRW waiting for Urien changes:
#SFV season 2
-Ryu: startup for some normals is slowed down for non-vtrigger, but in vtrigger his frame data is actually better
TS|Sabin ‏@nycfurby
Dhalsim stand fierce is now a crush counter don't fireball him
Ryu changes sound nice, let's see how well they work in practice.Some Ryu and more Sim stuff