I got a hot batch of frames coming in fresh from Asia.Yawl got those patch notes yet? *scratches neck*
I got a hot batch of frames coming in fresh from Asia.Yawl got those patch notes yet? *scratches neck*
I think the game is pretty easy.
I'm on the " complicate the game more" side actually .
I would pay.... a large amount of people , to convince someone to humor the idea of selectable supers.
I feel like that's how you add depth to a game, particularly like street fighter. Depending on what super you choose you now have to plan for that .
I don't know about V skill because those actions seem quite specific for characters, like what would Balrogs alternate V skill be?
I think the game is pretty easy.
I'm on the " complicate the game more" side actually .
I would pay.... a large amount of people , to convince someone to humor the idea of selectable supers.
I think the game is pretty easy.
I'm on the " complicate the game more" side actually .
I would pay.... a large amount of people , to convince someone to humor the idea of selectable supers.
I think selectable supers is in Capcom s mind all the time but it is a thing of resources
Yeah, new V-Skills and V-Triggers would be much more interesting.
But they need to have character select online again if they're going to introduce that.
Well that would defeat half their purpose. I think the idea would be to have your dedicated V-System pick against certain characters to add depth to it.they could just add the option to select v-skills/trigger like they do with costumes from the menu
Well that would defeat half their purpose. I think the idea would be to have your dedicated V-System pick against certain characters to add depth to it.
Well that would defeat half their purpose. I think the idea would be to have your dedicated V-System pick against certain characters to add depth to it.
Dunno! But since there's so much focus on them, I'm hoping they really buff the vskills that are pretty useless/bad right now.
I think selectable supers is in Capcom s mind all the time but it is a thing of resources
Trying to play some Balrog and...
Is it just me or this ain't a good character
True, the thing about focus attacks is that while they are the same, they served the same function
V skills, are different but a lot of them are kind of bad. I think Nash needs 2 teleport attempts.
Invest that shit
I love him he has flaws though, what don't you like about him?
I dislike his charging low punch cause I don see much use for it compared to the old charging uppercut
Similarly the flash kick move dunno what is for, and I guess I should be using the v skill to dodge and punish but don't got the hang of it yet
Also charging punch move is v bad on block except from long distance which is annoying
The bit about the 0-10 exhibition against Daigo is pretty interesting. That really hit him hard.
The bit about the 0-10 exhibition against Daigo is pretty interesting. That really hit him hard.
prep time daigo stays undefeated
Except against Kbrad
he prepped for Guile not for Cammy b
Has anybody posted this. His vskill doesn't take Gray life. So PSX wasn't final build???
It also confirms that you can still do his normal super while in V-Trigger.https://www.youtube.com/shared?ci=WFX7Y7DltCg
Has anybody posted this. His vskill doesn't take Gray life. So PSX wasn't final build???
I've been saying this for a while now.So PSX wasn't final build???
I've been saying this for a while now.
Which is why the wait for the patch notes is fucking killing me.
It could also be that video is an older build than psx.
Has anybody posted this. His vskill doesn't take Gray life. So PSX wasn't final build???
It could also be that video is an older build than psx.
Has anybody posted this. His vskill doesn't take Gray life. So PSX wasn't final build???
Has anybody posted this. His vskill doesn't take Gray life. So PSX wasn't final build???
I really doubt they'd do that for a intro video.
It could also be that video is an older build than psx.
Has anybody posted this. His vskill doesn't take Gray life. So PSX wasn't final build???
I'm guessing this means giefs vskill won't take grey life either.
The intro video needs a little more time to be ready so it would not be rare they managed to do changes before the video was ready.
Besides they may have wanted the video to be ready some days before cut just in case
Have they ever had erroneous information in the intro videos? It's such a glaring thing to put in since it changes his playstyle drastically if he can use it without having to worry about grey life.
In the video they mentioned that canceling certain moves would build V-Gauge. Weren't the only ways to build that gauge before by taking damage or using V-skill?
Also, what was that chargeove he used in the video? Looked like a focus attack.
I mean, they called it a single hit parry, and parry usually implies no damage.
His taunt! lol.
I think it meant you could only parry one hit. Unlike Zangief who has a 2-hit parry.
Muscle power!! 💪Oh snap.
I wouldn't currently call Gief's a parry though since it takes a lot of grey damage, it's more like armor.
Hoping she gets the nostalgia costume cuz it looks dope as hell in that engine.That juri mod is released to the public now
It works on the story mode costume slot